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'HELLO, CENTRAL!' WHY HAS GOD REJECTED INDIA? (Updated Nov. 16, 2009 with Comment by Casper)

Patrick H. Bellringer

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From: RK

To: <>

Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 2009 11:51 AM

Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10


 Respectful Sir,

 I have been reading and following yours as well as several other posts of  eminent New Age Leaders ushering in the Dawn of the Golden Age. We here in India also believe in the same transition of human  consciousness.

 My only concern is conventionally India, China and Tibet have held huge  amounts of Light in the World for thousands of years. Why then are we being sidelined by God Aton? Why don\'t we receive updates  from Him through channels?Why then is America given so much importance  even when 2/3rds of the population of the world is from South East Asia?

 Why is our currency the rupee tied down to the demise of the dollar? Why  should we share its fate paying 48:1 on the Forex? I must say we do feel  hurt because we do not know if we are unimportant or we are being  sidelined and ignored? Is it because of our colour or our origins? Or country is being raped of her culture and tradition through the steady  advent of Western Capitalism and consumerism even as the world prepares to  change for the better! Is it fair to say I cannot even find a single  mention of my country\'s name in any of the messages across the Internet!  Why, I can\'t even find one blog dedicated to our cause!! The Chinese and Japanese all have their secret societies and dominance in  the G-7 summits but us we are just finger puppets with an elected  government of a so called democracy!?

 Have we not contributed to the world just as much as any other nation, if  not more??

 I only pray to God Aton to answer these questions for I have none else to  answer them. Thank you with tears of faith and sorrow...

 P.S- If God Aton is the One True God of Our World, why then are we being  persecuted to such an extent by false seers and prophets of Wisdom  promising us the Stars and Enlightenment? Why can\'t Lord Aton shut them  up and reveal Himself to all of us to clear our doubts?


FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer

      TO:  RK

DATE:  Nov. 12, 2009


Dear RK:

    Thank you for your letter.  You are correct that India, China and Tibet have held much Light in our world for a very long time.  God Aton has Lightworkers in every country, and the Truth is being presented to all nations.

    Historically, America was the only nation ever in this civilization to be established on the Laws of God, as a Constitutional Republic.  It became the shining example of Creator's plan for all nations to create a world of balance and harmony.  Unfortunately, America became the target of the Dark Forces and over these past two hundred years has nearly been destroyed.

    The Dark Forces have used America to build a world empire to control the whole world.  This cannot be.  This was not Creator God's Plan.  That is why He brought Truth one last time by way of the Phoenix Journals to America, to wake up the people.  You know the saying, "As goes America, so goes the world".  Once more America is destined to be the Lighthouse to the world.

    Every nation has had its problems from the evil influence of the U.S. Empire, capitalism, consumerism and the Federal Reserve banking system.  It is time this is stopped and Goodness is brought back to our world.

    The people of China allowed the communists to overrun their country in the 1950's.  Japan allowed the U.S. military to control Japan along with the Rockefeller Family since 1945.  India has refused to accept a leadership role in the world.  Tibet is a part of China and the people were misled by religion to rebel against their homeland.  Choices always bring consequences.

    Creator God allows your choices.  India chose to be "finger puppets", when it could of provided direction in our wayward world.  It is all about choices and consequences, my friend.  God Aton does not judge or persecute anyone or any nation.  Any consequences are always the result of not following the Laws of God and Creation.

    Creator God is not and cannot, by the Cosmic Law of Non-intervention, do it for us.  We must clean up our world, and we must discern Truth and learn wisdom through our God Spirit within.  God Aton will reveal Himself and His messages to anyone willing to open their mind and heart to His frequencies and His thoughts.  He rejects no one!

    Be in hope and peace.

                            In Love and Light,

                            Patrick H. Bellringer



#1  (Reply)

----- Original Message -----
From: Casper
Sent: Monday, November 16, 2009 1:18 PM
Subject: Fw: Emailing: 'HELLO, CENTRAL!' WHY HAS GOD REJECTED INDIA Four Winds 10 -
----- Original Message -----
From: RK
To: Casper
Sent: Saturday, November 14, 2009 5:24 PM
Subject: Fw: Emailing: 'HELLO, CENTRAL!' WHY HAS GOD REJECTED INDIA Four Winds 10 -
For RK via Mr Bellringer
Sir, although not asked i would like to add my two cents to your discussion about India with Mr Bellringer.
My area of America is loaded with your migrating countrymen. While i find them to be always professional and competent it is their attitude and the peaceful aura surrounding them which impresses me every time. Everyone knows you have more than your fair share of problems and poverty but as a people i find much to admire about you. Maybe thats why the West is turning to your country for all manner of high tech assistance especially the Medical Profession. As someone who devours financial publications written here and there i can assure you the world has become very aware of a brighter future for you and your country. The world would be a better place if everyone would read "The Song of India", The BHAGAVAD GITA.  God Bless you and yours.    casper