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'HELLO, CENTRAL! ' I WANT TO GO HOME TO THE LIGHT! (Updated Nov. 16, 2009)

Patrick H. Bellringer

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From: JJ
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, November 08, 2009 10:19 PM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10


 i want to thank u both for providing a place for the real truth and not the manufactured kind. the last time i wrote 2005 was just after i stood in court against washington mutual to confront the mortgage fraud and 4closure forced on my home, then jailed for 10 days in contempt because i was called an abomination by the judge and lost my home and all of my financial reserves shortly thereafter i\'d worked so hard to acquire as a single mom. i became the LOSER rather than the winner for embracing honesty and integrity in the eyes of my family and friends and was labeled crazy.

 my question is that since 2005 i\'ve developed a very high frequency ringing in my ears that is present 24/7, heightened intuition/telepathy and a feeling that no matter how hard i try to fit in this world, i do not be it among work, family and friends. every day since 2005, i just want to go home to the Light and do not know what i\'m supposed 2b doing, i feel like time has stopped since 2005 and i don\'t fit anyplace, help!


FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
      TO:  JJ
DATE:  Nov. 9, 2009
Dear JJ:
    Welcome back and thank you for your letter and kind words.  Learning Truth brings enlightenment and wisdom and higher frequencies of positive energy.  I have the same ringing in my ears and am called a kook.
    We have all experienced loss of material things, been exposed to the evil court system, and been rejected by family and friends for standing for Truth and justice.  Join the Lightworker club!  You have arrived, but you never walk alone.  Our Angels and Star Friends are always ready to help when we ask for such.
    We all want to go home---to our homes in the Stars.  We are Returned Masters, having come from the Higher Dimensions on a mission.  We volunteered to come at this time in Earth Shan's history to assist with her transition into fifth dimension, to do what we can to make a difference for Goodness.
    Of course,you do not fit in to this immoral and materialistic world.  Anyone, who strives to live the Laws of God and Creation and walk the Red Road of Truth would never "fit in"!  Our mission is to be that "rock in the river" that stands against the flow, that speaks Truth to lie, that gives a helping hand and a kind word and a smile.
    I do not know your contract between you and Creator God, your soul/God Spirit knows, nor do I know the lessons you agreed to learn in this last 3D trip to Shan.  Maybe you have learned them and your mission is finished.
    We are living on "borrowed time" since 1987, when the Darkside was to have returned to the Light.  The Darkness has only grown darker, yet we hold the Light for all to see, as we agreed to do, for as long as it takes.
    Stand strong, my friend, speak Truth and help those you can.  Our journey is not long.  We shall soon be going home to the Light. aboard the evacuation starships!
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
#1  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: "SA
Sent: Monday, November 09, 2009 5:18 PM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10


 Hello All,

 Just wanted to say about the ringing in the ears. I had mine ears ringing as well, and sometimes it was as if I had statics in my head. This went on and on and sometimes -even now-it comes back.

 I must say however that since I had my mercury filings removed, the ringing has subsisted or though\' still comes up often. Most recently I was asleep (or any state between sleep and awake) and I could hear noise coming out of my head quite loud at that, and /or had dreams that somebody does something in the crown of my head ....etc.

 So to recap, if it's a metaphysical 'hook up' great but I would suggest you to start off with the mundane possibilities of this occurrence. .......and oh...when a Lighworker utilises Light (s)he  also creates shadows

 Cheers SA

#2  (Reply)

----- Original Message -----
From: SA
Sent: Friday, November 13, 2009 8:00 AM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10


Hi Patrick and Anne,

Since we read often about the 'transition into the 5th dimension', I would like to ask what is like to \'be\' in that dimension, and what the transition on a mental / physical state consists off (in relationship to the 5D).

Most of what we know is the Evil is not allowerd there.

If you know please let me know as well or refer me to the relevant info.

The reasons why Im asking is because I experience a need of 'urgency' about something on a mental level and noticed the importance of recycling my own negative energy ie anger, self pitty ....etc also, the  manifestation of my thoughts quite quick (small things but on a daily weekly basis) and I find it a bit peculiar. Plus I expereince a massive pressure on the crown of my head, to a degree that is feels as if I\'ve been \'drilled\'.

Patrick I do not want to post this, but if you think that you should then OK

Thanks SA

#3  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: SA
Sent: Sunday, November 15, 2009 6:13 AM
Subject: Re: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10
Morning Patrick and Anne

Thanks for replying

I was most uncomfortable about talking about what I'm going thru' with some of the 'symptoms', as the the pressure on the crown can become almost painful and makes me a bit spaced out.

I did do my own research and consulted the PJ NO 35, so I found out two things:

1) the pressure on the crown and the buzzing in the ears shows that theres a process of realignment of the chakras, but is more evident at the crown and third eye area, as the latest is connected with the ears, nose, eyes thus the buzzing , the pressures...etc.

This realignment shows that the chakras or vortexes change (spin) faster from the root all the way up to the crown chakra, but it seems that it happens all at once.

From this is easy to assume that some peoples etheric / spiritual body goes thru change more intensely than others

2) In the PJ NO 35 in the first part called 'Prelude' makes a mention about this by saying that some people are indeed in the middle of worlds and/or dimensions, so I got some assurance from there as well.

One last comment, the more I read the PJ's the more I get the idea that the New Age has started from the PJ'S (obviously fragments and nonsense, simply because the PJ's are telling us 'how to' instead of leading people towards O.B.E. and various meditative practises. None of them are wrong of course but is not what the PJ'S are only about).....

I have not done my research about my claim that N.A has started from the PJ'S but I get the feeling that the time lines match.

Anyway enough with my verbal diarrhoea I'm glad that you responded so I had the chance to share with you what Ive learn-ed.

Thanks Patrick and Anne!

FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  SA
DATE:  Nov. 15, 2009
Dear SA:
    Yes, as we become more enlightened by learning Truth, our frequencies rise, and adjustments in our chakras must be made.  The ringing in the ears is related to that in some people.  There are many other reasons for this problem, also called Tinnitus, such as frequency interference of your body by frequencies emitted from power lines, cell phone and T.V. towers, radar towers, mind-control technology as well as chemical imbalance within the body and physical defects of the sensory system.
    You suggest the New Age may have risen from misunderstanding of the Phoenix Journals.  No, the New Age thinking was here long before the Phoenix Journals came into being.  Chapters 33, 34 and 35 of Phoenix Journal #47 has much to say about the New Age thinking.
    May we walk in wisdom in these times of testing.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
#4  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: SA
Sent: Sunday, November 15, 2009 3:57 PM
Subject: Re: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10
Hi Patrick

Yes there are many other reasons about the buzzing in the ears like the ones you mentioned. I agree that it is wiser to look for a more earthly approach to symptoms like that, but I also believe that a person can protect him -her self from most bad things, ie with right nutrition, good sleep as well as take some other measures like, avoiding crowds of people and general exposure to radio tv waves by staying indoors -if possible- of course.

Removing any mercury filings would be number one in my list of well being as I have stated in a previous post.

To take precautions for a good or better chances of well being, may require some changes in one's lifestyle; so for once more, its down to education and choices.

I feel that my 15 mins of internet fame are well up!

cheers SA

#5  (Reply)

----- Original Message -----
From: K
Sent: Sunday, November 15, 2009 9:15 PM
Hi Mr.Bellringer,,
For many,many years I had a hearing problem..
The commericals advertising hearing aids spoke of background noises that made it difficult for some to hear..
I was constantly saying,,"what did you say?"
This is what I thought my problem was,,,
I would also have occasion ringing in the ears and read that this was Tinnitus.
Both of the above symptoms were from MK Ultra,,,
I was under Rothschild/CIA MK Ultra control..
Then our heavenly helpers stepped in to help me..
This is when a constant pitch started that varies in tone and volume..
It's usually in my left ear,but sometimes I have 2 separate pitches going at one time..
One in my left ear and another in my right ear...
The heavenly helpers are protecting me from direct contact of MK Ultra on my brain.
When the evil was using me they used me like a mega phone and were spanning my words in the air..
This is why I was seeing my life and words in the Media everyday..
Then the helpers from above stepped in and I became a lawyer and was discussing criminal behavior,and during this time
my words were also spanned into the air and I would see my words in the Media.
I'm still under heavy attack by the Rothschild/CIA gang.
I'm wondering if they sic'd the Pentagon on me...
There latest weapon they have turned on me is a type of tasor that can cause your entire body,,limb or area of the body to go numb..
After symptoms are dizzy,nausea,headache,aching,tiredness to exhaustion,etc...
This morning they turned this weapon on me and my legs buckled...
I think this technology works on energy,,someday's my body feels so weighted/heavy..
It's harder to lift my arms and my legs feel like I'm wearing 20 lbs shoes..
Let's hope our helpers on high aid our law enforcement on the ground soon..
Have a good day,,
Remember the glass is always half full
PS...I've been reading the Phoenix Journals and it speaks of learning to open your mind to God..
With Mk Ultra they were digging in my memory and able to have a the WORDS of a song play constantly in my day..
But the last 30 days or so, when I'm troubled I open my mind and hear the WORDS and MUSIC to beautiful songs..
Not just the words and melody,,but the instruments.
Sometimes I'm not even troubled and I can still hear the words and music when I open my mind...
Today it was Silent Night...
It was as if I had an orchestra in the room...