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Patrick H. Bellringer

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   From: SV
Sent: Thursday, January 14, 2010 2:02 AM
Subject: Hello, I am one confused young lady.

Hello, my name is SV, I am 15 years of age and reside in Trail, British Columbia with my parents and what I like to call my "other half" (boyfriend).  Both Riley (boyfriend) and myself, are strong believers of The fact that Light drives and powers all.  I know what I am being told of from the Phoenix Journals is Truth, because it is what feels "right" to me.  But there are certain aspects I do not completely agree with, tell me if I'm wrong but I have every right to ask questions; although I do not doubt. But I have been debating with myself constantly. I am going to use a few examples to help explain myself a little bit better.

I smoke marijuana. As of 2-3 days ago I did not think I was doing any harm to myself by doing this, infact there are many benifits of smoking it, so I thought/think.  2-3 days ago I was willing to fight for the fact that it wasn't doing harm. According to the laws of creation this is untrue; filling my lungs with smoke, is thus disrespecting my god's self. Which I can agree with. It also says in the laws that sex is meant for the purposes of pro-creation only; to me, even before I knew this law, sex was something special. I felt that making love was a beautiful thing because it was being done completely out of love for the other person, it made me feel as though I was...."giving" myself, willing to "give" myself, to that person. Out of Love. What comes after that love comes the pleasure, now I am being told this pleasure is almost....wrong?

What I am trying to figure out is that...if we are god; a fraction of god and god knows all Truth and answers to all questions. Then why do we need laws to depict what is right from wrong?  Should we not have the right as a fraction of god to determine right from wrong for ourselves?  Which we do, but at the same time we don't. Because some of the things, (not just the examples that were being used), that I felt were right, are now being pofessed to me as...not wrong, but not right either. We do have free will, but by going with our free will of choice, what we think is right; we are doing wrong?  That doesn't sound right to me at all. A few more examples; obsession of material possessions feels wrong, killing, is of course wrong, lying feels wrong; there are all these things that feel wrong. Yet there are things that we are being told are wrong yet they don't feel wrong. I won't even eat chocolate with unnatural ingrediant, I will not chew gums with ingredients like aspurtame in them. Because I feel they are doing me wrong; harm. Yet things like, examples again, smoking marijuana and making love do not feel wrong to me. So I am unwilling to...not give up, but...I'm not sure what the correct word I'm looking for is, so just bare with me. So I am unwilling to "give up" these things because they do not feel wrong even though that is what I am told and what I have been told is complete Truth.

I have never been someone to follow rules and direction well, because I thought that if you are willing to follow but not to lead, you are willing to be controlled without questions....I guess you could say it felt wrong, and still does.

So, because we are told something is wrong our feelings should have no say in the matter? We should just have to follow without questions, or answers for that matter?    *PLEASE HELP ME UNDERSTAND*

In Love and Light,



FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  SV
DATE:  January 15, 2010
Dear SV:
    Thank you for writing.  Did Creator God say you should do whatever feels good to you, regardless whether it harms your body or destroys your soul?  Through your God Spirit within you know all Truth, and you already know the answers to your questions.
    The Laws of God and creation, found in Phoenix Journal #27, were given for our balance and harmony with people and with Creation, which creates our own happiness.  You have a freewill to choose what you will do with them, but you will learn all your lessons in soul growth before graduating out of 3D and advancing to 5D (Heaven).  There are no exceptions!  The number of lifestreams in 3D you take to accomplish this is your choice.
    It is not about "feelings", as a moral compass, young lady, but about thoughts, actions, and behaviors of Goodness that result from listening to your Inner Guidance, your God Spirit, your true moral compass.
    You ask about "the right to determine right from wrong for ourselves".  On what would you base your decisions, "feelings"?  With no standard, everyone would be doing what "feels good" to them.  This leads to a chaotic society of no morals, no values or ethics, such as we have today, where evil rules the day.
    Creator God created our world and made the Laws of Balance to maintain a world of harmony and balance.  Without such there can be no true happiness for both society and for the individual.  Think about this, and walk in wisdom.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
#1  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: FB
Sent: Friday, January 15, 2010 4:00 PM
Hi Patrick, I don't know if you will share that publicly, else if you could forward it to SV.

Hi, I'd like to share my experince about smoking marijuana because I somehow see myself some years ago in these questions.

I almost stopped now since two years it took me almost one year restarting stopping, restarting stopping... and I still have to get completely rid of it, once/twice a year I still am tempted, like you I thought it's not that bad, I liked it.

As it says in the journals, God doesn't judge you when you acted in ignorance, so whatever happened in ignorance you cannot feel bad, you didn't know, but once you know you can't say you didn't know.

I still don't regret anything, somehow what concerns my life, I had to go through that to learn many truths and wake up, because of these years of smoking I stayed up all night for many years and read and read loads of information on internet and found fourwinds somehow during the same period. Strange to explain too, this made me meet many people who were also 'waking up' and had months of intense interesting discussions; now almost all of us have stopped too and are aware or at least as much as we can of the reality on earth (we're always learning).

I'm not saying anyone should start, if some people didn't smoke it at all, don't start it's pointless, but if for some reason your going through it, there might be a reason, maybe it was in your earth experience contract? It's always a main thing that Patrick keeps saying over and over, we all have individual contracts for our experience on earth, it seems for my life experience it had to happen for me to learn many things and move forward. And learn to follow the laws (and I'm still not 100% following I once in a while make small mistakes on many other aspects and still try to improve all the time). I also had troubles with the idea when I first read the journal that says it's bad and kept trying to find reasons to 'prove' myself that it was good and the rules were not all good. But I can say now having almost gotten past that this law is right, it's not good or helpful. But it took me time to understand and now I still have to control these very rare temptations that are left of almost a decade of smoking.

Love and Light



What you do in life echoes in eternity

#2  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: "Nk" 
Sent: Friday, January 15, 2010 5:32 PM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10

 Re:Hello Central.--listen to your feeling.

 I want to encourage the 15 year old girl that has so much already put together, at such an early age.Good for you.Listen to your inner voice. You need no man to teach you.Make those choices,yourself,from your within Spirit and don\'t be quick to listen to another persom.They will only lead you astray. COUNT ON IT. They would love to lead you astray.    bless you.    Nk

#3  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: T
Sent: Friday, January 15, 2010 2:09 PM
Subject: Feelings...
Hello, my name is Shelbie Vining, I am 15 years of age and reside in Trail, British Columbia with my parents and what I like to call my "other half" (boyfriend). Both Riley (boyfriend) and myself, are strong believers of The fact that Light drives and powers all. I know what I am being told of from the Phoenix Journals is Truth, because it is what feels "right" to me.


Shelby, I've been arguing with myself for years about the same thing, but in a different variation. Let me explain.

At your age I had a loose motto, that I was going to try everything once, so I could decide for myself whether it was right or wrong, mainly because most of my life up to then was me being forced by everyone around me, to follow the rules. You get that a lot when your dad is President of a college. Now he had his heart in the right place, trying to protect me, keep me safe. He loved me and didn't want me hurt. And quite frankly, I made a few decisions that were downright dangerous back then. They had protected me too much!!! So I was on shaky ground, to say the least!

I needed to learn for myself, and that didn't go over well with my parents. I soon became the black sheep of the family, by getting married, rather than going to college like the rest of the family did. They followed the rules.

But getting married was the best thing that could have happened to me. I was forced to learn!!! I had to suddenly learn how to raise my kids, put food on the table, the right food. I had to learn how to do laundry, clean house, while watching the kids, mine and others. I learned how to drive, how to grow a garden, how to can the food I grew, all while learning how to handle marriage and love the man I married. He really was a good man. But he had no clue how to do all this, while trying to learn a job. We had a lot of fun, in spite of all this.

Ok, to make a long story short, I did go back to college, on my own bill, when the kids got older.

At 15, as Taylor Swift says so well, she didn't know who she was.

Yes, you have the right to choose for yourself what you want to do. Just remember, that while you do have that right, consider that your father (in Heaven) has a few years experience on you, and is only trying to keep all of us from getting hurt, or killed, or worse. And yes, there are worse things than dying.

My point is this, for years I carried the guilt from a previous life, for killing in the old West. I was a woman, named Breezey, who dressed as a man, and was raised to be a mountainwoman. I made it my life to help people who couldn't or wouldn't take care of themselves. Just about the only 'law' out there, in the early 1800's, was the gun. Whoever was the best usually won whatever fight was going on. So I would step in and help those who couldn't help themselves. Lots of people, because they refused to use guns, convinced that killing was wrong, died out there, at the hands of those that had no problem using guns.

It was like they thought they'd never have to fight or defend what they got. Duh!!! The right to bear arms is in the Constitution for a REASON!!! There are many who would steal our freedoms from us, and enjoy doing it.

So I killed a lot of bad people back then. I saved a lot of people heading out West to make a new life for themselves. Killing them was the right thing to do, I knew that then. If someone is intent on killing you or your family, you fight back!!!! You don't let them rape the women, murder the men, and steal what they wanted. You don't let them get away with murder. You don't sit by and watch as they run off settlers. You don't stand by and let them kill Indians for the fun of it.

So I learned to be very fast with a gun, better than 98% of the men I saw. I also was very good with my knife, and fighting. I rode horses better than most. I became better than the 'bad guys'. And they never knew I was a woman. In a 'man's world', you cannot dress like a woman.

Now do you see where I'm coming from? I was right to kill them, it was self defense every time. I knew this, and Jesus knew it too!!! He told me, face to face, in this life, that I was right. And the Commandment that said Thou shalt not kill, had been changed from Thou shalt not murder. MURDER is what we are not supposed to do. Murder is killing for the fun of it, because you like to hurt people. THAT was not what I was doing. He told me to forget the guilt. It was misplaced.

Do you see what I mean? We have been brainwashed for centuries to believe the ten commandments are the law of God, when they are laws men created, not God.

So how can you know what is right? ASK GOD HIMSELF!!! Don't go to a preacher, etc. Ask God himself. HE WILL answer you.

The Phoenix Journals are set as a guideline, to help us to learn the Universal laws. Read them, learn from them, and trust God to know what is good for his children, US!!! On this planet, you could not ask for a better guide to go by. Though we can not see why things are bad for us, he does. We will learn all this, eventually. Hopefully it is sooner, and not later!!!

While Marijuanna is not the evil it is portrayed as by our lying government, and it most certainly will not kill you (Read The Great Book of Hemp), there are reasons not to use it. I won't go into that here. I certainly will not tell you what to do. I just want you to consider he has a reason for saying not to use it. Eventually we will know the reason.

Until then, I'm trusting Hatonn.

Your feelings can be trained to be wrong. You get used to things over time, that would seem wrong to you initially.


 #4  (Reply)
From: RD


Subject: RE: Hello, I am one confused young lady.

Date: Wed, 20 Jan 2010 12:39:23 -0800

THANK YOU FOR REPLYING!! My name is R and i live with shelbie. I and shelbie are unbeleivably gratefull and hugely appreciative of your response!!! The questions i have(Riley) are many, and are mostly directed to when the end of this physical cycle is. I have printed the JOURNAL # 27 containing the laws and am underway in comprehending the many meanings. I have found repeated among the words that the end of this cycle is near. I have unflinching faith that with complete love and devotion given to the creators laws of balance, i may soon recognize the time set forth for me to transcend and leave this physical plane. My goal is only to be aware. I PRAY that my mind will be within the understanding required at the time of LIFT OFF. I am fairly certain, that with faith, i will have no problems recognizeing this time, where i allow myself the understanding to accept this transition. Yet still, i ask of you for some reassurance. I highly,HIGHLY, respect you and your accomplishments in this lifestream. Your words guide me and build my faith everytime i am so privledged to read the truth within them.

 I humbly ask now for some reassurance.

Many,Many THANKS!

May you be engulfed in love, RD.

FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  RD
DATE:  Jan. 28, 2010
Dear RD:
    Thank you for your letter.  We honor you for being a Truthseeker and a reader of the Phoenix Journals.  Creator God does not ask nor does He expect perfection of us in this 3D lifestream.  We are to live the Laws of God and Creation, as best we can and move onl
    Everyone will know, when it is time to evacuate our planet, Earth Shan, and everyone will have to decide, if they wish to go to safety or stay here.  Many will stay because of fear, lack of understanding, etc.  Do not worry about missing lift-off.  You will know when it happens.  You can ask Creator God to be put on "automatic pickup", and you can do the same for your family and friends.  When they arrive aboard the starships, they can decide to stay or to be returned to Shan.
    You may wish to read Phoenix Journals, #4, chapter 9 and #5, Chapter 5 where both Ashtar and Hatonn talk about the coming earth changes and evacuation of our planet.  The signs all point to our time being very short before this happens.  Have you seen the star/starships in the night sky?  They are very close.  You can see their flashing colored strobe lights.  They are presently on Red Alert, but few notice them or even care.
    We are at the point of major change in our U.S. Government, banking, courts, law enforcement, military and politics.  The whole world is moving to a gold standard banking system.  Rest assured that you have Divine Protection, if you have asked for it and then believe that you have it.  We are to forgive ourselves, forgive others, ask God to forgive us, and walk in Love and Light, helping where we can, and we shall be fine!
    Thank you for your kind words for our work.  May the blessings of Heaven be yours, for the positive energy you send out always comes back to you in like kind but in greater amount.  That is Cosmic Law!  Keep in touch.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
 #5  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: RD
Sent: Friday, January 29, 2010 9:34 AM
Subject: RE: Hello, I am one confused young lady.
    The words I type down cannot possbly express the GRATITUDE and MANY MANY THANK YOUS and SO MUCH MORE YOU DESERVE!! If it was not for the Fourwinds website, me and my close friends and family would NOT have been able to access such steadily spirit building TRUTH. OUR ETERNAL GRATITUDE GOES OUT TO YOU AND ALL YOUR ASSOCIATES PATRICK!! We all have such faith and trust in the truth YOU bring to us, that when we are in doubt your words of reassurance immedeatly repel the fog of mysticism and shine light on the path that is clearly the trail for us!

  We love you and your Truth Bringers with ALL OUR MIGHT! May you continue to prosper and uplift many others from the oppression of todays society with your knowledge of self and the heavenly fathers you so readily despense!

  Our eternal gratitude and deafening applause of appreciation are yours.




   Yours truly, RD, SV, The D Family, The V, AND MANY MORE!!

#6  (Reply)

----- Original Message -----
From: RD
Sent: Friday, January 29, 2010 8:19 PM
Subject: RE: Hello, I am one confused young lady.
Dear Anne and Patrick Bellringer,

  I have just read chapter 5 of the fifth phoenix journal and have questions as to how i may prepare myself. I would like to know how to raise my vibrational frequency. And mostly i would hugely appreciate eany suggestions on how to attain my light body and how to be placed on the "Light List". For this is undoubtedly what i would wish to acheive most. I have recently started to highly appreciate my wonderous body and no longer do i take it for granted.

  I have started prepareing myself by liveing according to the laws of creation,engageing in the Silva medatation method, and keeping away from eanything negative. I am also looking at EVERYTHING with much more appreciation and a far more positive attitude. I help and or share my knowledge with eany and everyone i think will at least hear me out. I ask that you please give me guideance and help me to acheive my goals so i may attempt to help others with theirs.




FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  RD
DATE:  Jan. 30, 2010
Dear RD:
    You raise your frequencies by learning Truth, meaning becoming more enlightened about both the evil and the Goodness existing in our world both in the past and present.  Learning and living the Laws of God and Creation greatly raises your frequencies, as does working with good intent to help others where you can.  In this 3D lifestream you have only one body through which your soul (the real you) can express, do good and learn your lessons.  You raise your frequencies by honoring your physical body and caring for it properly and not abusing it.
    You will have a "Light Body", when you graduate into 5D and have 5D frequencies.  This happens when you board the evacuation ships and go to the Astral Plane or 4D.  There you will stand before Creator God Aton and judge yourself according to the Laws of God and Creation.  God does not judge you.  At that point, if you have learned your lessons in soul growth, you will graduate to 5D or Heaven.
    I do not know what you mean by "Light List".  You can be placed on a list for automatic pickup by requesting Creator God for such, when evacuation occurs, otherwise a transporter beam of Light will appear near you and you will be told to step into it, if you wish to board the starshiops.  I have discussed all of this in detail in past "Hello, Central!s" and other of my writings.
    From what you have said, I believe you are already at a high frequency level.  Creator God looks at the sincereity of your heart and your good intent.  Just know that no one is in perfection, and we will not be until we have moved through many higher dimensions and completed many lessons, as we return to Creator Source.
    Do not worry or be fearful.  Be happy on your journey of enlighenment, and you will make other people happy as well.  You cannot avoid negativity, for it surrounds us in this 3D world, but you can keep it out of your space by requesting Divine Protection, and by neutralizing it with your positive energies and actions.
    May your journey be most joyous and rewarding.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer

#7  (Reply)

----- Original Message -----
From: WF
Sent: Saturday, January 30, 2010 1:47 AM
Subject: Please Help Me
Greetings and Salutations Patrick Bellringer,
                           First off,I just wanted to say "Thank You" for putting the information that i sent to you out on "Hello Central" in regards to the Northern Lights issue,and Patrick that means alot to me and I'm deeply thankful for you posting it on the main-website.
I have a question in regards to the Evacuation,My question is this: Since the Evacuation is coming,will the beams that will appear be directed "Only" to those souled beings here on Earth-Shan (aka:Planet of Tears) or as a whole of the entire population?
Please forgive me for asking this ridiculious question, its something that popped in my head and i hope you dont mind answering it.
Patrick I been trying to access the Phoenix Archives and going to the topic:"The Law of the Creation and The Laws of God" and i cant access it at all. i am desperate because i want to do my best to obey these laws "all of them" if at all possible in this short time frame we have here on this Planet.
You see in my life,i been working hard to do all that is good,that goes from something like helping a elderly walk the street and all the way to showing love to those who hate me. since i was a kid i kept looking at the stars and at early age i sensed something among those stars that blink colors of red,blue,white etc..and now ( helped me to re-comfirm my beliefs on it,cause i thought they were spaceships imagine that at a young tender age of not knowing what UFO's/Aliens are,here i believed they were starships with beings inside of them,i was about 7 or so living in a tiny town where topics of Ufo's and Aliens are never mentioned.-not that i am aware of-) plus in my dreams i kept dreaming of space,planets,aliens,starships and even having conversations with various races and feeling a deep sense of belonging up there. i feel i want to leave this planet and go home..but i ask myself where is home? lol
Sorry lol,i kinda went off topic there. but you see Patrick i want to learn and deeply apply the Laws of God and the Law of Creation. (i was wondering if it is "possible" you can lay them down starting from 1 to 18.) etc. if its not to much trouble? if it is i understand.
I hope that this e-mail was okay for you. I have deep respect for you Patrick for what you've been doing to help bring the Truth out to everyone and i cant get enough of reading fourwinds10,however i have a long ways to go to catch up still reading and still searching the website (reading the Phoenix Journals). May you and your family and everyone in Fourwinds10 be BLESSED.
yours truly
FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  WF
DATE:  Jan. 30, 2010
Dear WF:
    You are quite welcome.  We were happy to post your article, and we thank you for your kind words for our work at Fourwinds.
    Concerning your question about evacuation, there are many human clones, and because they have no soul, Creator God says they will be uncreated.  All souled-humans will know, when evacuation is occuring and will be offered the opportunity to step into the transporter beam of light.  It is possible that few will actuallky choose to board the Starships.
    I do not know why you cannot access Phoenix Journal #27, which contains the Laws of God and Creation, but we have again posted my article listing these Laws on our Homepage and will keep it there  for all to read.
   We honor you for your desire to find Truth, for your enlightenment and your efforts to help others.  May you find the Truth you seek.  The "crew" at Fourwinds is composed of only my wife, Anne, and myself and a part-time webmaster.  May you be blessed.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
NOTE from Anne:  To access the Phoenix Journals:
    1.  Hold your mouse over  "Phoenix Archives" in our main blue menu.  (Don't click yet)
    2.  When the blue box pops down, scroll down and click on "Phoenix Journals" 
    3.  This brings up "The Phoenix Archives".  Click on the picture of the Journal or the word "Journals"
    4.  When the page appears, you will see the index of the Journals in groups of 25.  Click on the Journal you wish to read that is within the group of 25 numbers.
    5.  When the page appears, you can click on the number of Journal you wish to read in the box to the left of the page, or simply scroll down the page to the proper Journal.   All the published Phoenix Journals are listed by number.
    6.  For the Unpublished Journals, you would click on "Unpublished Journals" in the blue box that pops down when you hold your mouse over "Phoenix Archives"
Further note:  You can read or print the published Phoenix Journals in PDF format; read the Journal Online or read the summary.  The "Download" button does not work.  You  can download and save the Journals by clicking on the second ICON in the upper left hand corner of the Journal Task Bar when you load the Journal 
#8  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: P
Sent: Saturday, January 30, 2010 10:39 AM
Subject: RE: Hello, I am one confused young lady.
Hello Patrick;
My words can not express as well as the last letter you received on this subject from the 15 yr old and her bf in Trail, BC
"The words I type down cannot possbly express the GRATITUDE and MANY MANY THANK YOUS and SO MUCH MORE YOU DESERVE!! If it was not for the Fourwinds website, me and my close friends and family would NOT have been able to access such steadily spirit building TRUTH. OUR ETERNAL GRATITUDE GOES OUT TO YOU AND ALL YOUR ASSOCIATES PATRICK!! We all have such faith and trust in the truth YOU bring to us, that when we are in doubt your words of reassurance immedeatly repel the fog of mysticism and shine light on the path that is clearly the trail for us!

  We love you and your Truth Bringers with ALL OUR MIGHT! May you continue to prosper and uplift many others from the oppression of todays society with your knowledge of self and the heavenly fathers you so readily despense!   Our eternal gratitude and deafening applause of appreciation are yours.  THANK YOU FOR FOURWINDS10 AND FOR BEING A TRUTH BRINGER!"

The thing is sadly it is only myself that feels this way amongst my family. I can so relate to what SV and others have mentioned. I think we all need to travel certain paths in order to see the truth when we finally come to it. I have had to let my own children follow their own paths but try to gently help when I see they are not following the Laws of Creation or God. With Hatonn's help they will eventually see the truth and hopefully make right choices. I thank you for that reassurance of "automatic liftoff" That is a great comfort. I feel we have many young people who are havng their eyes open to truth. This world with their ideas of " do what feels good" it will take a close relation with Hatonn and our spirit guides to see truth and do what is right.

My daughter came home to circumstances I will not discuss. She has had her spirit guide helping her since very young then abondoned it and is now returning and listening and learning once again. My husband led me to the Fourwinds but I am not sure where he stands. He seems to believe but yet still searches. My daughter says he was here to help me get to where I am. Time will tell.

Again; thanks so much for your work, time and effort to bring us the truth.




FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  P
DATE:  Jan. 31, 2010
Dear P:
    We are humbled by your kind words.  Know that they are greatly appreciated.
    You are quite correct in your statement that "we all need to travel certain paths in order to see the truth".  You are on a different pathway to enlightenment then that of your children.  Anne and I can say the same for our famiy.  Some of us take detours or the "scenic route" to finally arrive at our destination.
    May you find the peace and joy of traveling the Red Road of Truth.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
#9  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: SV
Sent: Saturday, January 30, 2010 1:46 PM
Subject: RE: Hello, I am one confused young lady.
Hello, dear friends. 

This is SV speaking again. I have the utmost appreciation for you keeping in contact with RD and myself, I understand you probably get many many letters everyday concerning more "important" topics. So for this I consider you, Patrick and your wife Anne, "family" as we "human" call it, ha. I am NOT saying this to get on either of you're good sides, I truly feel close to you both, as do I to every other creation on this plane, but with a different connection. My own Mother does not support me in this at all, she thinks I am a "loonie" and "Jesus" walked on water, and continously trys pushing her ways upon myself and trys banning this (what she calls just another religion) from this house hold. If that makes sense, even though I do not know either of you in person, I've been getting more support and help from the 2 of you in the short time I've "known" you. I'm not 100% on how to deal with this.

Lately I have been keeping a journal of all my most important thoughts. I feel as though it helps me understand and comprehend the laws much better, no I have not been copying the laws word for word but just keeping note of my questions for future use. Lately I have discovered the Silva Life System. I have been practicing complete relaxation in medication so that when the time comes it may be put to good use (lift off). I am not scared of what is to come, I am the exact opposite. My excitment and curiousity sometimes gets the better of me. I have read in the first few pages of the Silva Method that everything can/is controled by ourselves, our internal selves using medition and visualiztion of exactly what it is we desire. I have started by visualizing myself being less messy (dropping food on my shirt everytime I eat, ect) and more organized and writing it down 15 times every night in my journal. 

She is going to try to read so I will finish my message later when I am alone and have a bit of peace.

My apologies for having to cut this off so short, there is much I have to ask still.


In Love and Light, SV.

FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  SV
DATE:  Jan. 31, 2010
Dear SV:
    Thanks again for writing.  Yes, we are a "spiritual" family.  Your mother sounds like my mother, who has now passed on and knows the Truth.  Hatonn says she wept in agony when she realized her error, and that what I had told her was true.
    When you speak Truth to someone, that soul knows and the "seed" you have planted will always bear "fruit", if not now, in future lifestreams in third dimension.  Everyone must learn the same lessons in soul growth to pass their tests and graduate into the fifth dimension, also known as Heaven, where no evil is allowed.
    Be kind to your mother, as she is very threatened and fearful to step outside her belief system, and even look at something different.  You cannot change anyone.  By freewill they must choose to change their way of thinking and living.  Our choices determine our destiny.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
 #10  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: RD
Sent: Sunday, January 31, 2010 5:20 PM
Subject: RE: Hello, I am one confused young lady.

  Dear Mr. Bellringer,



    I have officially been *high on life* these past few days. After reading this response i did, in,fact, laugh out loud with exuberated joy and sheer pride-filled kick-ass-ness! haaah! Your responses alone have been soo uplifting and reassuring for me that my path is now light with colours of a positively progressional love infused atmosphere atune a yellow gold web of rippleing vibrations. An elctrically rich aura radiating through hard wood trees and orange groves. My mind is able to depict the most brilliant things when i think positively.


    Having the respect for you that i do, i read what you had said of my progress and blew up with happy positivity. Your reassurance is  a major spirit boost! Not to say that i did not have any belief in myself....  It is simply that i now have a handle to hold, instead of having to tell myself something real was coming soon! I stroll in confidence now instead of faithfully marching on. 





       Not at all to forget (which i never will) about the postings on Fourwinds! My mind was blown when i saw our writing on the website. I've known Fourwinds to be highly informative on all kinds of huge issues concerning many people and phenomenally important events. To see my questions and concerns put on your information station of Truth was a *true honour* that i will not be able to express my gratitude, for i am seemingly unable to type enough thank yous and praises.






     For you have certainly have blessed me and many others with the knowledge of truth.




                  May the Love ALWAYS Be With YOU!


              HIGH PRAISE , From : RD

FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
    TO:  RD
DATE:  Feb. 1, 2010
Dear RD:
    Again, thank you for your reply.  Many people write and ask questions that are often similar.  Because it is difucult to answer everyone and because many people would appreciate having an answer to their question, or would learn much even though they did not ask such a question, we developed the "Hello, Central!" format.
    There are many young peojle asking for direction in their life, and by using your letters in a "Hello, Central!" we may be able to assist them along their life's pathway, as well.  You are as important as anyone else, so we honor you by posting your thoughts on Fourwinds for others to consider.
    I encourage you to read the archive of our "Hello, Central!" postings, for they contain a wealth of information that can be helpful, and which is based upon the Truth presented to us by Creator God Aton of Light in the Phoenix Journals.
    May you grow in wisdom, my friend.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
#11 (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: SV
Sent: Sunday, January 31, 2010 1:29 PM
Subject: RE: Hello, I am one confused young lady.
Dear Patrick,

Sorry for the spelling mistakes in my last letters, I was rushing myself. I did not mean medication, ha, I ment meditation. My apologies.


Thankyou so much for posting my letters on fourwinds! It's not the fact that my name is on a well known website that excites me so, it is the fact that I am sure there are people out there with the same questions who are to affraid to ask for the answers. That people are actually taking the time to hear me out and process what I have to say! This, for me does not happen often. Most only react to my words as i am an easily impressionable 15 year who will believe whatever she is told. No one ever actually takes the time to process and respond to my questions. It definately gave me a bit of courage. Not everyone is like that! The one women, Pam I believe her name is, I appreciate the forward you sent me with her contact information and I plan to keep in close contact with her as well. If you're posting my questions on fourwinds because you believe it's actually helping people (as I do), including myself (which it has, greatly, in more then one way), then so be it! I love having more then just one say on the matter, I really do. THANKYOU THANKYOU THANKYOU! And also, THANKYOU to those who took the time to respond to mine and Riley's letters to Patrick, let love shine in on your lives and the lives of those who are close to you! I only wish for good things in your futures!


Now then, back to my unfinished letter...."I am not scared of what is to come, I am the exact opposite. My excitment and curiousity sometimes gets the better of me. I have read in the first few pages of the Silva Method that everything can be/is controled by ourselves, our internal selves using meditation and visualization of exactly what it is we desire. I have started by visualizing myself being less messy (dropping food on my shirt everytime I eat, ect) and more organized and writing it down 15 times every night in my journal." By focusing in a relaxed state on exactly what it is we want, we can change our attitude, how we interpret things, how well we gain knowlegde and how well we excert our own knowledge, understanding of situations, reactions to problems, finacial problems, "highschool drama"-ha, nearly anything physical...even things like our futures. Everything "reality" can be cotroled by "us", on how we....percieve (right word???) a situation.


How much does this have to do with the Law that states, "This is also meaning that when information is put before your attention, you must ask the father within you to show whether or not it is true or whether it is not true and ask the father to give you the verification you need for understanding the Truth in all information and situations which he puts before you." I ask because, is this not another form of meditation itself? Do you not meditate on what it is you want out of a question or situation which He puts before you? Again here comes the word, feel, I feel "they" has quite alot to do with "eachother"...if that sentence even makes sense to anyone other then myself...ha. Because we can control our reality if we use our "God's self" correctly, no? We can determine our reality to how our heart responds to Truth???


Thankyou for your time, I hope this letter makes sense...

I have asked for Divine Protection, as do I wish it upon yourselves, those who read this and ALL other creations of the Light.


In Love and Light,



P.S, I'd like to give you this picture of myself so that you may know exactly who it is you are talking to. I ask you do not put this picture on fourwinds, it is for you and your wife to see only.

FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  SV
DATE:  February 1, 2010
Dear SV:
    Thank you for your reply.  Yes, we control our reality and our destiny by the freewill choices we make.  This is all bsed on the one most basic Law of the Cosmos, the Law of Cause and Effect.  There is both a cause and an effect for everything that happens.  You reap what you sow (Law number 13 in Phoenix Journal #27).
    Your question about "asking the Father within" refers to your God Spirit within.  Yes, this is a form of meditation, where you ask your God Spirit for verification to discern Truth.  We must use discernment in all that we hear and read to know truth from lie.  Our God Spirit within knows all, for it is Creator God's Spirit, and can guide us, if we allow it to do so.  This is how we guide our reality into Goodness and not evil.
    Few people understand this concept, and I am happy that you now comprehend it, and can how use it to guide your life.  Thank you for your picture.  You are a young lady with great potential for good!
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
#12  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: T
Sent: Saturday, January 30, 2010 7:07 PM
"I would like to know how to raise my vibrational frequency. And mostly I would hugely appreciate eany suggestions on how to attain my light body and how to be placed on the "Light List"." RD

There is only one way to raise your bodily frequency, and that is to learn how to love and serve others. This is something you cannot fake, and there are no short cuts to learning this. It takes some people centuries to learn this, because most learn the hard way only. See, it is easy to say you love someone, and many think they know what love is, but don't really. The problem with that is, you have to prove it, by living it.

Living it!!! Because when you truly love someone, you are not ashamed or hesitant to serve and help that person. Without embarrassment, you take care of others. And I'm not just talking about those who are easy to love. Anyone can love someone who first loves them. That's the easy part. Loving those that don't love you is the hard part.

It is said that we should love others as we would love ourselves. Because that is exactly what happens. When we love others and serve them, we are loving ourselves. BY LOVING OTHERS, we love ourselves. THAT is what raises our bodily vibration.

Most evacuations of this planet involve Earthean Eagles, people like me, who come here to fetch the people with love in our aura. That means, yes, we can SEE your aura, how it glows, and in what colors. We look for the love in your aura, because only love protects you while you are being 'lifted up' by the beams. Anyone who tries to go up without that protection, would hurt, and perhaps even 'die'.

So, you see, you are literally helping yourself when you learn to love others. It is science, not guessing or even wishful thinking. And no one else judges you, or makes the decision over your life and choices. YOU, and only YOU, decide your future. You learn how to truly love, or you simply do not pass. It is that simple. Jesus had a reason for strongly suggesting we all learn how to love and serve others. It wasn't just a commandment, it was a directive, and he meant it. WHY people take it so lightly is beyond me. He wouldn't say it unless it was vitally important!!!

If you know Jesus/ Sananda at all, you know to listen to him when he speaks. I certainly do.

So, as simplistic as it sounds, learn how to love and serve others. That is the ONLY way to raise your bodily vibration. And this cannot be faked, it will show in your aura if you have learned this all important lesson.

By the way, due to this evacuation being different than other evacuations we have been highly trained to do, this evacuation will take EVERYONE off the planet. They will be sorted out later. No one will be on the planet when she ascends up to her dimension. And later on, only 5th dimension or higher people will be allowed back on her. Schoolhouse earth Shan will be closed for renovations. She has earned a rest, and she will get it.

All clones will be uncreated. All holograms will just cease to exist. Only the humans will be sorted to where they belong to be. (As my best friend says so aptly.)

May you learn this lesson well and graduate with flying colors.



FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  T
DATE:  Feb. 1, 2010
Dear T:
    Thank you for your letter to "Hello, Central!"  on "It's Not About Feelings!"  Some of your thoughts run counter to the Truth presented by Creator God Aton in the Phoenix Journals.  Let me explain.
    By Cosmic Law the Forces of Light including the Evacuation Crews cannot usurp our freewill.  Therefore, they cannot force anyone to board the ships, but can only evacuate those, who choose to do so.  Many will choose to stay on Shan and will die in the ensuing earth changes.
    Secondly, your statement of "there is only one way to raise your bodily frequency, and that is to learn how to love and serve others" is unclear and limiting in scope.  We are to love and care for others, but "to serve" may carry the wrong connotation today.  We are to be of service to others, but we are not their slaves.  See Law #18.
    More importantly is your statement to love others.  Creator god Aton of Light makes it quite clear that our first and main responsibility is to learn and to live the Laws of God and The Creation, which includes loving others.  People do not have clear understanding of the meaning of "Love" until it is defined in greater detail, which the "Laws" do.  In a sense "Love" is the over-arching concept of these "Laws", but the knowledge which "Love" entails must be made clear.
    Then "Love" includes loving and caring for one's physical body, helping and caring for others, gaining wisdom through the knowledge of Truth and living the eighteen Laws of God and of Creation.  All these aspects of living add to the raising of our body frequencies.  When we have obtained the frequency level of 5D, we then graduate into 5D, also known as Heaven, where no evil is allowed.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
#13  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: NK
Sent: Monday, February 01, 2010 11:40 AM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10

 Re: Hello Central, FEELINGS.

    That last letter from SV,JUST GLOWED with Love and understanding.So did your response,back to her.THANK YOU.THIS IS WHAT IT IS ALL ABOUT!!!!!!!!

   MAY THE WHOLE WORLD "WAKE UP TO THIS."  THANKS AGAIN  NK>   P.S. I couldn't help but sit here and cry "tears of joy", BLESS ALL THOSE WHO,"GET IT".

 #14  (Reply)

----- Original Message -----
From: WF
Sent: Monday, February 01, 2010 2:29 AM
Subject: May Love and Light spread throughout our Planet Earth-Shan!
Greetings and Salutations Patrick Bellringer,
                    Today,when i went back to read more information on i was so overwhelmed with joy and happiness when i read the two post one of "Hello,Central! Its not about feelings!" (updated Jan.31,2009)" and the one that made me cry, "The Laws of God and The Creation" i was so consumed with positive feelings,i cried reading it. i know i am a sensitive guy but you did something wonderful that i cant put into proper-words,only that Co-Creator God Aton/Hatonn will reward you for your deeds and also to your wonderful loving wife Anne and that part-time webmaster :-) and bless everyone who has helped Fourwinds10 become that Bright-Shining Beacon of Hope for All Mankind! this Darkness will end very soon and with that Lighthouse of Light Fourwinds10 has become,Everyone has begun to awaken like waking out of a dream and understand there purpose here on this wonderful mother-loving Shan.
And finally with all my heart,mind and soul and body..I want to say thank you to my/our God Aton for I love you and all you do for all of creations. I dont know what will become of me in the future,only that if i ever make it to the 5D Spiritual being,I want to comeback here on Earth-Shan and with everyone's help,make her shine brighter than any stars/planets from Heaven.
Well i said alot, before i go Patrick i hope to someday meet you in person..Let us all strech our arm high holding that torch of love!
yours truly
#15  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: SV
Sent: Monday, February 01, 2010 3:51 PM
Subject: RE: Hello, I am one confused young lady.
Dear Patrick,

this is again about the original topic, "feelings". God, gave us the right to emotions, correct? Did he not give us this right of feelings to help us along the path of judgement??

In Love and Light,


FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  SV
DATE:  Feb. 2, 2010
Dear SV:
    Yes, feelings are a very important part of our physical make-up and is one of the Four Great Virtues, which are Wisdom, Bravery, Fortitude and Generosity.  Our sympathy or caring for others and their welfare involves our feelings or generosity.  The problem in our present mis-guided society is the attitude of doing what feels good, not what is right according to God's Laws of Balance.
    Self-centeredness and ego are the problem.  Thinking that to be liberated I can do whatever makes me happy without any consideration of the harm I may cause is a big lie.  Some people live their whole life "getting away with it", but they are only fooling themselves.  Remember, we always reap what we sow, which is karma or consequences, and we are always held accountable before Creator God for those consequences.
    To judge what is right or wrong by your emotions may mis-lead you, for your emotions are greatly influenced by what you have been taugt or by what others think.  You must learn to rely on your Inner Guidance System, your God Spirit to guide you, and often you will find that you are being guided to go against what society or your peers may "feel" or think you should do.
    In today's "feel good" society it is difficult for any young person, or older person for that matter, to be the rock in the river and stand against the flow of the norm or the accepted values, morals and ethics that often run counter to God's Laws of Balance.
    It takes wisdom, bravery, fortitude and generosity to do it, but we can be that "rock", for we have all the help of Heaven, if we but ask for it.  True happiness can only be found by living God's Laws of Balance.
    May Truth guide you, always.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
 #16  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: SV
Sent: Tuesday, February 02, 2010 6:58 PM
Subject: RE: Hello, I am one confused young lady.
Dear Patrick,

I think I understand what it is you are saying, feelings are their to "help" us, but we should not base decisions with just that to actually guide us... Past little while I've been feeling braver then ever, I believe that I can truly apply myself to this. I might have to wade slowly for the first while, but I am almost through the Mannual and soaking alot in, maybe a bit more then I can handle diving into all at once.

But I will apply myself to the best of my capability! I will definately try!

Thankyou again, you've really lifted a few spirits on Earth! I will try to help anyone who needs it that I am able too, as you have done for me, and I feel soo....VIBRANT!!!, with grattitude and generosity! Thankyou you, many blessings to yourselves Patrick and Anne, you have truly helped Riley and myself so much, there's no way possible for us to show how truly grateful we are!

In Truth and believing,



FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  SV
DATE:  Feb. 3, 2010
Dear SV:
    Let me say one last thing.  When we reach the age of accountability, which is usually age 6 or 7 our conscience "kicks in".  This means that we now have a full understanding of right and wrong according to God's Laws, and from that point on we are held accountable for all our behavior and actions.
    You have heard the saying, "let your conscience be your guide" or "follow your heart".  What this means is to listen to your God Spirit within, who knows all, when you are faced with choices and must make decisions.  You alrady know the correct choice within, but you must "listen" for that discernment.  Do not let your feelings or emotions drown out what you are being told from within, and act accordingly, and you will be just fine.
    Did you read the article we posted by Jeffrey Combs entitled, "More Heart Than Talent?"  Had my generation correctly followed their conscience, we would have a better world for you today.  May you walk in Love and Light, always,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer

 #17  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: RD
Sent: Tuesday, February 02, 2010 11:30 PM
Subject: RE: Hello, I am one confused young lady.
 Hello Patrick,



  I have another question. or 4! And would be happier than the happiest portions of my previous day if you would find the time to answer them.



   I have read here and there about a contract to creator source of an ordained nature. It is your purpose or talent.Thinking of how your last name is Bellringer and how you are a Truth bringer constantly ringing the bells most dare not touch upon, i am most certain that if my last name being Desjardins, (which in french is 'of the gardens') means that i am a framer/botanist/horticulturalist. I love with passion and am highly drawn to and interested in everything botanical and green. Given my past experiences of HIGHLY enjoying to grow my own vegetables and tending to the 40 acres my family "ownes" i am little but sure that my calling and/or purpose is to use my green thumb!



   This is just a little of my understanding as to why i beleive i am a caretaker of the forest.


  I would also like to say that in reading back on the HELLO CENTRAL archive which you suggested, i found out what year it 'really' is. In your response you tell of it being the year 2022 'in what is supposed to be' 2009.  And im proud to say that i had already theorized to my father how i thought that 'somehow' 'someone' may have rigged the 'leap year so that we would all be off in our perception of time.To NOW find out that my theories at age 16 had been not all but untrue is Most incourageing!! So now i ask if we would infact be in the year 2023>? And does this mean that our "2012" date is now 2025>?



     Thank you again for all you do with your Rays Of Truth everyday.



  With MUCH gratitude, LOVE and appreciation For ALL That Is, I am going to bed because i have school tomorrow!\



FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  RD
DATE:  Feb. 4, 2010
Dear RD:
    Thank you for writing again.  Yes, we each make a soul contract with Creator God prior to entering this present lifestream.  You say your attraction to plants may indicate your life's mission.  That may be true or it may be the means to move you on to something else.  Follow your dream and you will know.
    Your thoughts about where we are in Cosmic Time are correct.  Our 2012 would be 2025 in Cosmic Time.  Just know that our time on Shan in 3D is nearly over.  Enjoy every day, and make every day count for something good.
    We shall see you aboard the ships in "Bellringer's Corner!
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
 #18  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: RD
Sent: Friday, February 05, 2010 11:16 PM
Subject: RE: Hello, I am one confused young lady.
Dear patrick,

  Thank you very much for the replies!


 I will be highly anticipating the pick up and will definately be working as hard as i can to improve upon the lives of others and myself.

 Thanks in part to you, I now know how to better increase my frequencies and how to live according to the laws. Not to say that i would never have found the Truth or the phoenix journals, but the fact is that everytime i sit down to read on fourwinds i find something that relates directly with what i have been wondering about, or with something relating or having to do with what i am thinking of on that specific day. 

  Fourwinds seems to be there for me with exactly what i need to hear, when i need to hear it.

 Thank you so much patrick for being a Truth Bringer! I am most anxiously awaiting the time where we may meet, and I definately accept your offer to be amongst you and yours in Bellringer's corner!!

We will definately see you there!

High Praise, RD

#19.  (Reply)

----- Original Message -----
From: RD
Sent: Friday, February 05, 2010 11:51 PM
Subject: RE: Hello, I am one confused young lady.
Dear Patrick and Anne, 

 This is Riley asking as humbley as possible, if you could provide me with eany other form of mind expansion other than reading and keeping my mind clean and loveing. I am doing all that i know how to and am constantly reading more and trying to be the best i can in hopes that others will want the same for them.

   I would verry much appreciate if you could fill me in on eany bases i may not be covering.  





FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  RD
DATE:  Feb. 6, 2010
Dear RD:
    "The highest command of the Law of the Creation is:  Achieve the wisdom of knowledge"--to seek Truth, wherever it may be found, and to develope the ability to discern and judge information, actions and behavior that go against the Laws of Balance.  To do this we must develop discernment.
    To do this we must improve our ability to connect and communicate with our God Spirit within through our thoughts.  You may find yourself "day dreaming", which is a form of meditation.  Meditation is important, for through it we connect our thoughts to Creator God's thoughts and get direction and answers we seek.
    You may find my writing "People of the LIe:  Phone Home E.T." helpful.  We expand our mind by keeping it open to everything both old and new, but we must always discern and screen out the lies and trash the Darkside dumps on us.  Prayer and meditation will help to do that.  We expand our mind by thought, which has no limits.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
#20  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: K
Sent: Saturday, February 06, 2010 9:54 PM
Subject: S K
In regards to "Helle,Central!"It's not about feelings!
 Bellringer:   You will have a "Light Body", when you graduate into 5D and have 5D frequencies.  This happens when you board the evacuation ships and go to the Astral Plane or 4D.  There you will stand before Creator God Aton and judge yourself according to the Laws of God and Creation.  God does not judge you.  At that point, if you have learned your lessons in soul growth, you will graduate to 5D or Heaven.
As a Rothschild/CIA Mk Ultra Victim,I asked for help and help was given to protect my brain from direct Mk Ultra technology.
Without physical contact I have given all my evidence to the law,,deposition and such,,,I don't know if this was done threw a type of frequency or "Light Body" transport.
I think it was light body transport,,In the Phoenix Journals it speaks of how Dharma would get stomach problems from being transported,,I too had this,,
At first it felt like a stomach flue,,then gradually lessoned and then it didn't hurt at all..
  I was taken to see God in Light Body..
I have the exact words written in my blog,it was August 16th 2009.
God was like a cloud of white,not shaped with features,but yet shape.
He said,"I've had it with that book",and something swished past him...
The book he was speaking of was the Bible.
Somebody spoke of Aura and seeing people in colors.,
Somehow I acquired a skill to turn on Music/Songs.
Certain sounds activate music/songs in my head,Such as starting the car,a fan,many things.
I've expermented with this,,Sometimes I switch the words to the tune,or switch songs back and forth.and usually I can shut it off..Occasionally I can't and this is bothersome..But I have learned methods to help shut the song off..
Somehow I've learned to read people's moods..This goes beyond one on one,,
There can be 20-30 people in an area of the store and I can read theie emotions..
This I can shut off,,which is good because it's hard on me when there's sadness,anger,etc..
You spoke of Freewill,,that God and his helpers allow freewill,they never force.
This is true,I know from experience.
The evil of the Rothschild/CIA forced and lied..
This has been another arguement I have had with God,,"Your not helping me enough"
This too was answered..This was answered through my God spirit and it took awhile because I didn't like the answer..I was rejecting and fighting the answer because I didn't like the answer...
That's the difference between God and Satan..
 I have had some knock out arguements with God, " maybe He should show his presence more than 1000 times 2,,," I think he anwsered me with,"He agreed"..
Then I couldn't believe I volunteered for this position,that I volunteered for torture,years of torture..
This too was answered,
During late fall early winter the helpers on high allowed the government/Pentagon to make contact with there tasors,,Most of the tasor was blocked or I would be dead..
My body would go numb especially if they made contact in the neck region,,my legs would buckle,,I would feel ill later,,,and other things..
During this 2-3 week period when they were tasoring me several times a day I said,,"You know if God asked me to volunteer again,I would"..
The reason this was allowed was for law enforcement to locate where this technology was coming from..Most of which I believe was being operated from DUMB'S(Deep Underground Military Bases)
If God gave us all the answers or interfered,would that be living?
What fun would it be?
Part of life is learning..
Bellringer:    You have heard the saying, "let your conscience be your guide" or "follow your heart".  What this means is to listen to your God Spirit within, who knows all, when you are faced with choices and must make decisions.  You alrady know the correct choice within, but you must "listen" for that discernment.  Do not let your feelings or emotions drown out what you are being told from within, and act accordingly, and you will be just fine.
The above is very true..The part about "Do not let YOUR FEELING or EMOTIONS drown out what you are being told from within"..
This is a hurdle, but like everything else, with practice you get better..
It can be hard to know if it's your God Spirit or your feeling/emotions..
Now to the fun idea,,.
Everybody wants to meet Mr.Bellringer and Anne..
So if I can borrow against my lawsuit,,I will give the party in fun,happiness,in awe and honor, gratitude,etc. for the Bellringers.
For those who are short on funds,,will work on that too..
The room will be aglow..
Thank you for making me feel my life had purpose,that there was purpose for years of being tortured.
That my life wasn't waisted.
I thank God for opening your door,,but I had to walk in,,God doesn't force..

PS..If you chose, you can print any part of the above,,but if you do any part, you must include the Fun Idea :)

FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  K
DATE:  Feb. 8, 2010
Dear K:
    Your comments are a fitting end to this "Hello, Central!"  It's not about feelings!  Thank you!
    If not here, we shall certainly meet aboard the ships, and very soon!
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer