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Patrick H. Bellringer

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From: T

To: Patrick Bellringer

Sent: Saturday, December 26, 2009 10:52 AM

Subject: Clarification please...

Just for the record, if you will, how does Hatonn feel about all these gay marriages?



FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer

     TO:   T

DATE:  Dec. 29, 2009


Dear T:

    Much can be written about this question.  The soul knows all Truth, including the Laws of God and Creation.  The souled-human living a life that runs counter to God's Laws will have disease/dis-ease, feel negative energy and guilt, as a result of the imbalance.

    Many people today are human clones.  Such beings have no soul, because only Creator God can create a soul.  Therefore, human clones have no God-connection, and consequently, no conscience, the basis for values, morals and ethics.  This is a main reason for society having such a great degree of evilness today.

    Guilt is relative to the quality of the gay marriage, to the degree of caring and love vs. evilness and physical degradation involved in the so-called union.  Creator God give no quarter to those, who choose to defy His Laws.  These Laws are stated quite clearly in Phoenix Journal #27.  May you read them with understanding.

                            In Love and Light,

                            Patrick H. Bellringer



 #1  (Reply)

----- Original Message -----

From: T

To: "Patrick Bellringer" <>

Sent: Tuesday, December 29, 2009 11:12 PM

Subject: Is this what you were referring to?

[Quoting:  Phoenix Journal #27 "The Phoenix Operator-Owner Manual" pp. 4 and 5.  ( )

"...shared in the gracious hospitality of ones who serve our Hosts.  He came on more than one occasion and did, in fact, claim to be in total, un¬flinching service unto God and did, further, want funding for his pro¬jects (of course) to come from these ones—but he liked not the attitude of Hatonn as Hatonn pronounced the Truth of the laws.  In other words, “I will serve God and do God’s work—as long, by God, as I can do it MY WAY!  He continues in his advertising for his own gain: “We have or¬dered all of the books (PHOENIX JOURNALS) listed on their order form, and we receive each new publi¬cation as it is printed.  They produce one or two new books each month.  Hatonn, we are convinced, DOES NOT UNDERSTAND THE STRUC¬TURES OF HUMAN CONSCIOUS¬NESS, THE HIGHER PURPOSES AND FUNC¬TION OF SEXUALITY, NOR MANY OTHER HUMAN ACTIVITIES.  WE DIS¬PUTE MANY CLAIMS HE MAKES ABOUT HIS `HIGHEST INTELLI¬GENCE’ (ME-GOD, ATON) AND UNDERSTANDING OF OUR PLANET’S NEEDS, SUCH AS OUR PROTECTION, ETC., BUT THE INFOR¬MATION HE HAS ACCESS TO IS MOST VALUABLE, AND HAS CAUSED GREAT DISTRESS IN THE U.S. GOVERNMENT.”

He continues later with, “...keep yourself updated with the SPOTLIGHT and the PHOENIX (not giving your attention to Hatonn’s critical nature and focus on the nega¬tive which only hurts and isolates himself and oth¬ers)...”

Perhaps I should mention to you that Hatonn denounces the lack of RE¬SPONSIBILITY of the sexual unions as you of Earth have come to prac¬tice them—the murders of the unborn, the USE of another for gratification of human power needs and the activities which are given and experi¬enced—in most despicable ways bearing diseases and killing the very body seek¬ing ac¬ceptance and pleasure.  LOVE AND UNION OF EMOTION IS A GIFT OF EXPERIENCE GIVEN UNTO THE SOUL (EMOTIONS) AND HAVE NAUGHT TO DO WITH BODY PHYSI¬CAL.  THAT FOR WHICH YE SEARCH IS NOT FULFILLED BY ANY CON¬JURED ACTIVITY OF THE HU¬MAN PHYSICAL BEING.  IT IS THE “BEHAVIOR” DE¬NOUNCED, NOT THE LOVE AND ABIDING CO-RELATIONSHIP OF THAT WHICH YOU LABEL HETEROSEXUAL OR HOMOSEX¬UAL.  IT IS NOT “LOVE”, RE¬SPONSIBILITY, NOR EVEN CARING, WHEN ONE WOULD GIVE FATAL DISEASE UNTO THAT OTHER HE CLAIMS TO ABIDE WITH IN LOVE.  Therefore, when ye are told the truth of it, you de¬nounce and turn away.

How can you believe and accept one thing from Hatonn and dis¬card that very portion which al¬lows your immortal soul transi¬tion into the glorious realms of higher dimen¬sion?  Is the infer¬ence, somehow, that if you have experienced the things which are against the Laws of God and The Cre¬ation that you are doomed and lost forever?  Do not be foolish—all done in IGNO¬RANCE is instantly forgiven as TRUTH IS NOTED AND FOL¬LOWED.  As in the “homosexual” participant in any rela¬tionship—you turn from the placement of your parts of procre¬ation or that which was purposed for speech into the places of fecal expulsion.  Is that so very dif¬ficult to attain in truth?  Is that act a true expression of your caring LOVE of another be¬ing?  What about the soul of the one so used, especially as he turns into the terminal case of cancer or pneumonia from the act?  Can your soul find peaceful rest after having delivered your closest friend or child into the agony of death by disease which shall snuff out their expe¬rience in in¬credible suffering and lingering sickness?

MY LAWS and those of THE CREATION were given unto you of physi¬cal experience to honor total simplicity and gain won¬drous fulfillment and joy from your relationships with your brethren, to pass the journey of ex¬perience in learning and then make passage into higher lev¬els of under¬standing and knowl¬edge.  You have now bound yourselves by shackles of lies into the endless rotation of the wheel of experience worsening with each experience until you have forgotten all the Truth of LIFE.  Most of you have wasted your experience and are the moving DEAD searching after bits of physical dregs to pass the journey.

I judge not that which you DID; I judge that which you DO after learning Truth.  No MAN nor group of MEN/WOMEN shall change one iota of the LAWS!  You can all vote in favor of that..."


FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer

       TO:  T

DATE:  Jan. 5, 2010


Dear T:

    Yes, precisely!

                            In Love and Light,

                            Patrick H. Bellringer

 #2  (Reply)

----- Original Message -----

From: JH

To: bellringer

Sent: Wednesday, January 06, 2010 11:43 AM

Dear Patrick, I'm struggling with an addiction to pornagraphy. Are there any prayers that you may suggest that can help me break free from this dark difficulty. I can't go on like this, and I'm willing to do whatever it takes to be free of this. Thank you for the tireless work that you and Anne do for humanity through the Fourwinds website. Sincerely, JH


FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer

     TO:  JH

DATE:  Jan. 6, 2009


Dear JH:

    Thank you for your letter and your honesty.  You have already passed the first test by admitting that you have a problem, as measured by the Laws of God.  Most people with problems never pass the first test of admitting that they have a problem.

    I have some thoughts that you need to consider in this healing process.  Creator God Aton of Light has created all that exists in our present Nebadon Universe.  All was created in beauty and perfection according to Cosmic Law.  The human body is no exception and part of our humanity is the attraction toward and admiration of the opposite sex.

    Because we live in a 3D world where evil exists, the Darkside always takes what is good and beautiful and debases it and uses it for their evil intent.  Thus, we fall into the trap of thought control, so that we think with evil intent, as well.


    How we order our thoughts and emotions determines whether we see beauty and Goodness in the human form, or are drawn to the dark emotions of lust, ego, and selfishness.  It is a matter of choice of how we order our thoughts and our emotions and our resulting behavior.  We need to focus on the potential for Goodness and the beauty of Creation that exists in others, and not on our selfish desires and urges from the Darkside that may bombard us to test us.

    You have admitted you have a problem.  Secondly, you have stated your sincere desire to change your life-style.  Thirdly, you must take action and choose to re-orient your thoughts and emotions concerning how you see other people, as I have suggested.  Lastly, you need to ask for help, for Divine Intervention to assist you in fulfilling your choices to walk the Lighted Path of Truth, Goodness and Love.

    There are prayers others have made in their call for Divine help, but the best one is the one you make yourself.  The simplest prayer is "God, help!" or "Sananda, help!"  In your moment of weakness simply call for help.  Your Guardian Angels are ever with you and, also, await your call.  You have all the help of Heaven, if you but ask.  Just know that the words you pray are not as important as your heart's intent.  Creator God hears your heart's desire, even when no words are spoken.

    You will be free of this affliction or any other the moment you choose to be free!  Simply say, "This is over!  I'm done with this way of thinking, this way of seeing, this way of acting!"  I choose to walk a new path of Goodness and beauty and Truth, and to follow God's Laws of Balance.  God help me to do so!"

    That, my friend, is a prayer!  You shall accomplish in Goodness whatever you sincerely choose to accomplish, for the energy you send out shall come back to you.  Know it!

                            In Love and Light,

                            Patrick H. Bellringer


#3  (Reply)

----- Original Message -----

From: KM


Sent: Wednesday, January 06, 2010 12:36 PM

Subject: gay relations the consequence

Greetings Mr Bellringer,

Truly enjoyed your wisdom filled responce to the question being asked about guilt and gay marriage, yes many are human clones but also being used for a much more sinister agenda, to multiply the presence of demonic entities .

The agenda of the Armegeddon supporters is to create a planet filled in chaos and Dis-Harmony.

When entities of the same sex indulge in sexual relations , this is against creation and nature ,if not so why do we not see gay animal relations . Cause the animal kingdom understands the nature of Creation .

When two join in intercorse a spiritual bond is created ,if it is un-natural this allows the dark forces to go to work and demonic entities are then given a portal to enter into this dimension.

What man and woman does not understand is the sacredness of intercorse .And are being lead astray such as in the time of Sodom-ize and Gomorrah .

A man's private part is the priesthood of his soul being ,this is why when he is sexually aroused it is called an erection. His sactred private part stands at the entrance of the Soul church erected to give glory unto our Creator . He is then to enter the temple the wo-mans private sacred church vagina to commune and exchange their soul records asheric records and ancient soul wisdom knowledge, at the point fo the mans preisthood communing with the wo-mans temple church, they then share the vast soul knowledge and sacred knowledge of creation and universe. Like an open book of ancient knowledge read by each other for the glory of worship and communion.

When 2 partners of the same sex try to re-create this it is un-natural and opens the door to entities awaiting this perfect opportunity to enter into our world .

Animals understand this.  What a shame man is left in the dark and tricked into beleiving this is acceptable. Our Creator made laws to enhance our life here to share a responsibility to understand the gift of sex with a partner whom is soul chosen .

What a shame the dark side knows this and uses it to trick man , The Light must also begin to teach what the consequence is when two of same sex commune .

In Love and Light AISHAU of the Seventh Ray