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Patrick H. Bellringer

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  ----- Original Message -----
From: JA
Sent: Sunday, December 20, 2009 6:33 PM
Subject: Colors
Dear Patrick,
I just started reading the journals and the messages. I found your web site a few months ago.
I have one question. Is there a journal or a message about colors? ... ex: what colors should we wear or avoid. Any recommendation? 
Thank you in advance. J. A.
FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  J.A.
DATE:  Dec. 21, 2009
Dear J.A.:
    Welcome to Fourwinds and to the Phoenix Journals.  You have asked a great question.  Everything carries its own frequency signature.  Frequency varies according to density or mass, color, spiritual projection, etc. which affect the rates of vibration.  The higher the level of enlightenment, for example, meaning the greater one's knowledge of Truth, the higher is one's frequencies.
    The main Phoenix Journal that mentions color is #7, The Rainbow Masters, where a master represents each of the seven main colors of the rainbow.  All colors combined in a ray of light make white, representing the pure White Light of Creator God Aton of Light.  The absence of all color is black and indicates a very low frequency. In general the darker the color the lower the frequency, and the brighter the color the higher the frequency.  The Rainbow Masters all have the brighter shades of color of their specific rays.
    We understand that the brighter colors carry greater positive energy, while the darker colors tend to carry negative energy.  Have you ever wondered why so many people wear black clothing today or drive black cars or paint the interior of their houses dark colors?  In the 1950's when everything was "booming" and people felt good that World War II had finally ended, there was a burst of color.  There were orange cars, bright green, blue, yellow, and pink cars.  Gradually the colors changed to ever darker colors.  The same was true for clothing.
    Today, you walk into a clothing store and all you see is mostly dark or black colors.  Only recently have we again seen some brighter colors in cars.  People are demanding brighter colors in vehicles.  Why is that?  All the dark colors are done deliberately to depress people and lower their frequencies.  The reverse is also true.  People of low frequency feel more comfortable with darker colors that match their auras, just as people with higher frequency feel more comfortable with the brighter colors that match their brighter color auras.
    Black represents evil, disease and death.  One can sense the negativity of dark tombs and Masonic buildings, and dark churches and cathedrals and government buildings.  The same goes for the black robes of judges and priests and other of the clergy.  Enlightened people with a positive aura feel repelled, when around negative people wearing black clothing.  The opposite is true, also.  A positive energy person with a bright colored aura wearing bright colored clothing attracts others to them.
    You usually feel better, as an enlightened person, when you wear bright colors or your favorite color.  Why do you suppose you have a favorite color?
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer