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Patrick H. Bellringer

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From: PH
To: Bellringer
Sent: Wednesday, November 11, 2009 4:36 PM
Subject: Re: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10
To:  Patrick Bellinger
From:  PH
Sent:  Wednesday, November 11, 2009
I am not being skeptical or anything, but you responded that Sananda thought He was supposed to experience crucifixion, however, He did ask God(I'm paraphrasing here) "if possible, let this cup pass from me."  I guess your response didn't really convince my husband.  My  husband still thinks we should attend church every Sunday, even though we don't believe everything the preacher says.  We have read some of the Phoenix Journals and can read a different meaning into some of what the preacher is quoting from the bible.  I feel like we are being hypocrits by attending church.  What is your response to this?  I know the main reason my husband likes going to church is because we have several friends there, and the fact that is how he was raised--on Sunday you go to church.  Will we be judged accordingly if we attend a Christian church?  Another thing that bothers me is that most of the songs we sing are about Christ sacrificing his blood for our sins, and we know Sananda did not die on the cross.  We have to learn how to forgive ourselves for our sins.  I know you are very busy, but somehow I would like to convince my husband that it would be better to stay home on Sundays and study the Journals.
Fourwinds10 is an extremely informative web site, and I have learned so much.  Keep up the good work!
Sincerely, ph
FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
      TO:  PH
DATE:  Nov. 12, 2009
Dear PH:
    Thank you for keeping in contact.
    Creator God looks at the intent of the heart, and is not concerned about geography, when you communicate with him.  You can meditate any place at anytime, even in church, if you can block out the "noise" and distractions.
    Your presence in church and participation in the "stained glass" rituals and association with the participants of this blood-worshipping cult gives the appearance of your acceptance of their doctrine and creed.  As you learn Truth, your God Spirit will increasingly signal you of the negativity and deceit of your surroundings.  This creates the feeling of guilt.  In good conscience you cannot sing the songs of disinformation with joy from the heart.
    If going to church creates negative feelings and you feel worse after going, why would you go?  Do you have obligations to be there, or to pay the preacher, or for social status?  You and your husband can arrange to see your friends and converse in a less limiting setting.  I, too, was "raised to go to church on Sunday", for that was "honoring the Lord's Day and keeping it holy".  That is only ritual and slavery of your soul, if there is no spiritual benefit or joyfulness in doing so.  Such activity has no spiritual benefit, when it becomes a treadmill rather than a pilgrimage.
    As your enlightenment increases, you will fell more and more uncomfortable in any negative environment.  You may find your friends and your husband becoming more distant, as values and goals change.  My recent writing on self-esteem may be helpful to you at this time.
    Creator God does not judge you, but you will judge yourself at the end of your journey according to the Laws of God and Creation.  Whether you attend church or go to a bar, it is a matter of intent and the Goodness you accomplish in doing so.  Your spiritual growth should be your greatest concern, for we are here to learn our lessons in soul growth.  Should we not accomplish them this trip, we are guaranteed to return to another 3D lifestream to learn them.  Remember, we are spiritual beings having a physical experience, contrary to popular belief.
    If you are bothered by singing the distorted Truth and lies in the church songs, your God spirit within is trying to tell you something, and you must choose how you shall respond.  In your statement you have already revealed your choice.  To stay home and study the Phoenix Journals on Sundays would be a most wise choice, indeed.  Just being home with your family to share quality time together, to rest from a busy week and to meditate and communicate with your spiritual family of the Realms of Light will bring you much happiness and peace and relief from our most Dark and chaotic world.  This would prepare you for your next choices and steps in your journey.
    May your travel on the Red Road of Truth be most rewarding.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer