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Parick H. Bellringer

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  From: PM 
Sent: Thursday, February 11, 2010 1:24 PM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10

 Patrick, First off let me thank you for this great site and all you do; it is greatly appreciated!!My question is in regards to an article posted here: (Constitutional courts vs. Statue courts) by TCK.

 Where does one get an official copy of the Constitution of the U.S and Bill of Rights to sign and notarize? To which Fed or State Dept. would one send these copies to? How does one go about checking the Oath of Office of a judge or pros. attorney? Any help in answering these questions would be of great help. You can e-mail me back any time you like. Thanx again. PM

[ Ref:  "Constitutional Courts vs. Statute Courts" ]
FROM:  Anne Bellringer
     TO:  TCK
DATE:  Feb. 12, 2010
Dear TCK:
    Can you help out this reader?  Thanks so much.
                            Anne Bellringer
----- Original Message ----
From: TCK
Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2010 8:41 PM
Subject: Re: Constitutional Courts vs Statute Courts REPLY

I much appreciate your efforts at Fourwinds10. These are heavy burdens we carry these days. I wish you and Patrick "love" as that will conquer all.

In reply to PM, obtaining a copy of the US Constitution and Bill of Rights is easy.....just go to any number of US government sites listed in a Google (or other) search engine. Print copies form there.

The copies would have to be signed in front of a registered Notary, judge or other legal official. These are usually marked "Original" or "Official True Copy" or words to that effect.

Filing of copies will depend on your local situation but is normally with your local government, court house, police, etc. and then with the Federal Government in much the same manner.

A recent article by Paul Verge will lead to some interesting sites (see below) but this approach in my opinion leads to a conflict between a "Free Man on the Land vs the Corporation", whereas, my approach is more simply a choice of government (Constitutional vs Corporate). Governments are all "fictions" but it is our choice as to which fiction we wish to live under. Signing the Constitution gives you that clear choice and one which US courts and US employees (particularly the military) must uphold based on their Oath of Office.

Do understand that there are NO Constitutional Courts now, thus in any conflict you will be dealing with a Statute Court and Statute Law (Corporate/Admiralty Law) so engage a stupid lawyer to file with the Statute Court your signed Constitution papers and as your strawman representative, he will be liable for any adjudication against your strawman (and not you). This is a legal screw up that has to be done in a particular way so be careful and know the law before you go spouting off.

This whole process is not an easy thing to do unless there are millions of Americans who stand up and sign the Constitution. It, of course, starts with YOU.....then your friends.....and their friends.....and then we have mass Tea Party Signings. Please spread the word and do the work. WE have to choose. WE have to do. Talk this up with family and friends. Bring it to work. Talk to your officials. Start pushing the buttons. You will see the change.


Here are Paul's contacts:


Paul Verge has written and performed for,, and while labouring as a Filmmaker in Vancouver, Canada.  His company, Divergentfilms has produced Paul's documentary films, "Hijacking Humanity", and the brand new "Believers Beware", which both feature Henry Makow, Ph.D.