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Patrick H. Bellringer

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 From: JL
Sent: Tuesday, January 19, 2010 4:32 PM
Subject: Confused! Obama represents the dark force?
Dear Patrick,

I was luckily run into your website today for the first time and read your materials most of the day.

However, I am very confused about Obama. From Sheldan Nidle's newletter updates of Sirian, Obama is on the light side with us. But you are saying the contrary. Please do explain more. Thank you very much.



FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  JL
DATE:  Jan. 20, 2010
Dear JL:
    Welcome to Fourwinds!  Law number twelve of the Laws of God and Creation, found in Phoenix Journal #27, states, "You must not judge (meaning to condemn) others, but you must wisely judge all behavior and actions which are contrary to the Laws of Balance of God and the Creation.
    Obama is an illigitimate child.  His mother was a CIA prostitute/agent.  His father is unkown.  Barack Obama, Sr. adopted him to cover his sorted past.  Obama, Jr. was raised by CIA and groomed and schooled to be Executive/CEO of the U.S. Corporation.  He lied and cheated his way into the U.S. Congress and into the Presicency.
    He has supported war, banking fraud, government corruption, and the trashing of "The People" with his taxation, government run Obama Health Care plan, homosexual education of chidlren in public schools, refuses to admit he was born in Kenya and thus not eligible to be president, and on and on---
    What do you not understand about this evil man, who is a puppet of the Illuminati?  Sheldan Nidle is a spokes person for the Sirians, whose goal is to make earth humans benevolent slaves.  They and their starships were ordered off Earth Shan by Creator God, never to return.  Nidle's updates contain coded messages for Sirians, who remain here to carry on their agenda.
    I cannot tell you what to believe.  I can only tell Truth, and then you must decide what you will accept or reject.
    Barack Obama is definitely not a good person.  Read the Casper Updates to get a better picture of, who Obama really is.  May you find the Truth you seek.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
 #1  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: RH
Sent: Thursday, January 21, 2010 5:24 PM
if you read the scripture KJV in the new testament Jesus said He  saw satan fall to the earth like lightning.
now get an Aramaic to Greek dictionary the word for fallen in Aramaic is barrak  the word o is similar to like  and the Aramaic word for lightning is bama..
it is allso reported that  the first lady,'s first name is Mike or Micheal. and both kids were adopted.
 it is also reported from one of my insider sources that 2 people were gunned down by the president with a 38 revolver and everyone has been silinced from reporting it. ,. if true Obama fits the anti christ qualifications for Bible prophecy 



#2  (Reply)

----- Original Message -----
From: KJ
To: "Bellringer" <>
Sent: Thursday, January 21, 2010 3:14 PM
Subject: Response to Hello Central -Subject Obama
Dear Anne and Patrick:

It's been a long time since I have written something to you. Thanks as always for your ever present management of all this new information that has been presented to us.

Just something regarding Obama's father that I only saw once in something I was reading and that was his father being Barry Rockefeller... It makes sense, does it not?

The one thing that got my attention, because I read Sheldon's updates, is the the question "are the Sirians not a part of the Galactic Frederation of Worlds and are the Sirians considered part of the Dark Force? I'm a bit confused now... Further, is the Galactic Federation part of God's forces?

Thank you.



FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
      TO:  KJ
DATE:  Jan. 22, 2010
Dear KJ:
    Thank you for your letter.  We posted in 2009 Ken Adachi's article entitled "Obama's Parentage and Nationality", which I have again included herein.  He speaks of Don Nicoloff's research on Obama's background, which I believe to be partially correct.  Dunham and Obama, Sr. were not his biological parents.  He probably was a "test tube" baby using Rockefeller family genetics.  He was born in Kenya, not Bali, Indonesia, and his DNA could certainly have included that of such as the sister of Queen Cleopatra of Egypt.
    You have asked about the Sirians.  The Sirians come from Sirus the "dog star" of the Orion constellation.  Sirus is a binary star, meaning there are two stars that we see with the naked eye as one.  They are Sirus-A and Sirus-B.  Hatonn says the people of Sirus-A are of the Light, but those of Sirus-B are of the Darkside.  Shelan Nidle is a Sirian from Sirus-B, whose starships were permanently ordered out of Shan's atmosphere by Creator God Aton (Hatonn) some years ago.
    The Darkside is very clever and uses words and phrases to mimic those of the Light to fool us.  An example is Galactic Federation.  If you notice in the "Forward" to Phoenix Journal #3, SpaceGate, Hatonn uses the term, "Intergalactic Federation"  Nidle uses the term "Galactic Federation".  You have used the term "Galactic Federation of Worlds", and the TV series, Startrek, used the term, "United Federation of Planets".  To my knowledge these terms are all fake.  They are Darkside terms to replace the Truth of the existence of the Realms of Light organization known as the Intergalactic Federation, and which the Pleiadians represent.
    May you find the Truth you seek.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
Ref:  "Obama's Parentage and Nationality"
#3  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: DF
Sent: Friday, January 22, 2010 7:35 PM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10

 Dear Patrick and Anne, 

 In your "Truth in a Nut Shell" you stated, "God Aton (Creator God) has honored those petitions and has sent the "Hosts of Heaven" to help us. The Hosts of Heaven are our cosmic brothers and sisters from Pleiades, and from Sirius and other star systems of the Cosmos.   Some people call them angels, even though they are HU-man (Higher Universal-man) and look like us.\"

 In your response to JL in 'HELLO, CENTRAL!\' OBAMA REPRESENTS THE DARK FORCE? You said, " Sheldan Nidle is a spokes person for the Sirians, whose goal is to make earth humans benevolent slaves.  They and their starships were ordered off Earth Shan by Creator God, never to return.  Nidle's updates contain coded messages for Sirians, who remain here to carry on their agenda.

 I have been reading Nidle's weekly report for a couple of years now and have always felt a little uneasy about what I read.  I really started feeling squeamish after I read BOOK 4 in the RINGING CEDARS SERIES "Co-creation" by Vladimir Megre.  On page 152 in the Invasion center chapter,  Anastasia reveals the true nature of the aliens goal in being benevolent to us here on Earth Shan.

 Patrick, are the Sirians "fer us or agin us"?

 Would you please go into some detail explaining where you received your info about the Sirians being ordered off Earth Shan by Creator God, and if they were to be removed why are some of them still here so that Nidle needs to send them coded messages.

 What is Nidle's stake in all this?  Is he deceived or is he "one of um" incognito?

 What about the inner earth folks?  Will we be spending any time with them after we have been lifted off Earth Shan as she makes her ascension changes?

 Please receive these questions in love from one who is seeking truth.  I respect and admire what you and Anne are doing and would like to get your take on these questions.

 Respectfully yours

 D F

 P.S. I am more than familiar with several of the "programs" "FC".  Was also involved with the Common Law Courts, Wichita, KS. and Kingfisher, OK.  I went to a reincarnation seminar also in Kingfisher many years ago. I only mention the reincarnation info. to show you how far I have come. I grew up and was educated in the fundamental Baptist movement. (Baptist Bible Fellowship) My narrow mindedness has slowly been pried open over the years. Now look what I'm wanting to know!!!!  If any of my questions are worthy to be shared with others all this P.S. part would be best not shared if you please. Some things don't need to be repeated. I really, really do appreciate what you both are doing for our planet.  Take care.  Stay out of trees and drink plenty of water.  

FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
      TO:  DF
DATE:  Jan. 23, 2010
Dear Df:
    Thank you for your letter.  We honor you for being a Truthseeker.  We are all Truthseekers on our separate pathways, and no one has all the answers.
    To answer your question about the Sirians, Hatonn has told us those from Sirus-A are of the Light and are here to be helpful in Earth's transition into 5D.  Those Sirians from Sirus-B are here on their agenda of self-interest.  Why some have been allowed to remain here at this time, I do not know.
    The Inner Earth people developed a 4D society long ago and are waiting for us on the Outer Earth to "catch up".  They will be evacuated at the same time we are, for it will be unsafe for anyone to remain in or on Shan when "she blows!"  Some have said we will be going to Inner Earth for safety.  This is not true.  Everyone must leave Shan, as it will be unsafe to remain anywhere on or in her at her time of transition.  She is going into 5D, where no evil is allowed, so everything 3D and 4D must be removed/regenerated during her transition.
    I am sure we will be seeing much of our Inner Earth Friends aboard the starships and beyond.  Many of them are our family and friends from past lifestreams.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
 #4  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: JJ
Sent: Saturday, January 23, 2010 5:03 AM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10

 It just amazes me. Let me ask you something Patrick, out of as much respect as I can gather... what is wrong with your heart? You of all people should know you much search your heart for the answers, and I search my heart and get a completely different answer than you seem to get. Apparently, Barack Obama is the anti-christ, apparently, every other source but you is wrong...that includes Sheldon Nidle, Matthew, Salusa, Mike Quinsy, Mark Herber, Alex Collier....they are all wrong, and are of the darkside? Can you not sense how ridiculous that is?

 Ive read Obamas books, Ive listened to his speeches, his vocal tones, Ive read his energy, and I know in my heart he is not a dark soul, he actually is a very advanced light soul. I mean, that is very CLEAR, Patrick, upon studying the man himself. Why you cannot see beyond me. I don\'t know where you get your sources from but I suggest not relying on them so much and to dig within your heart for the truth, as you tell others to do.

 > Oh by the way, still waiting for that evacuation-pole shift. Any day now! Well I will bet you 10 dollars that when 2012 rolls around, no pole shift will have happened. Only a rising of consciousness and a breakdown of the corrupt systems. I mean serioulsy man, get with it, stop spewing this dark propaganda, and doom and gloom...and for God sakes, put more uplifting messages on your site, I barely see anything other than NWO hyperbole.

 With as much love and respect as I can muster...JJ

FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
      TO:  JJ
DATE:  January 23, 2010
Dear JJ:
    There is nothing wrong with "my heart", sir!  I speak Truth, and it is not my style to bend, which ever way the "wind" blows, sir!  To you, sir, Obama is your worst "Trojan Horse" nightmare!  You are totally blinded to the "man in action", sir, by listening and reading only what he wants you to know!
    Wake up, isr!  Read today's headline, "Breaking News -- Obama Signs Martial Law Executive Order!"  (President Obama signs E.O. establishing Council of Governors).  Only one with a Dark Heart would be blinded to another Dark Heart, sir!
    Walk in wisdom, sir!

#5  (Reply)

----- Original Message -----
From: C
Sent: Friday, January 22, 2010 11:36 PM
Subject: how do you know obama is the dark side

Mr. B.
Salutations and greatest respects...........
Regarding your comments/opinion in referencing the Sheldon Nidle position on Galactics, I have a few questions, if you don't mind.
  • how do you personally know that mr. nidle is representing the wrong side of sirius?   Please refer me to anything outside of the P journals that substantiate this perspective.
  • if in saying, accordingly, why have you at times, posted mr nidles updates on your website?
These questions are not meant to antagonize.......only to help clarify the mystery for those of us desiring to align ourselves with the truth.
It seems that we can truly only feel our way through the quagmire of information, and discern what resonates to self. 
Thank you,
FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  C
DATE:  Jan. 23, 2010
Dear C:
    Thank you for writing and for your candor.
    It is not my responsibility to prove anything to you about anything.  Does what Creator God says to me inside the Phoenix Journals carry less merit than what He says to me outside the journals?  I am in contact with Creator God Aton (Hatonn) of Light for daily guidance, and I also have very personal and private contacts living and working closely to Sheldan Nidle and others claiming to be of the LIght, who present spiritual Internet messages.  Ultimately, all Truth is verified through my God Spirit within.
    Occasionally, we have posted the Nidle updates, when we felt some of the information would be hlepful for our readers.  Most we do not post, because the message basically runs counter to what Creator God Aton has given to us, as a guideline to the closing events of this last 3D civilization on Shan.  The foundation for the Truth we present on Fourwinds rests upon the Phoenix Journals.  Thus, we measure all else by that "yardstick".
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
#6a  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: JJ
Sent: Saturday, January 23, 2010 12:39 PM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10

 Hey look my man, I truly don't mean any disrespect to you or your work.  But...I mean, come on! Barack Obama the states explicitly in the Phoenix Journals what the \"anti-christ" is, and its not a person. And Im not simply gonna go buy what other people say about him, or what actions are atrributed to him. Ive read the mans words, Ive listened to him, and I sense the energy of sincerity very strongly! Everybody does! Its clear that he does have a heart connection with others, and understands the lives of the masses..from a heart perspective.

 And again, I dont know where you get your sources. But other sources, like the ones I mentioned before, state that Obama is a double agent for the light. That, in my eyes, is clearly whats happening. You dont expect him to just go in there and jump on them and change everything...JFK didnt even try to do that.

 I search my heart and this is what I find and it hasnt failed me yet. I dont know, maybe theres something wrong with my heart..but this is what I get. Give it time, I think Obama will show his true de-light-ful colors once these dark malcontents are ousted.

 With much love and respect, JJ

#6b  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: JJ
Sent: Saturday, January 23, 2010 1:01 PM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10

 Let me just say one more thing, you dont have to post these, just for your own awareness. Obama does many things I dont agree with..basically having to do with the war. I highly doubt he signed a martial law order, in fact upon reading your article, it was for a "Council of Governors" which..doesnt have much to do with martial law. See what I mean by hyperbole?

 And these actions, while understandably indicating a dark alignment, to just what he has to do in his role as double agent. I dont think they are supposed to know hes a double agent. Obviously, as JFK did, he has to toe their line, just a little bit, to even be able to be in that office.

 But these are my thoughts and feelings, take it from what its worth to you. I just dont think Obamas a bad man, hes in a very difficult position. And its clear he is not some dark evil malicious soul...I mean the man listens to Marvin Gay! His favourite artists people like Stevie Wonder, Michael Jackson, the Eisley Brothers, the Temptations...nobody who listens to that lineup can be that evil! haha

 With love and respect, JJ.

FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  JJ
DATE:  Jan. 23, 2010
Dear JJ:
    I give up!  There is none so blind, as he who will not see!
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
#7  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: C
Sent: Saturday, January 23, 2010 7:32 AM
Subject: Re: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10
Thank you for taking the time to respond to our questions. But still a bit unclear about why we would have to have Nesara if we are at the "end times." Is the closure that you speak of for just the Lightworkers? And I understand their work going on for so long, but I would think that they would not care if this age is ending and going into 5D. I too know that they care for us here on earth, but if we are so close to the end it does not make sense to us. We are new to this concept and just do not understand.

We thank you for your patience and responding.


FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  C
DATE:  Jan. 23, 2010
Dear C:
    For thirteen centuries the Light and Darkness have battled for control of our planet.  Does it not matter to you that the Light wins prior to closing out of this last 3D civilization on Shan?  Even though you are not directly involved in the fray, would you not want to support Goodness, even for a short time prior to evacuation?
    Everything we do to help others, and everything we do to defeat evil counts toward our soul growth and our graduation into the Realms of Light.  If we can awaken one more person to Truth, why would we stop short of that goal?  Only our Mother Earth knows the timing of the tipping of her axis.  Many of us Lightworkers have missions and commitments to continue on to the very end.  We do not give up and quit, because some unenlightened persons says, "What's the point?"
    We do not have to have NESARA, but we want it.  We demand it!  We demand a statement of absolute victory over our very evil U.S. Corporate Government by throwing them out of office and, if possible, off the planet.  We demand victory over the One World Order and their evil intent to control the whole world.  We demand an end to war and an accounting of all those killers, who have defied God's Laws.
    We demand Goodness to be established to bring closure for all of Shan's people, for all who suffer, for those who have fought the "Good Fight", for those who have died in the process, and for every one anywhere on Shan, who has hoped for Goodness and has given even "a cup of water in My Name (Esu Jesus Immaneul Sananda)."
    What more can I say?  The Light wins, always, and we continue on our journey on the Red Road of Truth until that happens.  Just know that even, if Shan dumps the evil for us, the Light has won!
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
 #8  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: C
Sent: Saturday, January 23, 2010 3:38 PM
Subject: Re: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10
Thank you Patrick. This makes more sense. Thank you for making it clearer. Yes, it matters much that the Light wins, and before Earth Shan ends. And yes we want to support goodness before evacuation. None knows exactly when that time is. We too want to help others as long as we can. Long live the Light!


#9  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: A&CM
Sent: Friday, January 22, 2010 10:43 PM
Subject: RE: Barack Obama Darksude Hello Central

 Dear Patrick,

 We honor you and say thank you, especially for the summary given to C in  these postings. The summary is well spoken, and we are sure it captures the inner Truth  felt by so many seekers who have crossed the threshold toward the Light. It is good to see dialogue like this again at Fourwinds10!  Yes! The  Light Wins!

 In Love and Light,


#10  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: KS
Sent: Sunday, January 24, 2010 10:56 AM
Subject: More of Obummer
The POTUSA (President of the United States of America) at Ft. Hood, Texas on Nov. 11, 2009... "Honoring" the 13 dead, Obama refuses to salute, come to attention, or even place his hand on his heart as the honor guard passes at the Memorial Service for those killed by a fellow Muslim terrorist at Fort Hood. !!

The Crotch Salute Returns

If this does not offend you nothing will!


I'm embarrassed that the World would see this.

#11 (Reply)

----- Original Message -----
From: LM
Sent: Saturday, January 23, 2010 6:48 PM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10

 Hi Patrick,

 In relation to'HELLO, CENTRAL!' OBAMA REPRESENTS THE DARK FORCE? (Updated Jan. 23, 2010). 

  It seems to me that a lot of the confusion related to Brack Obama's actions results from people not realizing or remembering that he is likely heavily mind programed by the illuminate. As I recall from the information brought forth by/about Cathy O'brien (MK ULtra mind control slave) & as recently mentioned on Jessie Ventur's series "Conspiracy Theory" they split a persons mind into several or many sections. But they usually leave one section alone or program it so he usually acts like an average person which may be the fragment people see where he seems to be a sincere & caring person.  Then when they want him to act in a manner desired by the OWO people they trigger one of the other programed sections & he acts for them.  As when he signed the 'Council of Governors' Executive Order or appoints these un-American Czars or health care legislation or any other actions to benefit the OWO elite.  

 I also Thank You & Anne for your dedicated work in bringing forth truth to we the people of earth Shan.

 In Love & Light,


 #12  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: K
Sent: Monday, January 25, 2010 3:15 PM
Subject: Special K
Hi,Mr.Bellringer,Anne too,,
In response to,LM comment..
But they usually leave one section alone or program it so he usually acts like an average person which may be the fragment people see where he seems to be a sincere & caring person.  Then when they want him to act in a manner desired by the OWO people they trigger one of the other programed sections & he acts for them..
The above is correct and is wrong..
As a victim of Mk Ultra since birth(1955),the correct part,  this is how they do it..fragment your mind..
Yes they can make you do many things with this technology..
The wrong part,,
They cannot make you go against your soul..
Even under this technology I could see good and evil,,and I had the strength/will to chose..
Even when they had me under complete MK Ultra control,,when they had me carve in my right ankle with a box cutter,,"FBI VICTIM",,,
Even when I was doing this,,(and know I was under complete control),,,I was aware of what I was doing,,
I was asking myself,,"Why are you doing this".."This is dumb".."The FBI is your escape,so why are you doing this"..
I could have fought this,but I didn't want to..
If they would have wanted me to do this to another person's ankle,,No way would I have done this..
Because that would have hurt that person..
I had to fight from birth until April 2001 to stay on a good path,,I managed this pretty good..
They tired to get me to veer off a good path,,but they couldn't..
Then in April 2001 when they opened up every trauma in my brain,and there were many..
They still couldn't have achieved getting me to do wrong things..
Carving my ankle inflicted pain on me,,not another person..
I had control,,I would never have tried to carve another persons ankle..
Obama has no excuse,,His soul is not good..
Sometimes with this technology they could make me say something hurtful to somebody,,
Then I would cry inside for days,,,I would go through a massive guilt and suffering..
But then I would try and make amends for their words.
My mind was always in a wrestle,,,I had to fight this evil that had direct contact to my brain..
They had this program starting from birth,,know they worked to make me evil..(do wrong things)
I remember being a little girl knowing the difference between good and evil..
This technology didn't fog my soul thinking,,
They used it to tempt me,,control me,,,but I knew the difference between right and wrong,,and I chose which direction to take..
I'm not perfect,,but when I would sneak a cookie,,I knew it was wrong,,I had the strength to not do it..
They might have put the idea in my head to sneak that cookie,,but I had the strength of will to decide..
Some times I would sneak the cookie and sometimes I would say,,no that's wrong,,
This was when I was little and your more subjected to mind control..
But even then I knew right and wrong and made the choice..
This technology doesn't over ride your soul thinking,,
But it can make maintaining or growing your soul very hard..
I had to fight like a boxer to stay on a good path,,most people that know me would say I'm pretty good..
So one could say my soul growth in a positive direction was a struggle..
But I know why God picked me amongst the volunteers.
Because I have a strong mind and JUSTICE..
I'm one of the few on this planet that would hold my own children accountable for there actions equal to somebody
I didn't know..
This was born in me,,even when I was little I fought for Justice,Equal..
Somewhere in a past life I fought for Justice,,I fought and bled for Justice,,
Obama has no excuse,,His soul in not good..
PS.This made me proud,,my daughter getting her BA at 19,my son having one of the top math minds in the country,a PHD..
Both being Student of the months,,etc,etc...
But I was more proud when my daughter picked the physically and mentally challenged person in school as a dance partner,,nobody else wanted to pick them.
Or my son going out of his way to help a college student who was in a bad way wanting to committ suicide.
Or my daughter jumping in the river because some guy was hurting the children
Or my son taking on a bully to protect the girl with crutches..
#13  (Reply)
----- Original Message ----
-From: BK
Sent: Wednesday, January 27, 2010 7:56 AM
Subject: The Obamas & Some Other Stuff Too
Dear Patrick,
With regard to Michelle Obamas ghastly black widow dress which she wore on election night. I thought it was disturbing for such an important & honourable occasion.
You know the black & red colour theme which she, her husband & daughters all wore at that occasion, have a possible satanic connection? It goes to show that politics is now an ugly thing on the surface as well as on the inside....its real colours were out for all to see. To me it displayed a perverse & grotesque parade to all the dumbed-down sheeple of the land. 
I thought RH's reference to the Aramaic to Greek translation of "Fallen" is "Barrak", as very interesting. I'm not readily suggesting it is indeed a fact, but keep it in the back of your mind anyhow.
This, along with Baracks stance when he was supposed to be honouring the Honour Guard for the 13 dead at Fort Hood is genuinely disturbing.
I too was once taken in a bit by Baracks charming, charismatic & seeming genuine demenour & considered that his appointment to staff of his recent foe, Hillary Clinton & some of the rotten eggs from the House of Bush as "keeping your friends close & your enemies closer", but I now have grave doubts about this man & where he has come from. He has literally appeared from out of nowhere & refuses to prove to the citizens from where & how. Cancer behaves in a similar manner.
The vast majority of Americans were either too blind, ignorant or stupid to see these things, or just dont care enough. Saying "Well, thats a pity" is as tragic an understatement as there ever was, as its theirs & their childrens country which is going to hell in a hand basket at a rapid pace. Successive US governments have utterly trashed America & dumped on its people, along with many other countries too.
Mankind must wake up & move-on from allowing political & leader oriented systems from running its lives & thus holding humanity down in the dark hole that it currently resides in.
The seeds of ignorance, deception & confusion which have been sown & nurtured among the US population over the greater part of the previous century, have grown with thickness & vigor on fertile ground. The liberal application of manure from prior governments, with the aid of Hollywood & big banks & corporations, has been invaluable in growing these nasty, entwining weeds which have engulfed all, whether they realise it or not. This applies to all of us beyond the US too.
I personally see those weeds reaching the end of their tether now & are starting to dry out & break off as the public appear to be finally waking up & hopefully having had enough. But it is as obvious as the nose on your face, at least to many looking from the outside in, that there is a danger looming, which likely will precipitate into a volatile, rampant, destructive & merciless brush fire of out right civil disorder, breakdown, chaos & rebellion, to sweep through the weeds which have all but choked to death what used to be the great USA. The trouble is, such an intense fire may end up destroying everything, as they tend to do when the leaves & rubbish is left to build up too high.
I prefer & pray that there be a completely peacefull clean out or change though. You may be right Patrick, with reference to the Pheonix Journals, that it will result via an intergalactic starship & ET & Esu / Jesus induced evacuation & repair job...but seriously, in all honesty, I doubt it personally. I feel through my own intuition that Source / God / Creator....whatever label you feel you need to put on it, is raising mankinds vibration now, as we speak, so-to-speak, & that we are now in the process of sifting & sorting this mess out right here on earth. I believe that we are indeed rising in frequency & awakening. I also would not be in the least bit surprised if "ETs" are here to either assist or at least observe this magnificent rising of the human (Higher-Universal-Man). Why I say this is through a very open mind, common sense as well as resulting from a recent occurrence where I put out a loving thought to the starlit evening, to any ET visitors & to my shock, thrill & amazement, recieved an instant response in the form of a big, bright light as if to signal directly to me. This along with a seemingly genuine telepathic feeling of "Yes, we heard you...we say hello too & reciprocate love back to you". It really was amazing, but I guess you had to be there. Also, I am getting a great deal of Orbs & strange light phenomena showing in my digital photos, which adds to my sense that something greater than me is out & about & accompanying us in the world we live in.
Time will certainly eventually tell us all the truth we want to know about our current dear leaders, you can bank on that, if you have any money left, but that was no use or consolation to the Russians under Stalin, the Germans under Hitler & the Cambodians under Pol Pot.
Anyway,  thank you for my little take on these matters. I apologise evolving it into a bit of a rant:)
Love in the Light
To Each & Every One of You