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Patrick H. Bellringer

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  From: CC
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, December 31, 2009 11:17 PM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10


 I'm ending 2009 with my online connections in a MESS!   It has been 2 DAYS and NO message from Casper or anyone!   Will we ever  see the packets in OUR hands?  I never had ANY idea that I would still be waiting, after almost FOURTEEN YEARS!!!``


FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  Cc
DATE:  Jan. 1, 2010
Dear Cc:
    We all have been waiting fourteen years and more for this to happen.
    Do you have a Plan B should you never get your funds?  Most people have put their life on hold by living in a dream world of maybe.  It's not about money, but bringing Goodness to our world.  Move on and help create Goodness, my friend, and let Creator God's Divine Plan unfold as it will
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
#1  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: EW
Sent: Friday, January 01, 2010 4:23 PM


A good response to the enquirer.
However, what would be your advice for one who is 
now on Plan X, and I don't mean the Roman kind.
My prayerful wish is
Good will to all men
May we all prosper in love
As we begin the year 2010
And, In Casper's words 
We all await
As our finances have diminished
FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  Eldon Warman
DATE:  Jan. 2, 2010
Dear Eldon Warman:
    There is still hope!  You have two letters of the alphabet to go!  In all the wisdom you have gained since Plan B you still have two changes to "get it right".  Any serious gambler would consider that pretty good odds.  Oh, by the way, you can start with numbers after you have completed the alphabet, and you will have many more options.  The Divine Plan has infinite possibilities, and as a spiritual being you have infinite potential!
    May you create a New Year more joyous and rewarding than the last one!
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
#2  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: FM
Sent: Saturday, January 02, 2010 5:30 AM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10

 In all due respect Sir, your answer to C.C.'s question as to whether we will ever get the packets in our hands for any of the prosperity programs was really not clearly answered. My interpretation of your answer was that after waiting 14, or 20 years we will never receive them and to forget about them and get on with our lives.

 Presumably the packets do exist but from what Casper says frequently they all must be suffering from ping pongitis being hit back and forth so much they must now be worn out.

 Furthermore most of us are terrified about criticizing in any way in fear that we might be erased from the list and never receive anything because of the criticism. F.M.

FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
      TO:  FM
DATE:  Jan. 2, 2010
Dear FM:
    Of what are you afraid?  Constructive criticism will not cause you to be removed from any list, sir.  Anyone pedaling such nonsense is working for the Adversary.
    Will we ever see these funds?  I do not know the future, therefore, I cannot answer that question.  We can only hope that we will, but we must also consider the signs of the times.  Mother Earth is in her early cleansing mode, as indicated by earth changes, weather, etc.
    Creator God has promised that when our planet's cleansing cycle becomes so severe as to be unsafe for us to remain here, evacuation will occur.  I am saying the continual delay in our 3D plans to bring some relief and help to our civilization and to Mother Earth is being over-shadowed by Cosmic events and timing.
    We know well that often things do not turn out the way we expect them to, due to the freewill choices of others.  We should not put our life on hold waiting for "maybe" and "if", but to find ways to be productive and responsible on Plan B, while we hope for Plan A to happen.
    May your New Year be most productive and joy-filled.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
#3  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: J&V
Sent: Friday, January 01, 2010 11:38 PM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10

 Hi My Dears,     Happy New Year

 a prosperous  blessed year  better  than 2009 and may all your dreams come true in 2010.

 Vicie and myself  we are just wondering.....

 You do not seem to be very positive  about getting the actual funds in our do not seem to think  it will happen   you are not  positive at all...You used to be ...What happened??????  I really do not think that anything will happen...  no change...  no new banking.... no.

Nesara    The evil side  has the power our side  does not have  much say so in all this.....What PLAN B????? when some people in these programs  are 65-78 years old  what plan B....When we were lied to for  7 8   14  15 years  week after week   month after month  giving us HOPE   or whatever it was.....Let\'s face it  IT Will never happen   ever and you know it.  The world  will see more hunger misery blood-shed the mean-time  some-one already is  living it  up with the packies of money.  It is a new year  IT is time  for the messengers  to come clean  and the rest of us  face reality that  there will be no money to be gotten  in the near future. I am done  waiting   and waiting   and trusting   and being  made a fool of....when it is obvious  WHO has the  ultimate power.  Thank you and God Bless YOU..... and  hope you will answer us, J & V

FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
      TO:  J & V
DATE:  Jan. 2, 2010
Dear J and V:
    Never say, "never!"  Anything is possible!  I, most certainly, have not given up hope for the NESARA Mission to be completed, in spite of all the 'nay" sayers and the opposition by the Adversary, but I am not sitting around moaning and complaining and waiting for someone else to solve my problems for me.
    I am to be responsible for myself, as best I can under Creator God's Laws, and I am held accountable for what I have done in this lifestream by these same Laws.  For too many people "life is what happens to them, while they are making other plans", and they end up having not learned their lessons and have nothing of spiritual value to show for having lived another lifestream.  So, back to the Great Wheel of Reincarnation they go, for another life in 3D.
    There should be more to one's life than waiting for a pile of money to drop on your head, and "No", I do not know that it will never happen, and neither do you.  My question is "Why should it happen to you?"  "What have you done to deserve it?"  Positive things happen to those, who create positive energy.
    Lastly, WHO (World Health Organization) does not have the "ultimate power" as you suggest.  "Creator God does!  Your thinking in so many ways is far too small, which keeps your soul in a cocoon.
    May you truly "live" in joy in this New Year!
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
#4  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: SA
Sent: Monday, January 04, 2010 3:31 PM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10

 Hi Patrick / Anne Happy New Year 2010 and two more years to go until 2012......weeeeeeeee......

 Please forward my response to JV about his/her post, however it reffers to all the thread of the same content;

 Dear Friends

 I will not make a fuss about you expecting the money, it's your right to do so, but I would like to ask you: what you could -possible- do with money at this stage of the human history and evolution?

 Would you give to your brothers and sisters who dying from the well financed annihilation programs, nuclear and others?

 Would you open schools and hospitals, would you spend them on programs that will be of benefit to others and the planet?

 Would you pay for poor children to educate and feed themselves and have a second pair of socks in the cold months of the winter? And I speak about your people in America let alone those killed by wars "here" and "˜there".

 Would you employ the best lawyers of the world to confront your system that \'YOU\' criticize so strongly and blame on a daily basis on this site? i gotya know....never thought about it did you?

 Wanting something and asking / discussing about it's like a prayer. You must clarify why you want something so much and how you going to use it first, before you bother yourself with asking /thinking about them bloody pieces of paper. 

 Money have brought so much destruction and so mush disease upon your mind, body spirit by stuffing yourselves with "˜what money can buy".

 Yeah it can buy everything that's for sure, apart from some spiritual common sense like appreciating, giving and re-giving so to be able to have and re give..............................erh?.........................

 If I was a God and you wanted money, I would ask you to put together a very strong statement with clear intention and long term goals and maybe -- “maybe, I would granted your wish.

 But thankfully I m not a God so I can make use of my human and mean side, and scoff at your silly posts and fairytale dream packages that you do not deserve to get!!

 In Light" only if you want "Love" you must give it first

 Cheers SA

#5  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: NM
Sent: Wednesday, January 06, 2010 2:07 PM
Subject: Stupid Zombies Waiting

Just read the articles in answer to the person who asked "will we ever see our packs in our hands". 

First, I agree with J & V totally.  How do you know what many of us have gone through in waiting for these continual years of promises? How do you know how many plans we have gone through or attempted in going on with our lives?  You have no right to assume that we are just sitting here like stupid zombies waiting.  Yes, as that person says, many of us are in our 60's, 70's and a little late to try plan B, ie; go back to college, try a new career, volunteer overseas..........yada, yada, yada.  Many of us are to old to begin a new life.  You do not know our lives, our hearts, our souls.  You are being self righteous to us who have been lied to, yes lied, with the sources who have told us "imminent, momentarily, wait for the knock on the door" on & on, over & over.

 Second, SA another self righteous person telling us we are just waiting for "money".  Again, how does he/she know this?  He/she claims they are not god, (little g), but she is acting like one when she assumes what are dreams are.  Does she know our hearts and what we planned & dreamed for our funds if and when we ever received?  (But thankfully I m not a God so I can make use of my human and mean side, and scoff at your silly posts and fairytale dream packages that you do not deserve to get!!   In Light" only if you want "Love" you must give it first Cheers SA)   As you can see, he/she makes light of V&A post by calling it a silly fairytale dream that we do not deserve to get!   Who elevated her to the god position?  Then he/she signs her post by claiming only if you want "Love".............oh my.....then we who dare to speak, to write complaints of how we, after years of believing, that we have "No Love"?  I am very upset at the answers you give these people who had the audacity to believe in something that was told would change our lives, but we would be able to make a difference in our world.  Who had the audacity to have faith in a program that was told to us many years ago that it was "G-D's Program".  My bible says that "In the end times He will open his windows of heaven and pour out a blessing we would not be able to contain".........this is what I believed in, and that I would be able to use for HIS Glory.    So even though you think we are just waiting for money to gorge ourselves and live like the money hungry people of our world today do, I want to tell you, that "yes", I am waiting for this blessing, BUT even if it doesn't come, I know I have a place in heaven with MY G-D, the G-D that sits on the throne of the Universe, and HE, only HE is in control................If HE wants this, then HE and HE alone will make this happen.  In the meantime, I'm in HIS hands.   In the Love of Yeshua,  NM PS I am not a regular reader of your site as I do not believe in the god you talk about, but I went on it just to see what casper had to say