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Patrick H. Bellringer

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From: JG
Sent: Tuesday, November 10, 2009 11:26 AM
Subject: How do we warn people when they dont want to listen?
Hello Mr. Bellringer,

I have to say that I am growing very frustrated with the events currently unfolding around the world. I have spent the better part of the past year trying to warn people about the slimy grasp that the devil worshipping, shape shifting, lizard bankers have on our society. I have had zero success in my efforts. People either don't believe that the so called "elite" could have so much grasp on their lives, or they just don't want to hear about it.

Most people who I have tried to warn about topics such as Bill C6, poisonous vaccination campaigns, the false flags, the bankster frauds etc.. just don't want to here about it. I have been ridiculed and laughed at for my efforts, in many cases by some of my closest friends. Unfortunately people are only worried about what is happening in there own little lives, they don't seem to care until it directly effects them. How do you warn people, when they don't want to believe that everything they have been told during their entire life is a lie?

I believe that our side is in serious trouble right now, we just wont stick together enough to fight back. We are up against a foe who has stuck together efficiently for 400 plus years. I fear that people are going to sit back and do nothing till the very last moments, until they are lead into the FEMA Camps.... Then it will be too late.

Have a Nice day.....JG

FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  JG
DATE:  Nov. 10, 2009
Dear JG:
    Thank you for your letter.  We honor you for presenting Truth to people to try and wake them up.  You are not alone in your frustration at their rejection of both the Truth and of you.
    Please understand that we are not here to "save" the world.  We live in a 3D free-will world, and people choose what they will do and believe.  You can only tell them Truth, and they must choose what they will do with it.
    Just know that the Truth you present is never lost or has no value.  Creator God says that any seed of Truth we plant in someone's mind shall ultimately bear fruit, if not now, in a later lifestream for that person.
    Do not be upset by rejection.  We all face that, as part of our lessons in soul growth.  Many people are not ready to "hear", and are taking a detour to find their way.  There are more people on our side then you realize, and, indeed, we are winning.
    Expect great change to Goodness soon!
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer