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Patrick H. Bellringer

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From: WM
To: "Bellringer" <>
Sent: Sunday, January 31, 2010 2:46 PM
Subject: Hello Central

 In the previously posted , Spiral to Economic Disaster, it is stated  that , if we find ourselves here for this sequence of events , it is  because we failed the" test" somewhere along the line. This places ones  lot , in quite a different perspective from that of a " Volunteer " or a "Volunteering Returned Master" . The  difference this might have on ones next placement could be quite significant .  Such  as  living  in a  cave  with people   named  Moog  and  Og , or somewhat  closer to the warmth of a sun and the place we all hope for. Since I don't think it's  possible to be both a failure and a Master, I would much appreciate your thoughts on this.


 Thank you.             In Love and Light                     W.M.


FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
      TO:  WM
DATE:  Feb. 4, 2010
Dear WM:
    Thank you for writing.  You may be mis-interpreting the quote from "Spiral to Economic Disaster".  As Returned Masters we had participated in the first two Grand Experiments of defeating evil on Shan, and each of those had failed to accomplish the goal of defeating the Darkside.  We failed those tests as a group but that does not mean that we are failures individually.
    We were chosen for this third Grand Experiment because of our abilities.  We are volunteers, and we were chosen from the group of volunteers to be here at this time.  Masters do fail at times, but eventually they pass their tests.  That is why they are called "Masters".  We have not failed in this third and last Grand Experiment on Shan.  The Light has won, Satan is now gone from Shan, and we are dealing with his minions, who are falling fast.
    Watch as the Divine Plan unfolds, and rejoice!
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
#1  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: RH
Sent: Saturday, February 06, 2010 2:07 AM
Subject: hello central: returned masters
Dear Patrick
      Over the years  in my meditations and encounters with those some call prophets . i have been told or informed how much of an honor from our Creator to live in this time. He trusts us with the greatest of responsibilities  of facing the worst the devil can throw at us and still be standing when the smoke cleared. Once a person goes thru the desert experience and faces their fears and temptations and defeats them, evil is never a strong personal threat to them again. i have seen many who thought they could but all of the great and small fell. They tried to minister to others when they were in more of a need of deliverance than those they tried to minister to. all they did was increase the problems of others and themselves.
       One thing puzzles me you say satan has been removed some time ago and all that is being done is the mop up of clearing out the lower minions. When did this happen and then who is the anti christ referred to in the books of Daniel and Revelation are they two different entities. and what about when the thousand years are finished satan is released from the pit for a short time and it ends with his final destruction.
  Can you elaborate on this a little as i have not finished the journals yet but i am working on it..




FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
      TO:  RH
DATE:  Feb. 6, 2010
Dear RH:
    Thank you for your letter.  Yes, when one has passed his or her tests, that one emerges stronger as a person, and the test is no longer a problem.  One can then move on to a higher level in wisdom and living the Laws of God and Creation.
    When one advances in enlightenment the Darkside will work even harder to pull that person down, for those with the greatest Light and Truth are the greatest threat to the Darkside.  If one does not guard against such attacks by the Adversary, even the greatest may fall.
    As described in the Phoenix Journals, the Anti-Christ is not a specific person but the force of evil.  Anything that stands against Goodness, that runs counter to "Christness" or the Truth, the principles that Esu (Jesus) Immanuel taught, is the Anti-Christ.
    Satan is the name given to Lucifer, once he had departed the Realms of Light and became the representative of evil.  Believe me, Satan was released from the "pit" and has already done his worst on Shan, and was removed in 1998, never to return.  Now his minions are carrying on his evil work, trying to win against the Light.  As Hatonn says in the Phoenix Journals, the evilness these minions have caused on Sahn is way beyond what even Satan could imagine.
    The reign of Darkness is about to end on Shan.  We are living in over-time and beyond 2012 by over three years.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer