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Patrick H. Bellringer

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  From: CR
Sent: Friday, February 05, 2010 4:43 PM


 Hello Patrick,

 Although I appreciate your dedication to truth, I have noticed some contradictions in the information you present. namely, the fact that you consistently intone that \"Darkness always loses. The light is always triumphant" which we can see is quite debatable. if darkness always loses, why did the first two "Grand Experiments" fail? Evil runs rampant on our planet today, stymieing the good efforts of 90% of the planet's people. We need a \"forceable detainer" against these minions from the landlord, a useful intercession that at last abolishes evil from this Eden, where it should never have been allowed to flourish with its genocidal pestilence in the first place.

 I appreciate your kind response,

 A white knight in turmoil.


FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
      TO:  CR
DATE:  Feb. 6, 2010
Dear CR:
    Thank you for your letter and most interesting question.  Hopefully, you know that both Darkness and Light are necessary for a 3D schoolroom to exist, where we learn our lessons in soul growth by our freewill choices between Darkness and Light or between evil and Goodness.  In the Divine Plan there are no contradictions.  The human problem is in the perception of that Plan.
    The first two Grand Experiements failed to throw evil off Earth Shan forever, but that does not mean that the Lightworkers failed as individuals.  Those of us, who are Returned Masters, would not be "masters" here, now, if we had failed our lessons in soul growth.  In the last two Grand Experiments evil did not win and conquer Shan.  Evil keeps going today because it has not won!  Had evil won, there would no no Light, no Goodness here today.
    Winning and losing are determined partially by our perception of them and of time.  Has evil won the day on our planet?  Not yet!  Has evil won in your space and mine?  No!  Our perception is that evil is winning on our planet and will declare victory very soon, when in reality the Light is winning and Satan has already been thrown off Shan, his jail planet, forever.  We are now in the process of cleaning up his mess.  Always and ultimately the Light wins!  Prove it otherwise, my friend!
    If evil wins in your space, that is your problem.  If evil wins in your community and anywhere else, that is partly your fault because all is connected.  Evil is allowed existence by Creator God for our choices and lessons, but if I defeat evil in my space and you defeat evil in your space, and others do the same, the potential is for evil to cease to exist in our world.
    We have the creative power within, as a group of souled-beings, to conquer evil.  That is happening!  Look around you.  Everywhere Truth is being revealed, and the Darkside's Plans are in tatters.  The year 2000 was to have been the time for the One World Order to completely control Shan.  That was ten years ago!  What happened?  Truth has slowed them down!  They operate in secret, but their secrets have been exposed.
    The Darkside has used clones for eons to win, and today more than ever before, but the few souled-beings, who have awakened, are holding the Light of Truth for all to see, and are winning.  The Light has prevailed inspite of the Darkness.
    The Darkside has used the media to fool many into believing that all is Darkness.  They have used the the media to present their lies and to create fear and hopelessness.  Even the Casper Updates are seen by many mind-controlled slaves to Darkness as disinformation and lies.  These tricks to fool the Lightworkers have failed.
    We know differently.  Through our discernment, through our God Spirit within we know the battle for Shan has turned in our favor.  So, as Truthbringers and Lightworkers, we keep marching forward to complete our mission.  On our freeewill planet, Shan, we must have that choice.  Shall we finally defeat evil on Shan?  Yes, if we have time.
    The other option is for Shan to dump the evil for us, and that is now the Divine Plan.  Shan has been so decimated by her inhabitants for eons of time and is now fighting for her very life.  Shan cannot hold stable much longer and shall soon do major cleansing of evil from her to save her life.  Regardless, ultimately the Light wins, sir!  The Light always wins!  We do have a "forceable detainer", sir, and "intercession", as well as intervention, in a grand way are in process at this very moment in time by the Forces of Light, sir!
    Eden is being restored!
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
#1  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: CC
Sent: Saturday, February 06, 2010 12:50 PM
You've mentioned many times that in order to raise one frequencies, one must follow the
Laws of God and Creation as well as helping others.  I sincerely believe that by negating the influence of the dark side using the method discussed in the Phoenix Operator Owner Manual "if you feel the whisperings of the anti-Christ, you can demand in the name of Jesus Christ Sananda that all fragments of Satan leave me presence immediately" is another method of raising one's frequency.    This shows our creative power within to conquer evil.
FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  CC
DATE:  Feb. 6, 2010
Dear CC:
    Thank you for your comment.  You a re totally correct.  When we order out the negativity, we must be sure to fill the space with the positive energy of Light, which automatically raises the frequencies of yourself and all within your space.
    We must constantly be on guard against the "whisperings of the anti-Christ, also known as temptations, that would pull us off our pathway of Light,
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
#2  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: RT
Sent: Saturday, February 06, 2010 3:17 PM

"Thank you for your letter and most interesting question. Hopefully, you know that both Darkness and Light are necessary for a 3D schoolroom to exist, where we learn our lessons in soul growth by our freewill choices between Darkness and Light or between evil and Goodness. In the Divine Plan there are no contradictions. The human problem is in the perception of that Plan."

Here is my perception Patrick, " All that lies between the two poles in the world of form is light in its constitution whether it be a pleasing form or a corrupted form. All matter is composed of energy or light waves intermingling. All thoughforms are just that, light waves grouped into forms appearing as the expression. As you say in your explanation above, 'It is all in the perception'. It matters not which end of the spectrum between the poles we are disscusing, the fact remains that whatever forms considered are composed of light.

So it is entirely appropriate to say that light is over all and is the All in All. Further, from this it can be said that the light wins within the idea of polarity which is to say that something is obviously greater than nothing. Do you see? The idea of evil is an idea, and the idea must be composed of light. Because we are co-creators with the source of all things it is apparent that the qualities of good or bad are perceptions learned and accepted by the perceivers.

For a dimension to be a school of learning it is at first necessary that there is a sovereign integral within the continuum to perceive a measured amount of the all in all and to be aware of only a part of it and not all of it at once.The movement within this continuum in whatever direction can be said to be the learning curve of the sovereign integral in either its expansion or contraction. From this it can be extrapolated that to contract is detrimental to the perception of the One in that the sovereign integral becomes isolated from unity with the one and to expand is to increase consciousness of unity with the One.

I've heard it said that the way to increase personal power is to expand ones consciousness outward and inward till there is total unity consciousness.

The work of a Sage or a Teacher is to dispell incorrect thinking in the minds of men and not to choose weapons and go blow for blow against the violence and corrupted passions of the people. To do that it would be as if a smaller version of the labeled evil attacks the larger version of itself and enmity and violence would continue until the smaller looses the struggle. Oroboros is the name given to the dragon that eats its own tail and forms a figure eight as it does so symbolizing eternity.

To the point then, It has always been said by those of the higher light that enlightenment can be achieved at any point within a sovereign integrals experience with or without the need to rise step by step developmentaly. Correctness of perception is all that is required and not an arduous journey upward. Of course it is that those who are immersed in corrupted thoughtforms by and large need to be released a little at a time but it is not required with no exeptions to the rule.To be always learning is not what the creator had in mind when the plan of the creation was concieved. It has been necessary to learn because the teachings were corrupted so as to draw out the struggle through time. This is because of vampiristic societies who must feed off the soul essence of lighted ones who are less advanced to continue and so purposfully keep a timeline active through lies and dissinformation or out and out enslavement.

I hope I am not being unnecessarily complicated in my efforts to bring light into this but there it is anyway.

I took a break for breakfast and a great truth dawned on me when I realized that it is not mentality that is at issue in arrising from the depths of matter but LOVE which is the real issue and anyone at any time can love despite differences of opinion and this is what is required for the sovereign integral to pass through the gate. Isnt it Annubis who weighs the initiates heart and if it is not lighter than a feather they cannot pass? All the mental games we have to deal with on this plane are just waves of light but the true test of Man is His/Her ability to love and not heir agility at mental gymnastics. Mental focus is surely a quality of the enlightened mind but its the increased ability to love without exception that brings the mind into the correct focus.

This begs the question,What is it that has created this lack of Love /Light? It is the focusing on matter to the exclusion of all else that brings about the fall from grace and the subsequent need to arrise once again from the depths. It is the work of the Masters to bring reason, a mental attribute, into the dark recesses of the fallen ones minds that they can ballance their perceptions and thus be enabled to love despite mental differences or differences in elevation or appearance. All is surely light but in some instances love is lacking where there is non the less light. So there is a lower and a higher Light.

Higher Light civilizations in Space are the Benevolent ones who are the Host of God and lower light civilizations are the service to self civilizations who we should turn away from as they lack the love quotient.

Under the present circumstances here on Earth it has become exceedingly difficult to discern just who the truely benevolent civilizations are as they all speak similar lingo and from what we can hear from them they all seem to be in support of our betterment and release from the darkness of ignorance and evil. What we dont have as yet is a measuring stick to guage these various ET groups by because the interaction so far has been almost totally through channels and not face to face so that we can FEEL their intent and the Love they may or may not have. Discernment is very limited because of this and the masses can easily be missled. The Master Esu once said "By their fruits ye shall know them" but so far there are no perceived benevolent activities that can be used to measure their intent.We are told this and that but most have no idea of activities initiated by them that can bring this into a focus that can be used as a measure of true intent.

I have asked my Angels to clarify for me who is who in this play and am reminded that ALL is ONE and so I back off from my wondering about it for awhile but on reading your missive this morning I was inspired to write. I know this is kind of long and partly contradictiory but the human mind has both poles and so as was once said by a great writer, Henry Miller I think, on being caught in a contradiction in conversation at a party " I Am Great, I contain the multitudes".

You are the only one I know who may be able to benefit from my mental masturbation and so I send it off to you not really expecting an answer or a critique as such but if you see that I am fogbound please feel free to set me straight. You may do as you wish with this post. In Love and Light may we all be free and deeply in Love, RT

FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  RT
DATE:  Feb. 7, 2010
Dear RT:
    Thank you for your letter.  I am not one to write many words and great phrases that say nothing of note, so I shall be direct in my response to your comments.
    In our freewill world everyone has the right to their own perceptions and opinions of the Divine Plan, or even to question what truth is.  Libraries have been written by theologians and philosophers about what they think the Divine Plan is and what they think about it.  This search for Truth has gone on for eons of time, and today it continues, even by the generation of the New Agers.
    One last time Creator God has given us the Truth in the form of the Phoenix Journals to set our opinions and perceptions straight.  He is not concerned about our perceptions and opinions of the Truth, but that we find it, and understand and live.  Most trash the journals because God does not communicate that way, and the journals do not agree with their perceptions.  So be it!
    My friend, you are confused, "fogbound" as you say in your perceptions, as are most people, concerning Light, evil, learning, etc.  Let me expalin.
    1.  Truth is simple!   If what is said is confusing, lacks clarity and can be easily misinterpreted, it is not Truth.
    2.  Creator Source is pure Light.
    3.  All is created by thought from Light.
    4.  There is no corrupted form of Light, or lower or lessor Light.  There is only Light, and that which opposes Light, called Darkness, is the absence of Light.
    5.  Creator Source is perfection.  Until we have experienced all, and learned all our lessons, and returned to Source, do we come into perfection. 
    6.  Creator Source created Sons of Light.  Creator God Aton of Light is such a one.  Aton created the Nebadon Universe in which we live, even though He has not yet reached perfection.
    7.  Darkness represents evil, the anti-Light, the anti-Christ.
    8.  Evil is very real, and is not a figment of anyone's imagination, or someone's idea.
    9.  The Cosmos is orderly and operates by Cosmic Laws.
    10.  The Laws of Balance provide for harmony and balance throughout Creation.
    11.  There are eighteen Laws of God and the Creation for harmony and balance on our planet earth, called Shan (Cosmic name, meaning planet of tears).
    12.  "The Highest Command of the Law of Creation is:  Achieve the wisdom of knowledge inasmuch as this will enable you to wisely follow the Laws of The Creation".
    13.  "The Highest Command of the Law of God is:  "You shall Honor God as the Ruler of the human races and follow His Laws for He is the 'King of Wisdom'."
    14.  Therefore, to reach perfection and return to Creator Source and become One again, our task is to learn and to live the Laws of God and Creation.  These are given to us by Aton in Phoenix Journal #27.
    15.  Through our God Spirit within we are connected to the creative thought-power and Light of Creator Source.  Our God Spirit will guide us, give us power and reveal all Truth and lie, if we allow it.
    We may by freewill choice take detours and follow our perceptions and interpretations of the Laws of God and The Creation, but everyone must pass the same tests of living these Laws before graduating into the fifth dimension or what is called Heaven.  It is true that the teachings by Esu Immanuel were corrupted deliberately by the Darkside to delay our enlightenment, but now that we have them again in these "Last Days", we have no excuse for not learning and living them to the best of our abilities.
    You speak of Love, a word that has been and is widely misunderstood today.  Eros in Greek is the level of sexual attraction and love, Phileos is the love of family, husband and wife, friends, while Agape is the Love of Creator God for His Creation, for us and us for Him.  This is unconditional Love, the Love that encompasses the Laws of God and The Creation.
    Though we strive toward it, until we have reached perfection, it is impossible for us to Love unconditionally.  We may say we Love unconditionally, but that does not mean we are keeping all of the eighteen Laws.  These Laws were given to us to spell our clearly in detail how to live in haromony and balance.
    You say we have no "measuring stick" to measure intent, to measure Truth.  Wrong!  All souled-beings have their God Spirit within as their guide to measure all intent, Truth and lie.  Law # twelve says, "You must not judge others (Meaning to condemn their soul), but you must wisely judge all behavior and actions which are contrary to the Laws of Balance of God and The Creation".  Actions and behavior, most certainly, reveal the intent of the heart.  Discernment is only as limited as your ability to communicate with your God Spirit within.
    Indeed, by our fruits we are known, both here and in the Realms of Light.  Be in peace!
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer