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Patrick H. Bellringer

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  ----- Original Message -----
 From: D
Sent: Monday, December 21, 2009 4:24 PM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10


 Hello Central,

 I was listening to;

 The live broadcast. About 2 weeks ago. There was a person on there, saying that GOD, or the creator, was the one who created or put the satanic people-being\'s-ET\'s, here on earth.

 I wanted to call in. And say, your out of your mind. God is good. God is against evil. Why would God do such a thing.

 But I did not.

 I thought about it. For quite some time. Trying to put all the piece\'s of this complicated puzzle together in my head.

 Here is what I came up with. Let me know if I put this puzzle together correctly?

 They are here by design.

 Planet Earth. Is A PRISON PLANET. MOST ALL OF US. Are here to work on many thing\'s. Mainly to perfect our soul\'s. Our god Spirit. Learn the truth. Who we are. Where we cam from, what we are capable of doing. To live by the Law\'s of God. The Law\'s of the Universe. That everything is one, and everything is equal.

 If. There were no temptation\'s here. No evil, no war\'s, no drug\'s, no gun\'s, no gay people, no black\'s and white people, Jew\'s Muslim\'s, fossil fuel\'s, bio weapon\'s, disease, nuke\'s, and so on.

 If No one was here, to create the evil feeling\'s, and temptation\'s. There would be no choosing right from wrong. There would be no change, or growth in what we came here to accomplish. perfecting our souls. Choosing to follow the light, vs. the dark.




FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
      TO:  D
DATE:  Dec. 22, 2009
Dear D:
    Yes, you have it right.  Lucifer/Satan left Heaven and roamed the Cosmos, destroying many 3D planets with his evil.  Finally, Creator God ordered Satan to choose one planet for his jail planet, and he chose Earth Shan.
    This made Shan a great schoolroom for lessons in soul growth, and of course, we chose Shan for our lessons.  Satan chose to come to our planet with his very evil troops.  Creator God did not force him to come here.
    Our job was to bring the Light of Truth and defeat evil on our planet.  We are close to that happening.  Hold the Fort, my friend, a bit longer!
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer