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Patrick H. Bellringer

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-From: AM
To: "'Bellringer'" <>
Sent: Monday, November 30, 2009 12:54 PM
Dear Patrick ;

 I want to ask you a question that has puzzled me for some time now.

 I came across your site some years ago and I felt that the content of the articles of the P.J.'s was the truth and decided to follow

 to the best of my abilities the Law of the Creation and the Laws of God.

 Reading once again the statement from God Hatonn, I was thinking that I'm lucky to understand and be able to read English.

 But what about all the millions of people on Earth that can not read English and don't even know that the P.J.'s and your website exist ?

 I'm thinking of all the people that never read a paper or don't have Internet.

 How can they get to know about it?

 Sananda said that the truth will be spread one last time to the four winds of the planet, but how??

 Probably in Italy, we are only a few hundreds or at the best few thousand people that know about the P.J.'s and probably the same goes for the rest of Europe.

 So how can the truth be known all over before the end of times and the arrival of the ships?

 In love and light.


FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
      TO:  AM
DATE:  Nov. 30, 2009
Dear AM:
    Thank you for your letter.
    You raise a crucial question to which Creator God/Aton/Hatonn has given us an answer.  Paul of the Bible has also answered the same question in the Book of Romans.  He says there is no excuse for not knowing God/the Truth because God has revealed Himself to everyone through His Creation.
    Hatonn says every souled-being has been given the Truth and at a soul level has already decided their pathway and their next lifestream.  The Phoenix Journals were given to us at this time to present the Truth clearly one last time, because religion has twisted the Truth beyond recognition.
    This was also to fulfill the prophesy of Esu Immanuel of 2000 years ago, that one last time Truth would go out to the four corners of Shan at the "End of the Age."  We are not here to save the world or anyone, but only ourselves, and to present the Truth to those who will listen.  Hopefully, some will reconsider their wrong choices.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer


#1  (Reply)

----- Original Message -----
From: T
Sent: Monday, November 30, 2009 4:14 PM
I need to make something clear;

Even though this class is over and many are graduating to go on to other courses, it doesn't mean the school itself is closing. Yes, it is closing on earth Shan, but it is moving to another very similar planet to keep on teaching those who didn't graduate at this time! There are unlimited planets out there in varying stages of growth. Though this planet is ascending to a higher dimension, and her job is over, (she really needs a vacation, some down time now.) the school itself will keep on!!! No one will be neglected, this is an ongoing project.

Everyone learns at their own speed. Just because some are not ready to graduate at this time, doesn't mean it is all over. School goes on, and it will take longer for them. They will have plenty of time to learn their lessons, on another planet. Approximately another 25,000 years. Sooner or later, they learn.

So don't worry about those who have flunked the course at this time. They are not out of the running.

There are some, who, due to their choices at this time will be uncreated. But they have asked for that result, and they are only getting what they asked for. Some just don't learn, no matter how much they are offered the opportunity to do so. But the difference is, they know, and choose to do wrong, to hate, to hurt others, to be greedy, to steal. And the list goes on. Those know the law and choose to break it.

That is the difference. Those that don't know the law, go back to class to learn it. May they make the right decision when their time comes. God still loves them. He/she hasn't given up on them. We shouldn't either.

See, you cannot teach someone who doesn't want to learn. It's that deal where you can lead a horse to water but you cannot make them drink. At times I substitute 'stubborn ass' for horse, but you get the meaning! They have to WANT to learn before they listen and pay attention. Forcing them does not do anything but push them away from you and what you want them to learn. I know, I invented new meaning to the word stubborn!

People invented erasers for a reason! People make mistakes. That is how we learn, trial and error most of the time.

If you have kids, you have probably learned by now that the kids teach you a whole lot more than you have ever taught them. This is why! Pretty much, what goes around, comes around. We learn the hard way.



 #2  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: BW
Sent: Monday, November 30, 2009 10:51 PM
dear Partick,
    To start with my introduction to the supernatural life began in the fall of 1973. I was fresh out of high school and started following a tent revival evangelist. I play trumpet and wanted to keep in shape and playing in church and tent meetings was one way of doing that.
I was taught the Bible from an early age but did not attend church that much.. Like Job i knew about the Creator and Yashua but had never  had an experience up front and personal.
  On one fall night i went to the alter to pray not out of conviction but out of habit. All of a sudden i was surrounded by light and i saw Yashua on His throne, i saw the wounds, i heard His voice, He called me by name and told me many things.. When He finished speaking  I was back in my body, the preacher began speaking in an unknown tongue when he finished the song leader interpreted
 word for word what Yashua spoke to me out of body.. So my journey to seek eternal truth began. I used the Bible as a map but the Holy Spirit is my teacher and much more but i folow the voice, the same voice i heard under that tent in 1973. the voice of a friend in the highest place, the source of all truth.
 The lessons we must learn are the eternal truths of  the ways of our Creator more than His laws
If you learn His ways and walk in them you have no need  to live by His laws. The laws were give to a stubborn and rebelious people who rejected learning His ways, they wanted to live by His laws so they could be like the other pagan nations.
 So we have a choice be free seeking learning and applying His ways or be a slave to His law of cause and effect the law of sin and death in rebellion out of fellowship, prodigal children. We must choose relationship or religion, a walk of true faith or follow false facts..
  I so enjoy a fresh insight  that you bring to the story of life. It helps make sense of the insanity of this present world.
keep up the good work
sincerely BW
FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  BW
DATE:  Dec. 1, 2009
Dear BW:
    Thank you for your letter.  You speak of an early experience in your life that you call supernatural or, as I interpret it "religious'.  This occurred at a revival evangelist tent meeting.  I have been there and done that.  There is much emotion and hype and religious spin, and people have all kinds of "out-of-body" experiences.
    I seriously challenge this as having little spiritual value whatsoever.  You "went to the alter to pray, not out of conviction but out of habit".  Why?  As part of the evangelist's team, were you required to do this?  "I was surrounded by light and I saw Yeshua on His throne, I saw the wounds, I heard his voice, He called me by name and told me many things...."  Are you sure you were seeing and hearing Esu Immanuel Sananda the Truthbringer of 2000 years ago?
    The reason I ask is because the Darkside has used religion for eons of time to trick us.  Satan has supernatural abilities and many religious entities to do his bidding.  He can cause visions and dreams and out-of-body experiences that are very convincing.  You do not even have Esu's name right.  Esu Immanuel never called himself Yeshua, or Jehsu or Jesus or Christ or any other fake name.  Paul started the false name of Jesus the Christ to fool the people that Esu was Divine or the Son of God.  Esu, never claimed to be the Son of God and told Pilate as much.
    What is the source of this voice you heard in the tent in 1973, this "voice of a friend in the highest place, the source of all Truth?"  God is not out there somewhere!  He is within you and speaks to you through your God spirit within you.  Satan as fooled many by using a "voice" of deception.  I question your "voice" because you end your letter by debunking the Laws of God.
    You say, "The lessons we must learn are the eternal Truth of the ways of our Creator more than His laws".  What are the "ways of our Creator"?  Do these "ways" stand outside or above the Laws of God and Creation?  What fantastic Truth do you know that we do not know about spiritual enlightenment?  What error did Creator God make in giving us His Laws for right living that we need to know?
    Finally, you claim that to live by God's Laws is to become "like the other pagan nations ...a slave...choosing religion?".  My friend, you have revealed your true colors by this final statement.  You are wanting me to include your letter in this "Hello, Central!" so you can deceive others the way you have been deceived these many years.
    Creator God Aton of Light is a loving God and does not deceive anyone, and He does not leave anything out of His directions to us for right living within His Creation.  The Laws of Balance and Harmony are absolute.  They do not vary nor can they be bent to suit the whims of human desire, as the New Agers think.
    Creator God says, "You shall not steal!"  What do you not understand about that?  Do "His ways" give you some allowance to steal under certain circumstances?  Creator God says, "You shall not murder your fellow man!"  Do "His ways" provide you with acceptable times to do murder?  As a "free spirit" you many choose to deny the Truth, or "be a slave to His law of cause and effect", but it so happens that you have no choice in the matter.  You cannot order God around!  The Cosmic Law of Cause and Effect is absolute!  You shall reap what you sow!
    In your search to be "free" you may choose to live outside the Laws of God and Creation, because you have a freewill to do so, but you can never avoid them.  To graduate into the fifth dimension or Heaven you will learn to live them, or you will continue on in the earth plane of third dimension until you do.
    Your thinking is twisted, when you equate the Laws of God with religion.  Religion denies the Laws of God and Creation, as do you.  You cannot have a relationship with Creator God Aton of Light apart from right living His Laws, my friend.  You are deluded in your thinking, if whatever you claim "His ways" to be vary one iota from Creator's Laws and that of the Creation.
    May you find the Truth you seek.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer