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Patrick H. Bellringer

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  From: PW
Sent: Wednesday, February 03, 2010 5:41 PM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10


 love and light to you always patrick and anne hopefully she is healing and doing well as i type this.

 my question is about baptism. Now i know sananda was baptized but i just have a friend who was really excited about getting baptized. she is very spiritual but still believes in alot of religious none-sense.

 is it something of signifacance today.

 second question, its a little difficult telling her the truth about sananda. She has had him appear to her before she even read the bible. she sees this as a sign to believe EVERYTHING in the book.

 my second question is should i continue being around her. or should i remove myself from her. her mind-pattern is almost similar to mine but she believes alot of religious none-sense.

 thanks Patrick i will pray for anne. love ya.   pw


FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
      TO:  PW
DATE:  Feb. 4, 2010
Dear PW:
    Thank you for your letter.  Baptism has different meanings according to religious beliefs, e.i. of the Roman Catholic Church and various Protestant denominations of Christianity, from saving your very soul to a statement of dedication to forgiveness of sins.
    Child baptism usually has more meaning for the parents in promising to raise the child according to Christian principles, than it does for the child.  Adult baptism usually is a public statement of dedication to living according to Christian principles.  Esu Immanuel's baptism by John the Baptist was symbolic in support of John's work of preparing the people for Esu's coming, as a Truthbringer.
    John's baptism of the peolpe in the Jordan River was a symbolic act of cleansing, a washing away of the past lies in preparation of the mind for teachings of Truth presented by the Truthbringer Esu Immanuel.  The point is the errors we make out of ignorance of Truth are not held against us, but once we know Truth, we are then accountable for what we do.  Baptism has merit today, if one is sincere about making a public statement of commitment to living The Laws of God and Creation.  All else attributed to baptism is foolishness.
    Only you must discern through your God Spirit within whether the energies/aura of your friend are pulling you from your chosen pathway or holding you back in your soul growth.  Negative people are seldom of benefit to you and will neutralize your positive energy, if you allow it.
    May you walk in wisdom.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer