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'HELLO, CENTRAL!' HEALING! (Updated Feb. 4, 2010)

Patrick H. Bellringer

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   From: JF
To: Bellringer
Sent: Sunday, January 31, 2010 7:57 PM
Subject: Question about Bob Ward
Hi Patrick and Anne!
I would like some guidance on paying for Bob Ward's help in my healing.
I'm experiencing a leaky gut problem, and have had to go on a gluten-free diet for the last year.  (I'm currently living in Hong Kong)
You recommended me to Marvin Robey, who's product (candid-x) has helped me tremendously.  I'm waiting for his CS generator in the mail right now.
However, I see Bob Ward up on your page every day, and never checked it out until today.  We're told constantly to be wary of people who charge for services such as his.  However, you must believe in him to keep him on your page.  
I wrote him today and asked him about the Trauma Release session ($85) vs. his photograph healing, and he wrote right back saying that indeed, my gut problem may be linked to mental, but if that didn't work, that the photo session might work.
What guidance can you give me on this?  I'm a little skeptical of someone else who is able to provide these fixes, especially with a photo, or over the phone. 
***  What is it he can do (and whom is he using on "the other side") to achieve these results, that I can't do by asking my healing angels - whom I believe in 100%  - to help me?  (And why am I not fully healed yet by asking my angels??)  My beliefs in the divine are strong - as I do believe I have divine protection (like you say we can get) - and indeed have experienced some truly A-M-A-Z-I-N-G things since "waking up" about 5 years ago.
What can he do that I'm not getting from my angels?  I'm confused.
Thank you for your insight!
Love and Light,
FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  JF
DATE:  Feb. 1, 2010
Dear JF:
    Thank you for your letter and question concerning Bob Ward and healing yourself.  All enlightened souled beings have the potential to heal themselves, and Bob Ward is no different than you or me before Creator God.  I am concerned that Bob Ward is now charging a fee rather than taking a donation for his work.  Yes, to my knowledge he is working with good intent and has helped many be remote healing.
    The "why" question is always a difficult one to answer.  Why cannot/are not you fully healed by the help of your Angels?  Does your soul contract call for this experience for your lessons?  We ask the same question for my wife, Anne, who has a leaky heart value.  Bob Ward offered to help her, but we see no change.  Is it her lack of faith, or his?  We have searched for answers, but have none.  We have used alternative medicine for years with great results, but Anne has yet to achieve full heart functioning.  We have petitioned the healing angels for help and Ascended Master Hilarion the healer and Esu Immanuel Sananda the Master Healer, but still the problem continues.
    We know that things happen to us to keep us focused or grounded or appréciative of the trials others experience.  I am not telling you what you want to hear, because I have no solid answer to your question.  I encourage you to continue to walk in faith and to do what you can and ask for Divine help for what you cannot do.
    A friend of mine in the Alternative Health field, Dr. Paul Klebs, called me recently and told me about a new product called ASEA, that is causing waves of excitement in its healing abilities for many kinds of health problems.  It is nothing more than sea salt in distilled water which is programmed with certain frequencies.  The webiste for more inforamton is:  You may wish to check out this new product.
    May you truly have the healing at this that you desire.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
#1  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: A&CM
Sent: Tuesday, February 02, 2010 4:00 AM
Subject: Hello Central-Healing
Today is my birthday. Today I am 60 years old. 60 feels good. It feels  stable. It somehow feels solid. I am writing concerning healing as there  was a time not long ago when reaching 60 looked like it was not going to  happen. I spent my 59th birthday in a nursing home. A few months prior  to that I was on life support in a coma, woke up, but remained under  intensive care, full life support for 2 months. All and all I spent  almost 6 months in 3 different hospitals and four months at the nursing  home. A whole lot of healing came in from many sources during the  duration of this medical journey, a journey my wife or myself never  wanted to take. Under the circumstances it was necessary. Much of this I  do not remember. My wife does. The medications, the morphine kept me in  a strange, surrealistic zone. It was very much a struggle to keep  connected to Creator God Aton.

This journey started with severe congestive heart failure where my heart  was only able to pump 10 ‰ to 15‰ of needed capacity. Due to potassium  poisoning I had a heart attack. Potassium tablets are routinely given  because the pills given to aid relief of excess fluid build up deplete  potassium. No one knew, not even me, that my body retained potassium  until after the heart attack ( a form of potassium is used to stop the  heart in death by lethal injection). Open heart surgery was the next  part of the events that took place. Due to other complications, emergency abdominal surgery for kinked (closed off) intestines took place. Due to  prolonged use of certain pills and general stress, my kidneys went into  shock and quit. I was a candidate for a heart transplant until the  kidneys quit. You can have a heart transplant if the kidneys are okay.  You can have a kidney transplant if the heart is okay, but not both.  That was okay with me. The transplant idea is something I have not  embraced. Dialysis became a regular even 3 times per week. By the time I  was transported to the nursing home I weighed 118 lbs. 6 months prior I  weighed 160 lbs. at 5'11". Somewhere before the nursing home time, I had  lost the use of my right hand due to surgery errors on my right arm  related to dialysis. Enough said about this.

Patrick, I could not agree with you more that the "why" parts of the  questions are the most difficult. As I was able to connect more and more  with my God Spririt within some of the "whys" were answered by Esu  Immanuel Sananda who was at my side and with my wife in help and support  as was Creator God Aton. In my case I hit a combination shot of karma,  soul contract, and not caring for or loving myself enough. In asking  about soul contract, Esu Immanuel Sananda told me that we all (souled  ones) get hints or glimpses about our soul contract along the way, but  to not know the entire sum is something we also agreed too. The example  he gave was this. When you are taking a final exam, do you want the  challenge and the merit of answering the questions yourself, or do you  want the answers ahead of time in order to pass the test. Having the  answers ahead of time is not passing the test.

What have my wife and myself learned from this medical journey? Many  many things. We are still discovering them. For one, my kidneys  recovered and I came off dialysis at the end of July 09. I do not

remember as a toddler what it was like to learn how to walk, learn how  to eat, learn how to talk, or even learn how to use the bathroom. Now I  remember for I had to relearn how to do all of these things when I was  59. Now I am 60 and all these things were just the beginning of miracles  and of healings which for me did not happen overnight or in an instance.  Each day is a gift. Each day brings healing. Does positive thought help?  Absolutely! Does prayer (communion) with Our Creator, Guardian Angels, or the  Ascended Masters help? Absolutely! Does not giving up help! Absolutely.  Do prayers from other people help? Absolutely!

Anne, I can really relate to what you are going through with your heart.  I know you have the support of the Heavenly Hosts and that of a very  loving husband. I am most fortunate to have that level of support from  my loving wife. My heart is getting stronger and has increased to 35‰  pumping capacity. My heart doctor, a very good one with compassion, is  not exactly sure about why it is getting stronger. We are! I am still on  permanent oxygen due to the heart and the lungs due to the addiction to  smoking a pipe. I had quit smoking 3 weeks before all this started. I  learned alot about denial and how it will get you and how an addiction  reflects lack of love or care for self.

JF, we send Love and Compassion to you in your healing journey. We know  now that certain kinds of suffering is a teaching/learning experience,  it involves many ingredients, and is a journey unique in many ways for  each person. My wife and I have gained, among other things, a much  deeper sense of empathy and compassion for our brothers and sisters who  are suffering. I weep more than I did before when tough news hits like  pirating of organs and children for profit in Haiti, or the vivid birth   defects in the Middle East from the war mongers depleted uranium  weapons. I also dance and weep for joy more when a daily victory for the  Light hits my screen. I will close this now. I also find I tend to write more now that I have  extra time!

In love and Light,


#2  (Reply)

----- Original Message -----
From: ki
Sent: Wednesday, February 03, 2010 3:34 PM
Subject: healing suggestion for JF
Check-out using Zeolite powder or capsules (NOT drops) to help irritable bowel, leaky gut, any intestinal's a volcanic ash powder ..........non-toxic., google very fast.I used to be a pharmacist, and for many years have been into alternative ways, Post some info on Zeolite......old remedy, for many uses.