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Patrick H. Bellringer

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From: JG
Sent: Monday, November 30, 2009 6:59 PM
Subject: FW: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10

Dear Mr. Bellringer,

A friend of mine emailed your article Truth In a "Nutshell" to me and I found it to be very interesting.  I am, as of very recently, breaking free of my lifelong christianity beliefs.  I have found that all spirituality outside of a christian perspective is very foreign and new to me, and sometimes even a bit overwhelming and difficult to grasp.  At the same time, I know there is a truth out there that I am not finding in christianity.  

I truly like the concept that God is within us all.  It's really so incredible how my perceptive in so many things has changed in the last few months.  As I become more in tune with my intuition I am being blessed with a lot of spiritual growth.  I am seeing God in ways I have never seen him before.  It's as if, even though it is sometimes painful, I am being liberated from a distorted and foggy state of consciousness.  I really do believe that our thoughts have powerful energy frequencies with no choice but to manifest themselves, whether the thoughts are good or bad.  Is this what you are referring to when you say that we have the power to mind create?  Would you say that each soul has the capability to become perfect one day?  To be on an equal footing with the God Aton?

I have a lot of other questions and I realize that a lot of the answers are likely in the Phoenix Journals, which leads me to my next question.  When coming out of spiritual bondage, how can one know what is and is not authentic at all?  This is the toughest challenge I have had so far.  I believe that deception is one of the evil governing forces of our lives here on earth.   There are so many false teachings out there, so much distorted doctrine.  How can one know that the bible, or the talmud, or any of the multitude of religious and spiritual teachings and texts out there, are or are not the truth?  The apprehension here is the amount of faith and application I have put into the bible for most of my life.....only to have my intuition rebel and finally claw it's way to the surface to tell me that this is NOT right.   There is a driving force inside me that is earnestly seeking out God's truth.  Any of your thoughts, feedback or insight on these questions and subject matters would be greatly welcomed and humbly accepted.




FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  JG
DATE:  Dec. 2, 2009
Dear JG:
    Thank you for your letter  and welcome to you and to the others awakening to Truth in these "Last Days" of this 3D civilization on Earth Shan.  May your journey be most rewarding.
    Yes our thoughts are things and carry powerful energies of either negative or positive frequencies, that manifest constantly according to our intent.  We are here for our lessons in soul growth.  When we complete our assignments and pass the tests, we graduate into the higher dimension of 5D or Heaven.
    There we continue learning and moving to each higher dimension, until we have reached perfection.  It is then that we return to Creator Source and become One again.  Creator Source is in total perfection, the Creator of All, and is pure Light Energy.  All souled humans and all beings of the Realms of Light are on this same journey to perfection back to Creator Source.   Even Creator God Aton of Light, Creator of our Nebadon Universe, says that He is still on his journey to perfection.
    You are quite right that the "toughest challenge" to the newcomer to Truth is knowing what is authentic and what is not.  People tend to want others to decide for them what is Truth.  That is the easy route, but it leads to many pitfalls.  Everyone has been given an internal guidance system with which to decipher Truth from lie.
    Your God Spirit within, that fragment or spark of Light from Creator Source, is connected to the pure Light energy of Source, and through it you can know all---from the very "Mind of Creator Source".  Discernment of Truth through our God Spirit is probably our greatest lesson to learn here in this third dimensional world.  Few have mastered it.
    Discernment begins with knowledge, which leads to wisdom and finally knowing.  Knowing lies beyond belief and needs no evidence or physical proof, for it exists in the Realm of Spirit.  Ask your God Spirit within for discernment and listen to what your heart is telling you, your gut feelings.  Truth brings peace within and a sense of comfort and joy.  Lie does not!
    For what it is worth, my yardstick by which I measure all else, are the words of Creator God Aton of Light, of Esu Immanuel Sananda and the Ascended Masters recorded in the Phoenix Journals.  These journals are not channeled material but direct radio wave transmissions from the Command Ship, The Phoenix, to eliminate human error.  These journals were given to us to circumvent the false teachings of religion, and to fulfill the promise made by Esu Immanuel 2000 years ago, that Truth would be given to the people of Earth Shan one last time before the "End of the Age".
    I honor you for allowing that "driving force inside" to motivate you to search for knowledge beyond that provided by Christianity.  To travel the Red Road of Truth can be difficult, but it is exciting and most rewarding.  May you truly find the Truth you seek.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
#1  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: FD

To: <>

Sent: Wednesday, December 02, 2009 6:12 PM

Subject: Fran

I would love to know the truth about what our creator sent. If you have a original word written from our father in heaven please share with me as I am a truth seeker and love truth...

In Him,



----- Original Message ----

From: Bellringer <>

To: FD

Sent: Thu, December 3, 2009 5:28:26 PM

Subject: Re: FD

Dear FD:

You can find the 241 Phoenix Journals on in our archive, which is located under "Phoenix Archives" in our main blue menu.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer

----- Original Message -----
From: FD
To: "Bellringer" <>
Sent: Wednesday, December 02, 2009 7:41 PM
Subject: Re: FD

Thank you for helping me......Does it mean we have been told the wrong thing about salvation? I just want to know who our Creator is and what I have to do to make it to Him and I am so confused after all I have heard....

FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
      TO:  FD
DATE:  Dec. 3, 2009
Dear FD:
    We honor you  for being a Truthbringer.  The question you ask concerning "salvation" is one of the most crucial questions of all time.  The very basis of Christianity rests upon the concept of "salvation".  What I am about to say will be shocking to Christians and probably create anger in the Christian community.
    The very core of Christian beliefs rests upon a lie, probably the greatest lie of all time.  Jesus did not die on "the cross" at Calvary.  He did not forgive anyone's sins, and his blood was not shed as a ransom for anyone's sins.  Jesus had no resurrection on Easter morning, and the Holy Communion or Eucharist is a Satanic ritual.  The symbolism of eating Christ's body (bread) and drinking his blood (wine/grape juice) is nothing more than a bloody cult Satanic ritual to worship a dead man, who Christians wrongly thought to be the "Son of God".
    The Pharisee Saul and his Pharisee friends started this nonsense at the time of Jesus' capture by the religious leaders in Jerusalem to destroy his teachings of Truth.  His true name is Esu Immanuel, but Paul gave him the name Jesus Christ, denoting Deity or the Son of God.  After 2000 years of study Esu has been given a new name, as the Bible said he would.  That new name is Sananda, meaning One with God.
    So what is the answer to your "salvation" question?  Creator God has made it quite clear in the Phoenix Journals that no one can "save" you or take the rap for your wrong doing.  You "save" yourself from further lifestreams living in this third dimensional world or from going to the void by learning and living properly the Laws of God and Creation.  When you have achieved this, you graduate into the fifth dimension, also known as Heaven, where no evil is allowed.
    Christianity falsely claims there are ten Commandments or Laws of God.  This is so because the teachings of Esu Immanuel Sananda were distorted and much was purposely lost or buried in history.  There are eighteen Laws of God and Creation, and these can be found recorded in detail in Phoenix Journal Number 27.  In Phoenix Journal number 2 Sananda recorded again his original teachings for all to freely read.  Some of this original teachings were recorded and have been found in Jerusalem.  We have them posted on Fourwinds in what is called "The Talmud of Jmmanuel".  You will note that these teachings duplicate almost word for word those recorded in Phoenix Journals #2.
    Please understand that all religion is man-made.  This includes Christianity.  Religion is nothing more then the search to find God, Heaven and eternal happiness.  Yet, Satan has used religion to intentionally steer people away from God, Heaven and true happiness.  No one needs to confess his sins to a priest or pay money to be forgiven.  No one needs to have a preacher tell him what is true or what is false.  Creator God created us with the ability to discern Truth through our God Spirit within to learn knowledge, then wisdom, then the knowing of Truth.
    Yes, "we have been told the wrong thing about salvation".  We save ourselves through right living.  God's Laws cannot be altered.  We reap what we sow, or we are held accountable for the results of what we do.,  No one, not even Esu Immanuel Sananda, can take the rap for our wrong doing.  Our lessons in soul growth are to learn the Laws of God and Creation and live them to the best of our ability to do so.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
#2  (Reply)
----- Original Message ----
-From: JG
Sent: Thursday, December 03, 2009 8:41 AM
Subject: FW: truth
Hello Mr. Bellringer,

A couple of weeks ago, before I read your article Truth in a "Nutshell", I received an email that contained correspondence from several different people all with their own unique perspectives and definitions of truth.  It prompted me to consider what my own perspective on truth is and here is what was revealed to me:

From: Ly


Subject: truth

Date: Wed, 18 Nov 2009 21:32:55 -0800

Although I don't utilize this practice as much as I should, the spiritual perception of truth is the most beneficial; it is the purest and most absolute form in existence.  It is also the first and most essential step in defending oneself against the evil that is so prevalent in our society today.  This is due to the constant spiritual battle taking place within the human soul and the equally chaotic battle between good and evil taking place in our world every day.  There is an altered state of consciousness that may be referred to or reached in several different ways.  To avoid confusion and still validate the effectiveness of these diverse methods and terms, I will group meditation, mindfulness, a higher state of consciousness, complete awareness, hyper focusing, prayer and or worshiping into the term sanctuary.  When a person is in their sanctuary, there is simply no room for any fear or falsehoods.  These are completely canceled out by the occupying forces of love and truth.   

However, the minute we step out of sanctuary, we are back into the thick of battle between good and evil, love and fear, truth and deception and most of the time we don't even know we are being deceived.  Make no mistake, at some point today, you were unknowingly deceived.  First, we are fighting against the forces we cannot see that hold authority in the spiritual realms.  I like to refer to the comparison of Hitler attacking primitive countries with tanks, bombs and guns and the natives fighting back by throwing sticks, spears and stones.  We really don't have an accurate perception of the evil forces controlling our world.  And without knowing your enemy, how is it possible to not be overcome by them?  The first step in having a fighting chance in this battle is to know your enemy.  His primary weapon is deception by subtle design: 85% truth + 15% lie = 100% lie. 

This is only exacerbated by man's own conflicting nature between the flesh and the spirit.  However, we are not mindless vehicles of energy roaming around completely susceptible to attack.  We were born with a moral compass and a free will to exercise our actions as we choose: ethical or unethical.  The voice in our conscience will sometimes speak to us in the tones of loud alarm bells, other times in a near silent whisper and sometimes somewhere in between the two.  Whether or not we use our conscience, we were born with one.  How we choose to use it defines the type of person we are and has a direct influence on how we fare in the battle between the flesh and the spirit.  It is also very similar to weight training.  The amount of effort put into making unethical or ethical choices has a direct bearing on the size of the "muscle" of the conscience, making the soul either one that is growing on the journey of love and truth or shrinking as it becomes empty on the journey of desensitization, fear and lies.  As C.S. Lewis so eloquently put it, the two most common mistakes people make are either in assuming that the devil has too much power or in assuming that the devil does not have enough power. 

While it is true that the authoritative forces of our spiritual realm are evil, the higher truth to keep in mind here is that God is more powerful than these forces.  He does not do anything without a reason of divinity and love.  While we may not know why he lets demonic forces rule our world, it's necessary to keep in mind that while it may be a daily battle caused by a combination of evil forces and our inner evilness, God does give us several different ways to not only defend ourselves, but come out glorious in this epic battle. 

In Ephesians, God made it clear that while we do struggle some with our own flesh and spirit, the bigger and more significant battle is between us and the evil authorities of the powers of darkness and the evil spiritual forces of heaven (the devil & his legions of demons).  He then outlined the spiritual armor you wear to fight in this battle.

Not so ironically, truth is the first defense tactic mentioned.

Truth: Stand therefore, with truth like a belt around your waist, righteousness like armor on your chest.  To me, this goes back to being present in our sanctuary, and again for me, communion with God.  There are so many terribly negative outside influences I am bombarded with every second of every day, that the only time to have a break, to absorb that love and truth, is sometimes when I am in complete mindfulness or awareness of God's truth and love.  This state can be reached through prayer, meditation or mindfulness exercises.  This can also be found in simple ways, such as enjoying a beautiful sunrise, or being completely aware and in awe of the smell of a fresh rose.  Again, this brings a person closer to God and makes them more wise with discerning what is true and what is false.

Prayer: The power of faith is sadly underrated by most of the human population.  Jesus said that if you have the faith of a mustard seed, you can move mountains.  This is very true.  If you pray and believe in what you are praying about, whether it is to be less plagued by a flesh temptation, or to be more in tune with God and less with the world, it will happen.  God says that with the shield of faith, you will be able to extinguish the flaming arrows of the evil one.  This is interesting because to me, it brings to mind something my friend once told me about how both the Roman and the Spartan soldiers fought in wars.  In their battle formations their shields and stances served to cover the soldiers as a unit as long as they kept to their stances and stayed close together.  When a flaming arrow was shot at the unit, it was not only done in an attempt to pierce someone, but also to distract or draw attention away from the stance.  If something caught on fire near the ground and started to get close to the soldiers and one of them had to stamp it out, they could make the whole entire unit vulnerable to attack.   But by staying FOCUSED with faith in God through prayer we are much less likely to be distracted.  He also wants us to be close to other people who stay close with him.  There is strength in numbers.  This does not mean that you need become a member of a church.  To me, this means it may not be wise to spend a lot of time with a bunch of people who don't regularly exercise their moral discretion.  To not be afraid of encountering these lost souls, but to be proactive and wise in choosing my companions as people who are also on a journey of truth and love.

Gospel: And your feet sandaled with readiness for the gospel of peace.....I am still wrestling with this one.  I really have reason to believe that parts of the bible are authentic and not corrupted and that parts of the bible indeed are corrupted and maybe not authentic.  It has power against evil when used with prayer to interpret it correctly and that prayer before delving into it will prevent a person from not only interpreting it incorrectly but also from being deceived by false doctrines and teachings of God's message.  He did warn that this would happen and that there would be many false prophets (teachers) & followings (cults, misguided religions & churches) prevalent in our world.   I'm torn about this because there is so much beauty in the's almost like a love letter from God to us, yet there are some areas I completely don't understand and some areas that just seem wrong.  And I am struggling with application.  What do you take literally?  Some things for me are necessary to.  Some things it would be utterly stupid to.  Actually the only reason I bring this portion of defense in the battle of spiritual warfare is because it is mentioned in conjunction with the other two defenses and it has worked for me numerous times before.  Certain verses used against specific attacks have worked as effectively or even more so than prayer has before. 

When all is said and done, it's a journey & one must be very sober and aware of the fight.  I am not the authority on this matter in any way, shape or form, and can only speak from personal experience and the current stance I have.  Which is to be aware of deception and how to counter it.  Also to be open to many avenues of thought on spirituality so as to not be sucked into false teachings by staying close minded.  To be aware that in doing this, I could just as easily be deceived.  Ultimately, to stay close to God and his wisdom through prayer and to then trust the intuition that guides you in the purest form of truth there is: spirituality.

Anyways, during writing this and when I was finished, I was somewhat surprised at the speed with which my thoughts on this were coming from my mind through my fingers to the keyboard and onto my computer screen.  I think I had had this on my mind for a while.  I wanted to thank you for responding to the first email I sent to you that contained my queries regarding your article.  And again, if you have any feedback on my thoughts, please feel free to share them.



FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  JG
DATE:  Dec. 4, 2009
Dear JG:
    Again, I thank you for sharing your thoughts on your search for Truth.  It is all about desire and discernment through your God Spirit within.
    You say you are "torn" in your struggle to know what to believe in the Bible as Truth.  The messages of the prophets, of Esu Immanuel and others have been so altered over time as to make them unrecognizable.  Creator God Aton of Light says the Dark Forces have so twisted the Truth in the Bible that in the Lighted Realms the Bible is known as Satan's Warbook.
    In my journey through Christianity and the United Methodist pastorate, I have come to totally agree that the Bible is, indeed, the source of deception for Christians.  They need to re-focus and discover Truth, before time runs out for them to do so.  Many will stand before Creator God, and as my own mother did, and weep in agony for choosing the Lie!
    Be in peace and joy, my friend!
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
#3  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: CHS
To: "Patrick Bellringer" <>
Sent: Thursday, December 03, 2009 8:31 AM
Subject: In response to breaking free of Christianity
 Although I realize that all religious doctrine has been corrupted, it is also entirely consistent with righteousness and the Old and New Testament that:

 1. We realize that God is WITHIN US, EACH AND EVERY ONE OF US.


 From the words of the Old Testament Prophet Jeremiah in chapter 31 verse 31:

 "And they shall teach no more every man his neighbour, and every man his brother, saying , Know the LORD: for they shall all know me, from the least of them unto the greatest  of them, saith the LORD: for I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more."

 In order for mankind to stop teaching about God, religion must cease.  If we are all to know God, "from the least to the greatest", then of course we must come to the realization that God is within us.

 Everything is as it should be and the righteous are progressing as we should.  We should not take the destruction of religion and religious teaching as a offensive thing, but a GOOD AND RIGHTEOUS thing!

 Be at peace.


 #4  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: EW
Sent: Friday, December 04, 2009 2:09 PM
My first real doubts about the Bible's authenticity came when I learned in the early 1980s that the Anglo-Saxon common law was based solely upon the negative form of the Golden Rule, (God's Law). Upon a thorough search, I could not find it in any Protestant recognized versions of the Bible. Yes, there were lots of rules, such as the Ten Commandments, and all the Mosaic laws, but the 'source standard' to measure the 'lawfulness' of the existent rules was not to be found anywhere.
Several years later, someone pointed out that 'The Law' could be found in some Roman Catholic (Douay Rheims)  Bibles in one of the Biblical books considered to be apocrypha called either Tobit or Tobias at 4:16.
It was after this that I learned that the statement attributed to Yehsua/Immanuel - "I came to fulfill the Law, and not to destroy it" - the context of the positive Golden Rule and the revelation of Eternal Life, had a whole different meaning than the one being taught by such as Billy Graham. The false concept that 'Jesus had to die as a sacrifice to a God angry at the sins of mankind' as being the fulfilment of some Divine Law was changed in my mind to the Fulfilment of God's Law, the addition of the Positive form of that Law. And, that revelation would only make sense to the mind of man when man was presented with the revelation of 'eternal life'. When there are many future continued associations that we have on this 3d planet, and we are aware of that, we can then logically apply the 'Do unto others as you would that others do unto you.'
#5  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: VB
Sent: Wednesday, December 02, 2009 7:19 PM

Hello Patrick:


I am reading the letter, “Breaking Free of Christianity.


I have some questions…?


1. What do you means by “Last Days" of this 3D civilization on Earth Shan”


2. Truth would be given to the people of Earth Shan one last time before the "End of the Age".


Is this will happened in 2012….?


Or can you explain it to me.








FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  VB
DATE:  Dec. 5, 2009
Dear VB:
    Thank you for your letter.
    Two thousand years ago, when the Truthbringer, Esu Immanuel, walked this Earth, he said that at the "End of the Age" or in 2000 years Truth would go out to the four corners of our planet one last time.  That time is now.
    Creator God Aton of Light, Esu Immanuel Sananda, and the Ascended Masters in the 1990's gave us the Phoenix Journals.  These record what Esu Immanuel told his disciples 2000 years ago.  Over these many years Esu's teachings were distorted and much was lost to history.  So, one last time we have the Truth again, given to us in unaltered form.
    We are at the End of the Age, as our planet again is entering her cleansing cycle.  This time our planet shall not start over with a new 3D civilization, but she shall transition into the higher frequencies of 5D, also known as Heaven, where no evil is allowed.
    There is much hype about 2012, which is based on the Mayan calendar.  According to Cosmic time we have already passed 2012, due to time being speeded up by our passage into the Photon Belt.  Major earth changes could occur at any moment, which would require our evacuation to safety via the starships waiting in our atmosphere at this time.
    You would do well to read the Phoenix Journals, starting with #2, 3, 5, 7, 27 and 47 to know Truth.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
        Phoenix Journal #3   "SPACE GATE - THE VEIL REMOVED" -
        Phoenix Journal #5  "FROM HERE TO ARMAGEDDON"   -
        Phoenix Journal #7  "THE RAINBOW MASTERS" -
        Phoenix Journal #27  "THE PHOENIX OPERATOR-OWNER MANUAL" -
        Phoenix Journal #47  "PRE-FLIGHT INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE PHOENIX - VOL. 1" -
#6  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: FD
To: "Bellringer" <>
Sent: Thursday, December 03, 2009 11:44 PM
Subject: Re: FD
Thank you so much for sharing. How in the world did you or the phoenix find the truth. You mean this was hidden world wide from us all......Wow! Wow! The longer I live the more I just want to go home and be with him as this world is so full of evil. I suppose that is why our Pres, etc....don't care how their evil shows. They know the whole story is a lie. I wonder tho why did Bush jr ask Jesus into his life if he knew the truth......I truly hope God will rise up and show the world the bare truth once and for all.....I feel hurt that our Creator would allow this to keep going on and allowing us to believe lies after lies.....It is hard to understand him I feel like what part I thought I knew of Him is all but a lie......I just want to know Him his word, His whereabouts...etc..Fran
----- Original Message -----
From: FD
To: "Bellringer" <>
Sent: Thursday, December 03, 2009 11:47 PM
Subject: Re: FD
Oh I want so bad to get to the 5th dimension......Pray for me that I will find my way!


FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
      TO:  FD
DATE:  Dec. 5, 2009
SUBJECT:   Reply
Dear FD:
    As I have stated, we live in a freewill 3D world, and whatever world we have, we have created over time by our choices.  Creator God did not create this mess we have today, and He is not going to clean it up for us.  He is allowing us "to keep going on and allowing us to believe lies after lies", as we so choose.  To interfere in our choices would render us to be slaves/robots with no freewill.
    You say, "I truly hope God will rise up and show the world the bare Truth once and for all".  He has done just that in presenting to us the Phoenix Journals, but people scoff and reject them.  God has sent Truthbringer after Truthbringer over eons of time, but they have been ridiculed and killed by dis-believers.
    Do you think people would listen, if Creator God appeared in the clouds and spoke with a booming voice?  Would it make any difference, if he appeared on television in suit and tie and spoke Truth to the world"  He has presented Himself as Hatonn to all recent world leaders since Hitler, but who has believed him?  By freewill choice they laugh and scoff and reject the Truth.
    God does not come in great fanfare to the masses of people.  He comes to the individual in the whisper of the breeze on a summer day, in the gurgling of the water in the brook, in the music of the meadow lark and the wren, in the quiet of the night---in your thoughts.  Creator God is not out there or up there somewhere.  He is Spirit and is within you, your soul, your God Spirit.
    He has always since your physical birth been there within you.  You say, "What part I thought I knew of Him is all but a lie".  As a Christian, this is probably true.  I encourage you to meditate and allow your thoughts to connect to Creator God's Spirit within you, and come to know His thoughts, and remember your mission.  May you have the peace and the joy that comes from knowing Truth!
    Our prayers are with you in your search for Truth.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
#7  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: T
Sent: Saturday, December 05, 2009 2:32 PM
  "There is much hype about 2012, which is based on the Mayan calendar.  According to Cosmic time we have already passed 2012, due to time being speeded up by our passage into the Photon Belt.  Major earth changes could occur at any moment, which would require our evacuation to safety via the starships waiting in our atmosphere at this time."  Patrick
Years ago there was a very good program on TV, I believe it was on the History channel, about the Mayan/ Aztec calendars, that there is so much hype about now. People who are gullible enough to believe that the Gregorian calendar is accurate have fallen right into the trap the Illuminati set years ago. They wanted to change the calendar so that we would believe we had plenty of time to prepare before the 'judgement' day, 2012, December, the time foretold for the great shift. And sure enough, everyone agreed with the calendar change, because they didn't see the future. They had no idea sticking to the original calendar was so important. They had no idea what was foretold would come true.

But the Ancients knew. They were really good at what they did. And the 2012 date, two years ago, passed without everyone being ready for it. The Illuminati were thrilled, and got their fake President into office right after that. DID you see how nicely that timed out for them? They wanted all this to happen, to destroy the US.

The only problem the they forgot about was that enough people have learned to get this game won, the 144,000 mentioned in the scriptures was reached, oh... about 1986. That number has increased, dramatically, since then. I believe exponentially is the word they used. Once we reached the 144,00 necessary to raise the vibration of the planet for ascension, we were Ok. They lost. Understand?

But they didn't accept that.

So we are now in overtime. Picture a funnel. Narrow at the bottom, wide at the top, rather like an hour glass, if you will. The sand, time, trickles out the bottom, and our time is running out fast. The game is over, so the top narrows down, making things go even faster. So, as the sand trickles through, faster and faster, as the funnel narrows down, things happen faster. But they seem slower. Because we are watching one grain of sand at a time going through the hole. It seems slower, time does, but since most of the sand had already gone through, it isn't really.

The game is over. They just don't know it yet.