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Patrick H. Bellringer

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----- Original Message -----
From: K&S
Sent: Saturday, October 24, 2009 12:20 AM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10


Dear Patrick

You may post this if you wish although I do not wish to jeopardize anything.

 I have a problem with Obama.  Is he a lightworker or not?  Casper seems to have no use for him and yet on Galactic Friends they portray as if he is on our side.

 We are very excited about the way things are moving and being so very close to the deliveries - or are they already happening?

 Thank you again for your deligent work that you and Anne do.  I would like to ask many more things but I know how busy you both are and we will all find out very soon.

 Thanks so much and put in a word to Casper for us also as he has been so informative for us all and keeps us up to date.  I am sure we all just wait for his updates.

 Love and Light to all,



FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
      TO:  K&S
DATE:  Oct. 24, 2009
Dear K&S:
    Commandment #12 says we must judge people by their behavior and actions according to the Laws of God and Creation.  According to this Obama is a liar, a thief, a pervert, totally untrustworthy, and a very power-hungry and evil controlling person.  He has a mandate from the Satanic Illuminati to usher in the New World Order.  Please understand that these Galactic Friends are neither galactic nor friends at all, who disperse such lies.  Always walk in wisdom!
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
#1  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: PW
Sent: Monday, October 26, 2009 1:33 AM
Subject: Obama
Hi Patrick,
I wish to take issue with you regarding your over-simplified claim that Obama is not a Lightworker.
I have been reading yours and many other websites over the last 8 years, and use discernment and discretion, as you advise, in what I have come to believe. Most of what I read does not resonate with the truth for me such that formulating judgements as what IS the truth after much intake of information, becomes highly refined. My intuition tells me that Obama is not a darkside puppet, despite all apparent appearances that he may presently be so.
Obama was elected by the people in what may have been the only "clean"  Election since Jimmy Carter in 1978, maybe even since JFK in 1960. Sure, to get to be the Democratic candidate put before the people he must have been an Iluminati stooge in the initial stages. I do not dispute this fact with you, as no non-Illuminati individual would have a snowflakes chance in Hell of getting elected as President of the United States otherwise.
However Obama is biding his time as the Illuminati control of humanity slowly crumbles all about them - and us. Many chanelings and messages purporting to come from Galactic sources are indeed CIA misinformation/disinformation designed to raise false hopes and lead the gullible astray. However, if you use your God-given intuition and discretion, and your latent psychic and telepathic powers that are becoming more finely tuned as the Light continues to pour down into this dimension exponentially, you will understand that Obama is waiting the opportune time to show his true colors, and then turn against his Illuminati sponsors and promoters aided by the off-world higher dimensional beings here at this time to assist humanities rise in consciousness.
Obama is a spiritually highly advanced soul who has been groomed over many lifetimes in the lower dimemsions, and is ready now to lead humanity on the path to 5D Ascension. He may yet surprise us "soon" to use a well-worn, rather deceptive, word, though my own intuitive discernment tells me that it may be well into 2011 before we see any material changes. Afer all, we still have 38 months until December 2012, and because many people are still fast asleep spiritually and waking up far too slowly, from this 3D Matrix Illusion we call " reality", we most likely have a couple more years to wait.
I hope I am wrong, but NESARA was imminent in 2002, so patience is the name of the game. But Obama will be there at the forefront of the transition helping those of us who wish to Ascend whenever it finally occurs in Divine good time.
In Light and Love
FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  PW
DATE:  Oct. 26, 2009
Dear PW:
    I point out to you that because time has been speeded up due to our movement through the Photon Belt, according to Cosmic time, we have already passed our date of 2012.  Therefore, the date of 2012 and the prophecies attributed to it have little meaning anymore.  Secondly, Creator God Aton of Light has made it quite clear to His Lightworkers that Barack Hussein Obama is Satan's loyal servant, who has been groomed from infancy by the CIA for his Illuminati role today. 
    Indeed, besides the far right Christians, he is fooling many others, who lack true spiritual discernment.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
#2  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: T
Sent: Sunday, October 25, 2009 6:38 PM
This one is exactly as Patrick says. It is much easier to tell who is who (sometimes you need a scorecard!), by what they do rather than what they say.

Some of these people are such good liars, because they really believe they are right. So you really have to judge them by their actions. In this case, actions speak louder than words. Definitely.

You only have to look at what they do, or better, what they don't do! All those fancy promises about getting our packets out, announcing NESARA and never taking our guns from us were just a few of Obama's campaign promises. Not one of those has he kept!!! He promised us freedom, and has spent every single day taking our freedoms we already had away from us. He is a first class liar. After all these months, you'd think those people would at least get a clue!!! How many promises have to be broken before they realize that they are fools, following a fool???

Time after time after time he does this, and still they swear by the man.

There is no way Obama is a Lightworker. HE DOES NOT DO GOOD. And that is the main thing that distinguishes the real Lightworkers from the fakes. And there are a lot of fakes out there.

He has said time and again that there is no way that he'll let us get the packets. Over and over again he declares that he is ruler of this country and the world. Can you say 'delusional'??? When he doesn't get his way, he throws a fit, like a true DICTATOR does.

He was responsible for his own Grandma's death, because she wouldn't shut up about him being born in Kenya!!! Do you know a real Lightworker who would do that? Of course not!!! Because they wouldn't do that. But he did!!!

183 countries agreed to NESARA, but not him!!! He thinks he rules the world?? That is pure B.S., and he knows it.

A true Lightworker is not SCARED of a FREE PRESS, but Obama is!!! They have bought, threatened and probably even killed the press to get them to pass on their lies. So long as the truth doesn't come out, he loves it!!!

Once people start to see the truth, they get mad and fight back. He doesn't want the truth, the facts, coming out. Because that puts every one of them OUT OF BUSINESS. And they know it.

So, no. The vote is in, Obama is in no way a Lightworker. He couldn't even come close.