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'HELLO, CENTRAL!' PROTECTION! (Updated Jan. 16, 2010)

Patrick H. Bellringer

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 From: GG
To: <>
Sent: Friday, January 08, 2010 9:24 PM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10


 I read murder by heart attack and want to learn as much as possible about protections mentioned in close of article jammers please respond asap thanks.  GG


FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
      TO:  G G.
DATE:  Jan. 12, 2010
Dear G G.:
    Thank you for your question.
    Jammers and other methods are not the answer to radio wave attacks against you.  I have written the answer to you question many times for our readers, that of Divine Protection, but I shall repeat again for your understanding.
    We live in a 3D physical world and are "programmed" to focus on the physical realm with little regard for the spiritual aspect of life.
    As souled human beings we have a soul or God spirit within, given to us by our Creator.  Through our God Spirit we have access to the Creative Power of our Creator to protect ourself and to co-create whatever we need to fulfill our mission in this lifestream.  So few realize this, and even fewer actually utilize this potential to make their journey.
    We protect ourselves by asking/ordering Divine Protection.  I recommend the following.  In sincerity pray/petition Creator God Aton of Light for complete and permanent protection for yourself, your family, your property, work-place and wherever you go.  Ask for the White Light of Creator God, the Golden Light of Esu (Jesus) Immanuel Sananda, and the Violet Light of Ascended Master Violinio Germain to surround you at all times.
    Then believe that you are protected, and you are!  Doubt, and you are not!  It is really that simple.  It is not necessary to keep repeating every day your request for protection.  God is quite capable of hearing you the first time.  I give thanks daily and even more often, as confirmation of my Divine Protection, because I know I have it and am thankful for it.
    Know in your heart that you are protected, and that nothing can penetrate your wall of Divine Light.  Any technology being used for evil intent such as radio-frequency weapons, particle beam or scalar, laser, nuclear, electrical, toxins or anything else is useless against your Divine Protection.  It is all about asking, believing and knowing.  I know this from experience, for Anne and I have had everything in the Adversary's arsenal brought against us to stop our work of presenting Truth to the world.
    We would not be here without the help of the Lighted Realms!
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
P.S.  You will note that the website is now gone that published this article, "Murder by Heart Attack".  I wonder why?
#1  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: GG
Sent: Tuesday, January 12, 2010 3:12 PM
Subject: Re: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10
I got you and I pray everyday and god has saved me but I need a jammer to keep from being rf ed  to death the author of this article has a new web page I know this. I wished you cold offer more guidance but whatever Ill keep looking and praying. I know im saved and I know that the article except for the little people is in fact what these nazis are up to.God gives man free choice and if its their choice to do evil one must find a device to defuse it. God does his part you have to do yours.
Godbless GG
FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  G G
DATE:  Jan. 12, 2010
Dear G G.:
    You say, "but I need a jammer.  One must find a device to defuse it".  What in my statement about how to protect yourself, did you not understand, sir?
    You say, "God does his part, you have to do yours".  Has God told you that He cannot protect you against "radio-frequency weapons"?  Has He told you that you need a device, a jammer to protect yourself?  If this is true, your God is too small!  That is, you have the wrong God or your faith is too small.
    I guess, you and I are on different pages in our lesson book on faith and enlightenment.  May you find your way, because your concept of God and being "saved" has no validity in the Realms of Light.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
 #2.  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: GG
Sent: Wednesday, January 13, 2010 2:32 PM
Subject: Re: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10
It all boils down to free will do you not believe in that?
FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
      TO:  G G.
DATE:  Jan. 14, 2010
Dear G G.:
    If you had read any of my writings or any of the Phoenix Journals, you would know the answer to your question.  Of course, our freewill choices are basic, but choosing to rely on the protection of some "silly jammer" gives no assurance of protection, whereas Divine Protection does.
    If you get "taken out" due to lack of faith in Divine Protection, you will return to the Great Wheel of Reincarnation and to many more 3D lifestreams, until you do have the faith necessary to move to the Higher Dimensions.  Know it, and may your detours not be too long.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
 #3  (Reply)
[NOTE:  This response is so 3D that I hesitate to post it to this "Hello, Central!" as it runs counter to the original intent of this forum, but for what it's worth, here goes a response from MH.  ---PHB ]
----- Original Message -----
From: MH
Sent: Friday, January 15, 2010 8:47 AM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10

Hi Patrick and Anne:

This is in response to the Hello Central: Protection, request you now have posted.  I hope you don\'t mind me responding to this request in another direction.  I have experienced and others asking the same.  I also am reading the other side of the coin, very soon future events of going from 3rd to 5th Dimension, our bodies changing, entering the photon belt, natural disasters, and major Earth events relating to Ascension.  I am also aware that the Illuminati's dreams are no longer coming their reality as they planned.  You see the big picture and you are one of God's messengers.  I see how this person is feeling and understand how even the thought of safety, knowing what you may be able to do, gives a feeling of security that will temporarily sustain a person to accomplish other necessary issues in their life.       

I have had to fight for my life, part being in hiding in various ways, using every survival mode I could devise.  I have lost somebody I loved due to this money making corruption with no legal rights, no matter the hard evidence I had which included tracing the procedures to steal the money.  I have a very close friend whereas a hit was put on her because of murder evidence she has, a Judge attacked for trying to help victims, a retired General going into hiding because he was out of the system, i.e. retired.  I have very recently read the Phoenix Contact News whereas numerous White Knights have had the ones they loved, that were important in their lives, harmed or killed because they were fighting against the NWO for what is right.  Scientists and whistle blowers have been harmed, killed, falsely imprisoned, so-on.  I have recently read that God answers your prayers with answers needed which happened numerous with me, I just didn\'t recognize it at the time.  I have also recently found that we are living a Matrix, preplanned, destiny and life plan already decided to learn lessons and soul development, that this is how a human learns by experience, which includes when you are going to die.  BUT also says that if your guides (intuition) tells you not to go on that street that day, ex snow storm, and you ignore and do it anyway, that you may not die because it is not your time, but you could spend the rest of your life in a wheel chair because you got into an accident and would have been different if you had listened, that you can change some of your destiny, it is not all written in concrete.  But what is in concrete is that our cycle is near completion and Judgment day is coming.  We still have a short amount of time.  I have read how the war may be over soon.  I also believe the Illuminati are die hearts.

One thing that saved myself and others was joining of the people, getting the evidence, the knowledge, the knowing, what the tricks were so you could make a decision on what to do, letting other people and groups know, including public awareness TV shows and fliers, set-up blockades, knowing the proper response needed, being prepared.  Numerous were praying for my safety, and believe me when I say numerous were praying for me.  Then a voice came one night saying, "You are going to see a miracle. "  I was not planned falsely jailed, murdered, and did not walk out losing all as planned.

I have read on Fourwinds10 that Code Red is scheduled for March, then there will be Code Blue.  I have read instead those camps are hopefully to be used to house people losing their homes due to Earth changes.  Many are running their lives in fear.  Under fear you don't properly think things out and causes unwanted body reactions.  The comfort of temporary safety is important from my own experience.  The Illuminati are wanting a negative, fear based attitude.  We are going into a Depression.  The G/F has done a fantastic job of helping us but they can't do it all. 

Here are some of my suggestions for Protection and experiences that may help others. 

1.   When hiding, take your battery out of your cell phone when not in use and don\'t use it when you are where you are staying for a while.  They can track your location via the cell phone.

2.   If you use a hotel room use cash and if they ask for your car license plate then give them another car license number or make one up.  Don\'t park your car in the front where they watch and can see your car license number. 

3.   I rented a room out of a house and had my mail go somewhere else.  I found the room in the rooms for rent adds, utilities included, so I didn\'t have to have my name on utility bills.  Any phone calls to friends I used a phone booth and always changed the booths. 

4.   I  bought pre paid phone cards for the phone booths. You can get prepaid Visa cards to buy things over the Internet but make sure that card has that function before purchase.

5.   You can get a cell phone number(s) appearing you live in another area, another state, a cell phone with any area code you want, ex saying you are moving to that area.  You set-up in advance a postal address and only that bill goes to that box.  You can state you are moving, need the cell phone for the move, and show them your ID and the postal receipt for that box, both with different addresses.  Harder to know who you called or if it's you.  I had reported various corruption to the Gov’t so the players were stealing my mail.  I set-up a mailing address to what looked like a house address from a private postal annex in another county even though I was living somewhere else AND also had another U.S. Postal Mail box in the town I was from .  People living in other countries do this and I had an attorney do this for himself.  Then your bank account statements or other private info. is mailed to the annex to have your mail monthly shipped to another address when you get one.  Some of these annex's know what's going on and about the corruption or the NWO.  You have to feel out the situation by having the account there for a while and getting to know who's running it before the transfer address. 

6.   I bought an older RV to live in so I could stay on the move.  A  retired Fed. Judge, who was also going against the corruption, wanted to do the same, but was wanting me to put it in my name and I said no.  I set up the RV with a heavy duty solar panel that operates the pump and lighting off of the batteries and requires little sun.  I put in a radio that also could be used via satellite but never signed up for Sirius even though connected.  The dishes on both the houses and what's bought many times for RV T.V. I never used but instead had antenna and many CD's and VHS's before the conversion boxes that can also be set-up inside the RV's.  RV Parks provide RV TV Cable.  I was told the satellite TV dishes are used as transmitters so if you are talking to somebody and they want to hear you, the upper satellites transmit the sound from the lower dishes.  I put in a connection to the LP Gas tank, used for numerous, ex the refrigerator and freezer that converts to gas or electricity, so that I can instead use also a 5 gallon LP gas container, same as used on gas barbecues, to run the RV instead of running my tank low and having to move the RV for a fill up.  I had 2 of these tanks, set-up with a gauge to tell you when you're running low.  I could then attach the full one and take the empty one for a refill or replacement, via the car.  I bought a shit holder so when the holding tank gets full, you empty it easily via tube connections into the portable shit holder and take it to a toilet where the door is outside, example some service stations and parks, to empty it, or some places have, for a small charge, areas to empty the contents, ex RV Parks.  A friend had bought some land with a stream and access street in case I needed to hide on it.  Others offered for me to live on their land, another behind a business on private parking.  Careful for zoning laws.  I also bought a dolly to attach my car to the RV and a bike rack for my bike.  I had portable gas containers for the RV to get gas to operate the generator.  I had a portable fence that folds down to contain my dogs outside. 

7.    I was told solar panels blocks the heat sensor devices so if you hide under a solar panel, harder to spot you with the heat sensor equipment they use.      

8.   The RV I bought, a Fleetwood Bounder 1994, a retired black opps General I met with his family, he was using the same RV to hide in because they were trying to kill him because he was no longer in the system, retired, and knew too much, stated our particular RV, that the ceiling of that particular brand RV, blocked the microwaves coming from the satelites.  I would notice sometimes a ringing in the RV if the window was cracked?  He also stated the original Sudafed, not what is outside on the counters but what they put inside the pharmacy area that you have to sign out for, has an ingredient in it that if you take it, it blocks the mind control devices that was off of the WA/Canada border - memory, years ago?   He also stated in 2 locations they were testing out guillotines to be put in all the states.  Later I found an Internet article stating the same.  (Also remember they sell body parts and get them various ways.)  This also matches the Bible.

9.   Listen when you talk on the phone.  Sometimes you can hear sounds or breathing that does not belong to the person you are talking to after you asked them.  Due to my phones prior being illegally bugged, verified by the phone company, I asked the General how to block that.  Also note they were also listening to me via the Verizon TV Cable Box, one listener forgot and said Hi to somebody, it went out of the box, the TV was off.  He stated if you take a regular land line phone, plug that into a wall, then dual switch that phone into a fax that has a phone, use the corded fax phone for talking, that it blows out the tap for that phone.  You can also get equipment that plugs into your phone that tells you when they come into the lines and other equipment against the phone snoopers.  I found them listed in the phone book under House Security or Protection, ex burglar alarms, but the equipment is expensive, and one place you have to have an appointment to see the equipment.  The phone company also sent a person to the house to try to find the tap, also verifying the house had an illegal tap, the investigator stating it looked like a small battery inside the phone outlets. They had already checked the main phone line, the street box, and at the house the house phone connection.  He started removing the phone jack outlets and pulling the wiring up to find the circular battery looking connection that they wire into the phone line inside the house, we immediately gave up because too many phone outlets with heavy furniture in front, my idea.  They had me talk to a person that worked for the phone company specialized in that field and of course no wireless is safe.  Later I noticed the wall phone connection was loose but so was another kitchen phone outlet.  The security company has equipment they can bring into the house to find the tap, if you have the money. 

Prior somebody disconnected my burglar alarm system bell that was outside, cut the wires from the older system, newer ones made different.  I got the burglar alarm company to document the cut.  Remember that who you are supposed to go to are controlled by their bosses controlled by the county and the control can go to WA D.C.  or IRS.  One woman, going against another RICO crime, the PD did a cover-up and she ended up in jail where they tried to kill her via the medical clinic area by injection causing her to have a heart attack.  Also somebody stole the key kept in the pad lock on my front door to open the door, same key for both locks.  I had to have the locks changed then kept the key out of the lock, oops.  Paperwork evidence would disappear out the house so always kept changing hiding places for the evidence or would take it with me.  Rule, make 3 copies and give copies to other people you trust.  They also listen in on the phone calls to find when you would be out of t!

 he house.  If they want to find you they can use your phone records and find out who you have called for clues. 

Also important, I had connected with a witness on a subject and an activist investigator from another county to share other information.  Both of these people received calls stating they were me and sounded just like me.  Later I found this happened to somebody else.  They have equipment that can match your voice.  This trick sabotauged my witness on a subject and he hung up saying he was tired of my constant calls and ranting.  I had only called him once waiting for his call back with certain unrelated info, we were trying to get a public notice out on a mutual friend, Gary Wean, that appears to have been poisoned, who was an excellent investigator going against the NWO.  They even black listed Gary’s book in the libraries and book stores that identified the corruption he was looking into.  The other person who I had talked to other times, got wise, and we set up a code so she knew if it was me.  I don’t know if this means anything but I also tried to sign up for a web which I rarely do and the web said it already had my e-mail address with a different pass code and if I wanted to change the code, which I did.  Happened again so I did it again.  Nobody would know I was going to sign up to a web that I had just discovered? Another is getting on your computer and the computer says it has to close chat first but you never use chat??  Another is the Internet Provider company I used to have saying you have been on the Internet for numerous hours and you haven't????  

10    Secure your windows, numerous ways plus the built in locks.  A P.D. Detective had me put light powder on all of the window sills to know if a break in.  We would put something at the door when we left so if they easily unlocked the front door it would open and move what we put in front of the door.  Use another door to come in, example garage door that leads to with a  house door with a lock, inside the garage.  Opening a garage door for them is also easy, a master type electrical door opener is what a friend told me.  Then check if object is moved.  Switch doors back and forth for entry.  You can get a door jammer for when you are inside.   

11.   The retired general also, before leaving the states due to the Global 2000 Plan, was getting the microchip removed that was a tracking device, that all military service men receive during the inoculations, via surgery.  His had moved to his neck area, left side, discovered where he had x-rays to locate it. This General opened up to me for 2 reasons.  We were from the same county hiding in another county, and I showed him evidence of corruption myself and others had researched, how the corrupt county and court system was operating for the players for the purpose of theft, including slush fund evidence and tax forms, along with both knowing this county involved in major NWO issues, ex the JFK assassination, that he was also aware of and few others knew.  I knew of a very rich man whose assets were stolen and then how they then went into his banks to steal all this prior millionaire had left, his SS and VA benenfits money out of his bank.  He would move the money to another bank, again the money wire transferred out, and this happens numerous, including Probate Court.  Reporting it to the bank authorities did nothing.   He then receives a call to go to the VA Hospital, they forgot to give him medicine he needed, gave him the appointment time, Doctors name and proper area to meet the doctor, who gave him the medicine and said don't worry, they will call the medicine in monthly for him to pick up.  To keep short, medicine was to slowly kill him, causing other problems.  Almost dead, other doctors not finding the cause, he stopped taking the medicine and slowing recovered.  Later he found the VA Hospital had no such doctor working for them.  The retired General, suspicious, I told him the full story.  They were doing the same play to him but he had and never took the medicine, feeling suspicious.  Trust and question your gut feeling.  I

12.   Mail.  They like to get your mail numerous ways.  When mailing evidence we would put hair or something else in the glue area.  The other party would check the glues areas to see if it was still there or if the item had been opened.  We would call when received before opening.  When giving something in an envelope and you don\'t trust the other person and this envelope you will get back, you want to see if they really looked at the evidence, fold part of the paperwork and put a loose small anything into the fold so it will fall out when opened.  If it\'s still there then the person never looked at the evidence.  Mail into pick-up mail boxes located various rather than from your house or your local P.O. Office.  An old friend caught her mail being stolen and also a trailer behind the P.O. Office with her mail inside.  She was trying to get a State Legislative Hearing set-up with numerous witnesses.  To get evidence to a newspaper I first checked out which newspapers would publish that type of story, then I went to a different county to mail it.  Some have used other peoples return name and address, note must be real.  Check the bar code on the mail, older vs new, to see if there are any changes.  Set up more than one mail box in 2 different counties, 1 knowing they will look at the mail at that US Postal Box, the other one at an annex in another county for mail you don't want them to find.  That way information is harder to seize.  I was having months of my mail disappearing after submitting evidence to others but my hidden mail was OK that was not a US Postal area.  Careful because sometimes somebody will come in saying they are you and lost their key, with a phony ID, and get a copy of your mail box key.  Other times the postal computer is tagged.

13.   They like to steal your home, money or business.  No money or home then you have a difficult time functioning and they make money off of that scam.  (That's when I bought the RV in advance, knowing what they were doing, and older ones are not that expensive but some parks won't take them.  Don't wait for the last minute on doing things or it WILL cause you problems.)   Block your bank accounts.  Some of the regular or major banks they know how to wire transfer your money so mark your account no wire transfers allowed.  Remember banks will function off of any court order, including seizing your safe deposit box where you think (NOT) evidence is safe.  You can tag the bank so that 2 certain ID's are needed to get into your account.  I had a code into one of my accounts so that nobody could get into the bank account without the prearranged code and then the supervisor had to open up the account.  I used a U.S. Federal Military Credit Union and I was not military but my parents worked civil service for the military getting me in.  I refused to move my account when a crooked Judge tried to force me to move the money into a bank they could wire transfer from, me saying I was legal, him being part of the theft and 2 other murders.   Remember a crooked Judge can put anything he wants on an Order, true or not true, and this constantly happens.  They want you passive obeying illegal Orders.  Bring in non connected to you court watchers as witnesses.  One time I brought in a court reporter I hired knowing the person was an illegal set-up.  A friend they went to County Recorder and changed ownership of her business, via a crooked connected attorney.  She tagged her recording with other exhibit not recorded showing 2 parties needed regarding the corp. business not tagged corp. and county changed back the recording, if I remember correctly on that one.  These are called setting up blockades.

14.   Never let all of your aces out at once.  Try to keep your aces from being blocked.

15.   Go numerous directions at the same time so they never know what to expect next and it keeps their energy low.  Remember they know the tricks, they are crooks, and usually use patterns and some are set on certain procedures which can actually help you out in the long run.  One found a form stating if the money is from here it is to be transferred there. 

16.   The retired Federal Judge was arranged to come to my house to interview certain people that were court victims, myself included, and activist leaders that were part of organizations.  The Judge was under attack for trying to help.  His dog was seized out of his back yard, dog license gives that privilege, and taken to the pound for extermination.  When he got back to the house with his dog, the shed in his back yard had been set on fire.   He put in another name for ID so he would not loose his retirement and had told me that was not his real name used for the town hall meeting where I met him and he was going against the 14th Amendment.  Remember they want the party crying, scared, and doing nothing which gets you nowhere, that's the goal, for you to be a victim and be passive.  A book, War at Home, by Brian Glick, tells of this covert action against U.S. Activists and how to fight back.  A person showed up at the house that later told he was a county spy; they will infiltrate meetings, get names, and they also write down license plate numbers.  We set-up the interview meetings in a private room.   When you have to be secure, rule, remove cell phone battery first.  Some unplug other electricals.  After under attack the Judge again changed his name and when he came to the house he had plastic surgery, his head shaved.  We tried to set-up directions to go, ex a tax payers lawsuit, a procedure to get certain corrupt type cases (includes theft of grant money also part of the problem), removed to a Federal court out of lower court jurisdiction.  U.S. Fed. Court of Claims can be used to sue U.S. Gov't entities rather than Federal Court which is jurisdictional.  The Judge, trying to get ready to leave for more meetings of victims, somebody bumped the Judge, paperwork fell, stranger at that time put a chip on the Judge and the car.  I may have had the same problem, car door locked, sun roof slightly opened, found a battery thrown on car seat and located another thrown in back seat, which I put into another car after I found it, sorry first thing I thought of and should have been a trash bin.  Judge had sweep for more which security type businesses that sell the equipment do.  To leave safely, had his girlfriend take a map and route the street cameras, numerous types, some on buildings.  Routed to get the car through neighborhoods and other streets without the cameras to get out of L.A..  You can also now get spray for your license plate that will block the camera pictures.    Unhappy ending.  The State Attorney went after him practicing law without a license and last I heard they were in hiding trying to figure out how to handle it.   No question, this man was a Judge, too long for detail.  Some will also keep cameras in the car if a problem, easy to get to when driving.

17.   Another retired Judge, another county, also trying to help, the players went after his retirement and seized it per his daughter.  Another Judge, just voted in, another state, was not part of the players so they sabotauged his cases and his reputation then published it in the Judges monthly magazine you can find at the law library which was a hint for other judges to do the same.  They do the same with attorneys fighting the system, make sure they lose all their cases.  Another attorney they falsified evidence against him to the state bar and had his license removed and then threw him in jail without provisions, ex no silverware, dirty clothes for a week.  This was an honest attorney.  A prior Federal Court law clerk, his children removed for the foster home and adoption set-up by the county that makes money off the children, falsely accused as a sex molestor to gain access to the children.  Later, with another attorney, he set-up meetings with victims and found out how to break their procedural scams.  The lawyer and law clerk found how to get the Judges indicted, and were writing a how to book.  The law clerk was falsely accused because one of the victims had went to one of his meetings, had hidden the abused child, and they used them being in that meeting bringing him into the case as part of kidnapping the child, refused him his own lawyer friend and brought in a Public Defender whose job was to destroy the case.  I talked to an attorney where his brother attorney and him were reviewing laws and found a set-up, that they were taking all the main laws and winning for each type of law in both directions, so the Judge can choose the direction they want to go, one law says yes and the other says no for the same subject.  I used to have a law suit where ex Nexis Lexus vs Findlaw, both Internet Law sources, trying where 1 would have a law and the other was not allowed to have that same law printed forcing all to be reviewed.  Numerous includes bringing in the players.  It's a set-up if you are try ng to get Justice through the courts and must know the players or you could end up in jail, a prison or a mental institute where they then have total control.

18.  I was told paint your ceiling the color violet by 2 people not connected, to block waives coming from the sky, I think from the satelites.  You can always then repaint white over the violet inside the house and the violet will still be there.  Can't remember exact reason on that one.

19.  I put orgonite around the house I live in to turn the negative electrical waves into positive.  They also call the orgonite tower busters.  This helps deactivate from the cell phone towers.  Also helps from the TV and computer voltage where you can buy similar equipment for that.  Sorry I'm a woman and have to take info. given as is without understanding how it works.  Read instructions, orgonite must be put as a grid and some you put in house, others outside.  It will "help" change your mood from negative to positive.  It helps stop the electric waves we are being bombarded with.

20.  I was told that hiding under a connected solar panel deflects the heat your body lets out which also deters the equipment used to detect humans. 

21.  Remember those new TV converter boxes have been reported to have mikes and cameras.  I have 1 TV set-up on the converter box for news and cover it numerous times.  I enjoy TV but now have DVD’s and VHS’s to watch.  I have caught sub liminals being transmitted off of the TV and hidden messages being sent, ex. an advertisement area will end up with a message in a spot that is normally clear, the show has a person playing a harp and then before the commercial, HAARP is flashed.  TV is a control factor in numerous ways, to put ideas into your head.  Careful on some movies that is meant to put inaccurate pictures or ideas in your mind but to me a movie is a movie and mostly Hollywierd with good special affects. 

22.  Listen to the radio where the TV is more controlled news.  I love listening to Int'l Coast to Coast am radio with George Noory and others, whereas they constantly have speakers that disclose what others don't.  I like Glenn Beck and Bill O'Reilly who some others don't, his thing being the children.  Listen carefully to the newscasters to see if they are steering you Republican or Democrat, cutting down competition, trying to discredit what somebody else has said, not sticking or side sweeping a subject, doing disinformation.  Try to listen to certain radio type speeches off the Internet, problem speaker system doesn't go very far.  The Internet is still non controlled news for now and to me the best.  Knowing the news is controlled, keep an ear open when a person is under a strange constant attack, ex. Tiger Woods recently.  Then realize a possibility that there is an alternative motive. 

23.  Water is a problem.  One person in the know bought only water that was ionizied (sp) from Culligan from a machine inside only certain stores.  He also had a water filter and a soft water connected to his water line.  He lived in a mobile home because they are harder to publically track down (easy if you have certain Internet access) where houses are traced via county records and mobile homes licensed like a car.  He was building an area hidden under the home for hiding where people can't see what he’s doing.  I think getting something that pulls water from the air may be the best if you can get energy that is not electrical.  They now have solar generators.  I'm wanting to be able to save rain water and filter it.  I have bought water containers and saving numerous containers I would normally throw away.  I have my RV filled with water, hopefully OK due to the freezing weather and water expands.   I found that numerous drinking water you buy still had you drugged but chemtrails known for doing the same when they want.  When talking to people or driving or in a shopping area, watch the people, see if they are acting slow, it they aren't concentrating and making dumb errors and it's numerous of them doing the same, or if many seem angry.  They are poisoning us through our water and the air.

The Illuminati must know for any place where and what food and water is safe and which is not, besides just saying organic.  If anybody has that list please give to Patrick for publication. 

24.  I keep Colloidal Silver and MMS.  I keep filter masks.  I keep my gates locked with a lock.

25.  I had found an accurate psychic that was disclosing things before they happened and when they happened I was prepared.  Most psychics are phony.  Don’t feed them info.  Out of numerous I have only had 2 that were very accurate and one was only $20.00 per reading. 

26.  Try to be careful you are not blocked in.  For many this is impossible because there is only 1 street going to their house or you can't see what's going on in the road block.  Where I live they are cutting out most of the city lights, excuse to save money due to budget cuts.  I don't like this because if somebody is coming to your house it's hard to see them.  You may want to put bars on your windows but myself, YUK.  Don't answer your door when it's late.  If you are caught having to go somewhere dangerous, example inside a train cab to a concentration camp, keep in mind they probably will have one of their players inside each of those cabs, wired with a transmitter, to disclose any escape plans.  That is a guess because that is what they do in jails and no I have never been to jail.  Remember 1 scam can be used for numerous situations.  Keep an eye on your mail box.  I found mine had my name tag inside the box but when I turned the tag around it was bar coded to the Denver Airport and so was the new neighbor across the street.  The Denver Airport is said to have prison areas under it.  Remember the color coding to be used in your mail boxes for pick up.  Don’t make it easy for them.

27.  Review the Phoenix Journals that have numerous technical and corruption information.  Look at various conspiracy and Gov't webs.  I don't have the money to set the house up for solar panels.  I want to get a rope made so I can use it to get out of a window that is upstairs.  I bought vegetable seed and containers with wheels for growing the seed.  Gardens and food may be looked for.  Mirrors can move light.  Plan in advance.  After finding a house to live in, I kept my RV in case I need it due to various possible emergencies and made sure where I'm living I can have the RV, that is self contained, at the house.  Before I moved I reviewed the various future maps that disclose a few safe places due to soon natural disasters that are going to happen due to earth change situations.  Edgar Cayce, Notradamus, Zeta Safe Areas write-up but I don't trust the Grays in general, the Zeta's work with the Reptoids, numerous disclosing on safe areas.  Remember that certain aliens and our own government also have the looking devices that tell the future and know future events.  Keep an eye on what the players are doing for clues, for example storing non hmo seed, setting up underground bunkers.  Remember good and bad with all.  I used a where to move to book from the book store that tells you if the area has hurricanes, known for flooding (warnings to stay away from the ocean), tornados, earthquakes, volcanoes, and took that strongly into consideration.   I had little money but tried to get not electric survival items due to the magnetic storms coming in and the problems with Planet X that is talk, the polar shift, and the other Earth problems you read about.  I bought a small barbecue that operates off of wood.  I made sure the house has a fireplace.  I bought winter under garment items to keep me warm.  I bought a heavy duty back pack and knife in case but back pack stolen.  I got them from an army surplus store.  I bought a safety jacket used for the ocean, in case of flooding, but also stolen.bought  2 gas masks with filters, again army surplus store, 1 stolen, 1 was for car and other for house.  Watch for the thieves in all shapes and directions, even when you think your house is secure and locked up and you live in a safe area and we are still 3 dimensional.  I bought a mountain trail bike and had portable storage containers attached in case the car is knocked out due to electrical magnetic failure or you need to get to a hiding area.  I looked at my house via Google Earth to try to see what they were seeing.  I looked for a mountain house but too lonely, I like people in general.  You can get cheap, in excellent shape bikes at thrift stores.  I bought a Generator and a propane heater.  I have basic camping gears.  I want to get a garden watering container that could be used as a portable shower.  I'm trying to set up the house for a hiding spot that is not obvious but near zero on that one.  I have been caught in the city road blocks where they steer the people in 1direction blocking other streets.  A friend has noticed the blocked freeway outlets in a major city where people could not get out of the city onto a major freeway for 2 days for no reason.  They are practicing.  I found that Homeland Security was hiring a very large amount of new jobs for the roads.  Sometimes their want adds will give you clues.  I bought cheap binoculars for a close friend's car to keep her safe so she can spot what is going on in advance and get away before trapped, where she is always on the move.  I bought a natural health medical book.  I bought a survival book.  I bought a how to do repairs book but I don’t have the physical strength for most of that.   I bought a how to garden.  Note, numerous books also at thrift stores or library where they are discarding to get new books, so also keep your eyes open there and I sometimes go looking directly for the books, especially recipe books women.  I bought a few tools even though I don't know how to operate some of them.  I want to get a push only lawn mower. !

Friends were setting up public awareness shows and town hall meetings.  We were joining info with non profits.  I set up a corruption disclosure book that was sent to the Fed. Gov't, not only by myself but even an X medically heart disabled CIA agent liked it and hand delivered it to WA D.C. to a top FBI agent after reviewing it.  A friend set-up a state Congressional disclosure meeting for corruption regarding the children, that people from the Country found out and went to, with only 1 Congressman taking the offer to come, later saying he was unaware that type of corruption was going on, finding the same similar subject stories from hundreds, then trying to get an investigation from the House Ways and Means Committee, then sabotauged by his fellow workers.  My package was one of those exhibits.  There are two sides to the coin.  This is only part.  I am trying to prepare for all directions. 

28.   I have had my car sabotaged to harm me 3 times.  This included a plastic bag tied to the axle of my brakes so when the plastic got hot it would melt and lock the brakes.  The alternator wires were severed, one of my wheels, the lug nuts were loosened and my tire started to bow when I was driving, had water put into my brake fluid, holes put into my radiator and two of my tires flattened when I was supposed to be someplace.  The last was I had no control of the steering of my car and ended up in a ravine and that time I had the car parked on another street from my Mother's house and happened after my Dad's funeral.  I would park the car hidden away in another location when at or visiting my now deceased Mother and kept my car locked after the first error of keeping it unlocked one time.  Also regarding my RV, I had a break in not showing any signs of a break-in from the outside, RV still locked.  I called a lock smith to have the locks changed and found they had alr!

 eady been there, a woman had stated she has lost her keys to the RV.  The lock smiths want the money and they don't check whose auto it is so I would leave signs stating ID required.   You may also want to keep a night over of necessities in the car at all times.   If they are looking for you they also look for your car, been that way for years.   

29.   I have moved.  I try now to do a little this, a little that.  Before I was with numerous for the same goal.  Now my limited research is via the computer in all directions.  If I find anything I think is important, I let Patrick and sometimes others know, friends and the people that can possibly use the information, let them be their own judge.  Remember:  Energy waisted in upset that causes no solution gets you no where but hard to break the upset.  Think of you as a mouse, eating that large piece of cheese (a project you want to get done) but it takes days for that mouse to finish that cheese (do a little every day and then the project won't be so big and then done).

Joining of the people and knowing what is going on in advance, in all directions, is only beneficial.  I'm a nobody, just an average person, without a college degree, have made many errors in my life, need improvement.  I was not a good communicator and took a seminar on that.  I have had and still learning how to recognize and break away from family or social upbringing that is not beneficial or accurate.  You have to recognize yourself and what you are good in and how it can be useful.  I have had to learn how to be like a lawyer and do strategies, which saved me in the end.  I have had to learn how to be an investigator,  by talking to other people, going through some county and court records, learning via the computer, going to town hall meetings, talking to the people, joining with others, then getting the hard evidence and doing something with it.  I have had to learn about NWO issues, similar, especially via Fourwinds10, and research.  I have had to learn to have faith again and learn what I was taught is not the way it is.  Now I'm also trying to learn issues that have to do with the aliens and spirituality.   If I can do it then so can others.  I would rather kick back and have fun, fun-what's that? 

I am hoping that if anybody can add to this anything that might help to protect the people in various situations, no matter how little or small it is, it may be able to save somebody, add to what I have typed.  I am hoping that if you know anybody that may need the info, let them know after the blog is completed.  They can sort out if needed but use discretion, don't bombard.  Many people are dying or hurting, their lives turned into directions that are not normal, trying to do the right thing.  Victims are enormous and when you are in that situation it will take over your life, either crying about it, unable to sleep or function, fighting to stop it, fighting to get your life in order, fighting for protection, fighting to help other people so it doesn't happen to them, fighting to stop the crime from happening again.  I personally have taken all these directions.  Treat people the way you want to be treated but also fight for what is right and remember everybody has their own opinion.  Realize that people have their days, their moods, also.  Can’t we try to help them, the people fighting for us, the victims, the We The People?

30.  It's also very important to pray.  We are now discovering we let out energy.  A group of doctors years ago took patients with the same disease.  They assigned a number to each patient.  They put part of that disease from the patient into tubes or petri dishes, can't remember which, with the number assigned to the patient on the exhibit.  They kept a log to know which patient was assigned that number.  They mixed the exhibits, then put half of the exhibits into a cabinet.  The other exhibits they had a prayer group praying for that group to get well.  The ones that were prayed for got well, the others didn't.  The patients did not know they were being prayed for.  Prayer gives off positive energy.   The more that pray for the same end result, the more powerful that prayer is.  Some things can be changed, others can't, out of your control, some call it Destiny.  I've seen both.  Patrick has given his prayer or make up your own, for the same end result.    I know what it's like to lose faith.  If we lose faith, they have an easier chance to win.  Now it's known God has an army fighting this.  We all need to be the army.   

Note - No matter who you are talking to in general when you meet people, many have a story, and if you talk something they are interested in, they usually will open up and do a vice versa, otherwise back down and change the subject.  Many that are in the system don't want to be there and will privately help you or admit a problem if they don't fear you and you understand their position, that they are lower employees needing work and trying to feed their families, not responsible in their minds because they are doing what their boss tells them to do.  You learn how to do the investigations by investigating the various avenues, ex get to know public records, talk to people, review other peoples work that is on the Internet.  You ask or share information with other people and many are willing to do the same.  Don't disclose people that don't want to be disclosed that are trying to help you.  Play a hunch and go for it.  Go to meetings.  If you are good at a certain something, offer your service for a day or project, it will make you feel good you helped. If you do gardening, plant extra for food knowing your neighbors and friends may need it.  All the forest fires, plant a tree where needed, a tree gives out oxygen.  Don't buy the Illuminat's products or use their banks, called going on strike.  Post something in the Public Opinion where that section is usually not changed.  Rent a trash bin for the homeless.  The more that is out, the more it helps the whole, and the less games they are able to play, or a game is recognized when it is being played so you can block the play. 

I was never an activist or the out in public on stage person and never wanted to be.  I ran around with a few natural leaders.  Now it's a must to try because this is also my world, your world, and you can see what's going on if you open your eyes, the evidence is worldly.  If people don't want to listen, later they might and be open, and sometimes you can change with suttle hints and evidence.  Many of these people are concerned about themselves and then will try if they see it will affect them.  If a person is part of a silver spoon life, which I was not, bad things will sometimes hit them harder because they don't know how to handle it.  You can lower that blow otherwise their behavior later can cause repercussions.   Some people are trying for public office to stop it inside out, hopefully no voting machine rigging.  Some are setting up public awareness shows or town hall meetings, others are speaking, others are writing books, others are blogging what they know, some are passing out fliers, some volunteering their service, some investigating, some just telling their friends and asking them to let others know.  The list is endless.  Knowing we have numerous Earth catastrophes coming, for example the Polar Shift, Magnetic Storms, numerous, causing earthquakes, flooding, global non Gore, that it matches the Bible, let people know with care so they can judge their own plans.  You can learn numerous going various directions.   If it's beneficial, get it out there, to the news, to the Internet sites, Hello Patrick, what else would you like.  Do what you are good at.  Let people know.