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Patrick H. Bellringer

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From: MB
To: <>
Sent: Friday, November 13, 2009 2:35 AM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10


 Dear Patrick,

 I do not see the post from "Whistle blower" today on your site. He is offering to personally deliver the \'packs\' that Casper is talking about for years now. I have followed all of it for many years now.  Its in AbundantHope, Candace Frieze today posted.  I am now wondering big time, why i do not find that post here today.


 It makes it look like Casper is a story teller/entertainer & Bell- ringer conspiracy.  Personally, i envision Cheney be- ing Casper, as a hobby side-line, his alter-ego play. Christopher STORY of course is al- so super entertaining, on the same vibe. "Whistleblower" is calling the bluff, or lets say: Truth.?

 Because W-Blower is the only one who actually stnads up for ACTION, while everyone is talking offffff my head now for years, crying in bitter tones relentlessly - my head is spinning....


FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
      TO:  MB
DATE:  Nov. 13, 2009
Dear MB:
    What merit is there in repeating this Whistleblower foolishness on Fourwinds?  Maybe the merit lies in the revealing of Truth again for the world to see, of how the Darkside plays their game.
    Being tricked again by Whistleblower, Candace Frieze and other story-tellers that com along may be repeating your lessons in discernment.  Do you even know who is Whistleblower, that you would trust his whistle blowing?  He has told us he is a retired elderly man in ailing health, living in a foreign country.  He says he does not believe in these Prosperity Programs, because he has seen no documentation to prove their existence, and by his own admission has stated that he knows nothing about them.
    His offer to deliver them to their proper recipients is based entirely upon his belief that these packets do not exist, because there is no proof to him that the Prosperity Programs exist.  He is playing you for the fool!  This is how the Darkside brings the foolish and the faithless "out of the woodwork".
    Indeed, your head is spinning!  Get real!
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer



Posted By: hobie <Send E-Mail>

Date: Thursday, 12-Nov-2009 03:45:11


E-mail from Whistleblower:



Dear Hobie,

Please allow me to respond to the reader of the article referenced below, plus I bring to the attention of all readers the Statement I make within the latter half of this response.


Posted By: hobie

Date: Wednesday, 11-Nov-2009 23:33:32


Dear Reader,

This question also came to me, this morning I add, via Bellringer at for which I have explained that I will not respond to questions from people who want to remain anonymous.

At this present time, I have a suspicious feeling such questions are being pushed my way, as a form of entrapment, deliberate incitement, subversion, or otherwise, etc, to give Casper, Bellringer, and co, credibility.

As I have stated earlier in a previous posting, I think we hit some very raw nerves with Casper and Bellringer, and they just have to get their own back. What Childish Games these people play. Sorry, we play on a more adult responsible field, so you need to play on your own.

Within your question you mention about an article it is claimed I gave an interview, yet you do not either quote that article or reference it to any url address.

Let it be clearly known that I have never, and I mean NEVER, given interviews of any description to anyone, mainly because we are not allowed to, but irrespective of that factor, I just don’t want to be embodied with the corrupt media, no matter what type of media it is. I therefore can not see how my claimed interview comments can actually be attached to the bottom of this particular article.

You also mention about the Chinese. If you are so adamant that the Chinese are in Charge (which is total BS and Misinformation created by LIARS AND CHEATS) ask them to provide you, and subsequently I, all the pertinent documentation to substantiate their claim. I guarantee to you 100% that they will never provide such documentation because they do not hold such documentation that empowers them. I know what I am looking for, or at, so I will be able, within a very short space of time, to establish what those documents are, if ever provided.

I have, sometime ago, already explained this to Bellringer of, who didn’t take any notice and has never provided any proof of his claims, yes his claims not yours; nor has he been able to substantiate any of his claims, at any time, that the Chinese were in charge.

This whole situation is yet another myth like that of the Marcos Wealth, Soekarno Wealth, Yamashita Treasures, and so on. It will never end until people stop believing CROOKS, CONMEN, LIARS AND CHEATS, and start to face reality. They are myths and have no place in our society.

For information only, and as I have posted many times before, It was the TTTGC (Trilateral Trillenium Tripartite Gold Commission) that Managed, Administered and Controlled the Collateral Accounts (1945 – 1995 as defined within the various International Treaties executed by the Nations of the World. Subsequently this was passed to, as Legal Heir and Owner, Sole Arbiter, H.E. DR. R. C. Dam. I also gave the reasons for this, which I will not continuously repeat.

Let me refer to another issue, which I will not become involved with as to its initiation, legality, or others matters until I see all pertinent documentation on same……….PROGRAMS and the PACKS for delivery.

I will not even mention whether this is real or just another fraud, or whether these packs are real, or whether delivery is real. However, I will offer my assistance whatever the situation, whereby if my offer is accepted, everyone will know whether it is real of not and the pain and misery suffered by many over numerous years can come to an end.


I, Whistleblower (Full name will be released to the World Court and others if required), holding and carrying Full Jacket International Immunity and Protectorate, Level 3 - 5, carrying arms for use in self protection / defence, of sound legal mind and body, and an International Citizen engaged by a “Sovereign Entity”, hereby, without any reservation or question, offer to deliver all / any claimed packs, relative or pertinent to the various “Programs”, if in existence, to the recipients without delay or any interference, obstruction, barrier, or otherwise, from any person, party, body corporate, Government, Government authority, Quasi-government or authority, agency whether directly of indirectly engaged by any Government or Government authority or sub-authority, or Quasi-government, whether National of International in any form.

This offer of assistance is made on the basis that I, Whistleblower, am highly competent and confident, not being afraid of any person or party, as referred to above, nor will I be intimidated, coerced, or otherwise by said parties, on the grounds on my security level clearance and my engagement by a ‘Sovereign Entity”. I will, by whatever means necessary whether night or day, deliver these, claimed “Packs”, if they exist, to the named recipients.

All I will request, is that the relevant authorities pay all my expenses incurred should this offer be acceptable to those who actually have full legal control and the decision making process over these claimed packs / deliveries.

This STATEMENT of offer to assist is meant in the best interests of all parties, whether such parties are right of wrong, and it is relevant only to the claimed Packs, and Delivery of same to the respective recipients. It is not intended to be, either now or at any future date, any endorsement, acknowledgement, or otherwise, of the legality, or otherwise, of the cause, purpose, reason, or otherwise that lies in the history of these claimed “Programs” or Delivery of said claimed “Packs”. It is specifically and only related to the Delivery of said claimed “Packs” based upon the various scenarios of “Blocking”, “Withdrawal”, “Transfer” or otherwise that has prevented these claimed “Packs” from being delivered many times in the past. If these “Packs” are there, they will be delivered.

The applicable Authorities will be fully aware of my position, status, security level clearance, right to bear arms, competency, etc, and therefore there can be no justification whatsoever for them to refuse this offer, or be hesitant or skeptical about said offer.

Myself and any armed Military personnel that I engage to assist in this operation must be given full unrestricted diplomatic rights of entry to America, with the proviso to carry arms for every person for the purpose of self defence.


My offer, if accepted, which I very much doubt will be accepted, will resolve the problems once and for all, and prevent any further distress or concerns of those involved.

I can confirm that nobody, and I mean NOBODY, will be allowed to obstruct me or any person that I engage, when undertaking such duties of Delivery, if this offer is accepted.

I also undertake to keep all persons involved, notified of progress and completion of this task which may, or may not be assigned to me.

I look forward to discussing these matters with the appropriate persons / authorities and making the necessary arrangements to conduct the fastest possible delivery of claimed “Packs”.

Let’s now wait and see what happens because I will not accept excuses as to why this offer can not be accepted.



#1  (jReply)

----- Original Message -----
From: DS
Sent: Friday, November 13, 2009 3:58 PM
Subject: W's offer
Even if we trusted him, which I don't, how can one man deliver 3,000 packets himself?

I get so tired of people who have never actually WORKED for a living, having the gall to tell others how to do it.

Please forward to Casper, along with my sincere offer to help in any way possible.

#2  (Reply)

----- Original Message -----
From: AM
Sent: Saturday, November 14, 2009 1:39 PM
Subject: About "An Offer You Cannot Refuse"
Dear Patrick,

Setting aside the obvious, high altitude ego of this persona,  it appears that the Law of Return has come into effect here...

It looks like the energy spent in "discrediting others", such as Casper and Company, has come back to this persona in such a way that he "discredits" himself and has, in effect, pull the plug on any remaining credibility.

It is never too late to turn to the Light.  May Mr. WB open his heart to the Light as his journey continues.

In Love and Light,


#3 (Reply)

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, November 15, 2009 1:53 PM
Subject: Response From Anton Miller To The Latest From CF/WB
Dear Patrick,
Frame of Reference:


When I and my wife could stop laughing, we both wondered who came up with this "aka" idea first and who is the copycat:  Candace, Mr. WB, or handlers, though  my wife said it was a nice compliment to her husband, for Bellringer is a man who walks the Red Road of Truth! 

I am not sure whether the persona Candace or the persona WB actually have any real clues as to the work or purpose of Fourwinds10.  Truth.  Presenting Truth to this Evil planet, one last time, to a God forsaken civilization that is miserable due to it's own irresponsible choices of giving in to Evil. This is a Spiritual Battle and the Last Great Sorting of the Wheat from the Chaff.  The Phoenix Journals combined fulfills Creator God Aton's promise that His Truth will be given this one last time.

The difficulties I witness with the personas, CF and WB, is that both are trying to sell their versions of Truth wherever, whenever, or however they can. Truth does not have a version.  Truth is.  Truth stands on it's own merit and does not require the defensiveness or the justifications such as CF and WB engage in and try to engage others in. The recent "snow" put out by both of them,  this nonsense glorification of "Oh, I am being attacked again" has nothing to do with Truth.  It is simply defense and justification of their own perceptions and of their own high altitude, probably altered, egos.

Those of us who are serious in being about Our Father's business know full well that every man made institution on this planet, especially money institutions, are infested, from some degree to high degrees, with the cancer of Evil.  Mr. WB, if you so choose to make OITC your god and make yourself an appointed savior to the world, so be it, but spare those of us on the path of  spiritual enlightenment,  your ego-based song and dance about how good and how clean OITC is.  Your "snow" will not hold up to the heat of this Spiritual Battle.  As for CF, everyone with the skill of advanced enlightenment and advanced intuition knows that you sold out to the Adversary some time ago.  The signs are all over your website.  Your "snow" will continue to melt away in the Spiritual battle. .

Creator God Aton's Law #12:   Do not condemn others,  but you must wisely judge  all behavior and actions which are contrary to the Laws of God and The Creation.

I Am Anton Miller and I Am not an "aka".

#3  (Reply)

----- Original Message -----
From: KS
Sent: Sunday, November 15, 2009 6:49 PM
Subject: Some goods on OITC and D.SAle And Ray C.Dam
This is for anyone who still believes that OITC is who Whisleblower says they are.

This was found on the MG-Grover forum:

Full Name: David Sale

Company: Markham Walsh Group

908, Soi 50, Sukhumvit Road

On Nut

Bangkok 10110


Mansion House

143 Main Street


Bus: +66 2 742 9393 press 1

Mobile: +66 1 836 3456

Bus Fax: +66 2 742 9175

Thailand and Gib? Also read comments on this page of people thinking he is in Arfica or Russia??

Pretty sure it's a wind up - and he wonders why he has not been contacted!?!

Hope this helps!


 Dr. Ray C. Dam, Chairman of OITC, and NEXT PRESIDENT OF THE WORLD

Hello David Day, David Sale and all the future David(s)!

Here is something interesting I found out about Mr. , His Excellency, etc etc, Dr. Chairman of famous (??) OITC:

(Posted on Nov. 2003)

Dam C. Ray, M.J.C. Ph.D. Chairman, Chea Dam Group of Companies.

Member Committee of: ISF (USA) ECA (Switzerland) IEC (Germany) Certified International Financier & Member of: W.B.M.A. and W.G.C.

House No: 34 B St. 240 (Ext) Okhna Chhun Sangkat Chaktomouk, Khan Daun Pehn, Phnom Pehn, Cambodia.

Office Tel: (855) 23 21 4999 Fax (855) 23 21 2829 - 36 7183

H/P. (855) 12 809 156 International: (65) 96 31 9326

Advisor to Samdech Chea Sim, Chairman of the National Assembly and acting Head of State.

Inter-connected to Wilfredo (Datu G.L.) Saurin, Group Executive Vice Chairman and Acting Group Chairman, Chea Dam Group of Companies.


I took this from another site...remember those two guys who were caught at the Italian border with gold certificates?

Some speculation here:

Real or fake, just how did the two "Japanese" hope to cash such bonds? Who are these guys? Why are their names being kept out of all news accounts?

One news story -- immediately taken offline -- identified one of the "Japanese" as a notorious con man from the Philippines named Yohannes Riyadi, a.k.a. Wilfredo Saurin, whose associates in international crime are fairly well-known. The other guy may have been his comrade Joseph Daraman. These two men are the right ages, and they both could pass for Japanese. They've been trading in fake documents from the Federal Reserve for years.


"I met him some years ago in Bangkok. At the time he had some of the "Infamous" Soekarno and Marcos GB Certificates.

At the time he was actively involved with Tony Nyugen (General Secretary of the Government of Free Vietnam) and Fred Kirkpatrick, a so-called 5 Star General and former Senator for Illinious (more lies).

Their stated objectives was to use the Certificates to raise funds for the Government of Free Vietnam. Tony Nyugen claimed he was going to be the next PM of Vietnam once they had freed Vietnam from Communism.

Tony Nyugen's organisation operates out of California and is still sctive.

Also involved was Gary Pierce (possibly Pearce) aka Gary Poindexter and Cheryl Poindexter of C.S.I.Ag. A company that claimed to hold Billions of Gold Reserves in Chile.

They issued Government of Free Vietnam Gold Bullion Reserve Certificates and sold many of them in the Far East. Of course, try to call on them at due date and what have you got, NOTHING. Even the Officers have disappeared from the addresses given.

The whole group of these people also printed their own Government of Free Vietnam money and was selling it to niave Vietnamese on the basis that when they come to power in Vietnam, the money would be full legal tender and they can then claim or use it.

All a very big SCAM with very devious people / parties behind it. Ray Damm talks well and certainly has education, which is more than I can say for all the others. However WHAT A CROCK.

#4  (Reply

----- Original Message -----
From:  MB
To: "Bellringer" <>
Sent: Monday, November 16, 2009 4:01 AM
Subject: Re: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10

Whistle-Blower  ...   Bell-Ringer : All the same to me ! Anonymus.

I enjoyed your Phoenix Journals etc.  Read most of them.  Definately a great undertaking & huge labor. But it sounds to me, that a faction of the reptilians is at war for glamouring for our planet.  So they try to entrap us into their war- mongering, boasting, spilling the beans of what vile corrupt things are going on.  Laughing into our faces how evil this world is performing.


But i am well aware, that these DNA interbred families leading us down to hell are possessed by the Reptilian overlords. This world is truly ruled by Satan/Lucifer/Reptilians, for we are their food, cattle, just a big farm. All channelings are from Reptilians.  Dharma did not know this. Marciniak did not know this. Cassiopeans did not know this. But i know. because i do reverse speech on everything. Reverse speech is the ONLY way to get to the truth. !!!!


Candace Frieze channels this Christ Michael, it is also a Reptilian.  They know how to deceive us perfectly.  They have millions of years ahead of us. Their technology is so far ahead, that we really are total slaves at this moment.


But i have screamed for help so loud, so vehemently, and so have most others. We have been heard. This time we are not that stupid anylonger, to play into their games & start riots, like they all want us to. I am so very proud of these Americans, they have worked very hard to achieve self realization, experienced out of body, learned lucid dreaming et al.


Our creator has already taken away the reptilians by now, only their techno gadgets are lingering behind at this moment, still messing things up. The human spirit will soon be free & able to unfold & claim this planet for their own paradise, trade intergalactic & cooperate with creative forces of the best kind, cause our DNA is devine, so unlike these ugly, vile, insane, brutal reptilians.


I actually agree with you, that this whistle blower Dam etc. is up to no good, because it involves money.  Wouldn't he love to snatch some of it? Haha, that whole inventive website is such bull. The proof: Nothing in the past has changed for the better from it. Copy-cat of Fed. Reserve agenda, plus Gold, foolsgold, all the same, only the aliens want it & i am sure, they got it already anyway, very little left here.


Go channel your Haton, Aton about it, he will tell you sweet little lies!


FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
      TO:  MB
DATE:  Nov. 16, 2009
Dear MB:
    Now I know that your head is not only spinning but that it is empty of any Truth.  May you enjoy your many more lifestreams in 3D to get it right.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer

.#5  (Reply)

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, November 17, 2009 9:26 AM
Subject: Message Emailed To Candace/Questions From Cynthia
Dear Patrick, 

Below for a heads up is a message I was guided to write and send to Candace. Hope the repercussion will not be overly exaggerated.

Message To Candace Frieze


No.  I will not engage in a channel war or an ego war.  These are methods employed by the anti-Christ to keep the base emotions stirred up.  I am not a channeler, nor do I want to be. Too many pitfalls involving the ego and altered ego.  There is a difference between a " channeled message" and an "inner message".

By what authority do you claim that Archangel Gabriel is not involved with this Earth plane?  What gives you the right to say what an Archangel can and cannot do?  Are you familiar with Creator God Aton's 17th Commandment:  "Evil (adversaries of God) must always wear a sign of their evilness.  (By their fruits you shall know them).  This  statement of yours about Archangel Gabriel is disinformation and a sign of your arrogant ego based upon the deadly sin of pride and verifies that you have joined the ranks of the whores of Babylon that serve the Beast. This is an anti-Christ energy.  Haton and Sananda have given much teaching in the Phoenix Journals about how to identify those working for the Beast. Haton gave a numerology method, for one thing, that can be used as a tool to help identify those involved with anti-Christ energy.  If the name of a person, business, corporation or institution, as example,  equals number 6,  this is a sign of involvement with anti-Christ.   Abundanthope = 6.  Will you also claim that Archangel Michael and His Blue Flame Warriors are not involved with this Earth plane?

Your true intent, your words, your agreements are recorded in the permanent record of the Akasha, Creator's  Book of Life, as it is for all of us.  Those permitted to access Akasha, those who have earned the trusted right to do so,  can see when it was you sold out to the anti-Christ energy.  This you cannot refute or deny.  It is a permanent record.

In my discussions with Esu Immanuel Sananda about Abundanthope these past few days, he made it quite clear that he is not in any way a sponsor of this work nor is Violinio Germain.  Esu Immanuel Sananda confirms that this is of your own doing, is a product of your altered ego, and not a reflection of the work of any of the Heavenly Hosts.  It merely serves as a teaching tool for those endeavoring in the discernment of Truth.

This is a guided, inner message from Esu Immanuel Sananda.  Your response will be posted at Fourwinds10 for others to discern.

In the One Light of Creator Source

Terry Anton Miller

CC: Fourwinds10