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Parick H. Bellringer

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   From: FW
Sent: Monday, February 15, 2010 8:20 AM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10


 Hi Patrick and Anne,

 Thank you for the beautiful work at keeping this website educational for us truthseekers.

 The PHOENIX jOURNALS specifically say that Mother Earth is moving toward ascension.  I am grateful that more and more people are being enlightened.  I pray daily to raise my vibrations so as to be among those who will be evacuated by Sananda\'s fleet of starships.

 However, is it possible that if humanity should reach a certain critical mass of enlightenment that evacuation won\'t be necessary because we, as lightworkers ask for peace and cleansing of Mother Gaia through technology rather than the aggressive cleansing and major cjhanges described in the Journals? That the Golden Age is upon us as the Dark is being defeated and new technologies are slowly being introduced.  We read that Nesara and the banking changes will help to abolish world wide poverty.  Perhaps I am looking into other sources that are tainted with Newe Age theories.

 What is your opinion about this?  I have been reading the \"The Wisdon of the Rays\" volumes. The readings farom these volumes as well as those in the Contact papers don\'t seem to be as harsh as those in the Journals.

 Could you please clarify my thinking about these end times. Whatever will be will be and I prepare daily to grow spiritually and radiate daily the peace and love in asmuch as I can to be ready for \"lift off\".

 Also, your website is still showing the updates through Feb. 13.  I don\'t remember what Anne told me about updating the articles.

 Thank you for your devotion to truth.  Many blessings to you both.



FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  FW
DATE:  Feb. 15, 2010
Dear FW:
    We honor you for your enlightenment.  Yes, there are signs of recovery and good intentions to assist our planet to heal, but Sananda makes it quite clear in the Phoenix Journals that Mother Earth had passed the point of recovery some time ago.  Our efforts will not bring her back to health.
    Secondly, this time is different from past earth-change cycles, where our planet was cleansed and returned to a 3D life.  She is going into 5D, where nothing of 3D frequencies (or 4D) can remain.  There is much hype about building the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth again by our efforts.  This would still be a 3D civilization, and the big question is, "how do you remove the evil?"  How do you remove the darkness and the energies of the Anti-Christ in a freewill world still in third dimension?
    Know that the "Golden Age" shall be extablished on Earth Shan, as promised by Creator God, and the higher frequencies of the fifth dimension will not allow any lower ferquencies of evil to exist.  Therefore, only those, who have passed their tests of living The Laws of God and The Creation and have graduated into 5D and higher dimensions, shall be allowed into Earth Shan's "Golden Age".
                            In Love and LIght,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
#1  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: NM
Sent: Thursday, February 18, 2010 6:01 AM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10

 Concerning the Golden Age...How do we know when we have passed our tests and we can now move on to 5D?  My experience of this, I hope, was about 5 months before my 50th birthday.  I heard a voice say,"You are done.  Life going forward will not be as hard.\"  Life hasn\'t been as hard as I have experienced in the earlier parts of my life.  It\s as if I have earned my "wisdom wings".  Is this what it means to have graduated to 5D status?  Thanks so much!

FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
      TO:  NM
DATE:  Feb. 19, 2010
Dear NM:
    Thanks for writing.  We still live in a 3D civilization, though many of us have reached the high 4D frequencies, as has our planet.  We do not graduate into 5D until we return to the Astral Plane (4D) and judge ourselves before Creator God.  If we have learned our lessons and passed every test, then it is that we graduate and move into the fifth dimension to continue our journey back to Creator Source. We go to the Astral Plane when we die a physical death in 3D, or when we board the ships in the evacuation of Shan that is coming soon.
    I believe what you experienced, when a voice said, "you are done", was the completion of your mission and/or your lessons.  Prior to returning to this 3D lifestream, each of us made a contract with Creator God concerning our mission and our lessons in soul growth to be learned "this trip".
    You can know the answer to your question by asking your God Spirit within.  May you cross the "finish" line with colors flying!
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer