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Patrick H. Bellringer

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From: J
Sent: Sunday, October 11, 2009 4:26 PM
Subject: Question about Hell

Hello, I'm curious to know what is this hell you speak of in your article "The Truth in A Nutshell". Is it the same as many believe is described in the bible (fire and brimstone and eternal punishment) or is it something different? I know that the words shoel,hades, and gehenna translated in the bible to mean hell don't mean that at all.The idea of hell does not exist in the bible when translated word for word to the extent that it can be translated as such. Shoel meaning ask, hades meaning unseen, and gehenna being an actual place on earth. The bible refers to the soul going to shoel or hades as something to inquire because know one alive has seen it or knows where or what it looks like. Also the bible speaks of death as a state of sleep or unconsciencenous until ressurrection. There is one more word that is translated as hell in the bible but I can' recall it. I would like to know how you understand death by your beliefs and if you believe you continue to live without a body or you sleep or what? I know it's a lot sorry so long. I would appreciate your response and thoughts on the matter thanks.
FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  J
DATE:  Oct. 22, 2009
Dear J:
    I apologize for the delay in my reply.
    Creator God Aton speaks of "Hell" in the Phoenix Journals, as the "Void".  Much disinformation has been taught by religions about the meaning of "Hell".  It is not a place of brimstone and fire, but a place of the absence of Light or total Darkness.
    This means the Void has no goodness of any kind, no positive energies, no happiness or peacefulness.  Only negative energies and entities exist in the Void, because there is no spark of Light (goodness) anywhere.
    After having failed repeatedly to learn one's lessons in soul growth and being totally dedicated to doing evil with only a minute speck of one's God Spirit left, the Void is the place where one goes.  It is also known as the "Hell Planet" or a planet devoid of any goodness.  Assignment to the Void is not for eternity, though some may stay there for hundreds of lifestreams or a very long time.
    Returning from the Void is dependent on one realizing his errors and awakening to even a tiny bit of Truth.  Hatonn checks the Void or Hell Planet occasionally to see any spark of Light in any of the souled beings there.  Should there be one, that person leaves the Void and returns to a life in the caves, as a cave man, to start all over again in finding Truth and learning to properly live the Laws of God and Creation.
    Death is simply the dying of our physical body, which is not us.  We are Spirits, souls that only put on the clothing of a physical body, while we are here in third dimension.  We/our Spirit was created by Creator God, and we, as Spirit, live forever.  There is no death of the Spirit, ever.  At death we leave our physical body here and go to the Astral Plane, which is the fourth dimension.
    There we judge ourselves before Creator God Aton of Light, according to how we have lived he Laws of God and Creation.  God does not judge us.  Then with God we determine where we shall go next to continue our lessons in soul growth.  We may return to 3D again, or we may graduate to 5D or Heaven, where no evil exists.
    Human clones have no soul, so they disintegrate at death and have no further existence.  Thus there are no clones in the Void or in 4D and all higher dimensions.  Only Spirits of Goodness inhabit the fifth and higher dimensions.  The physical body is unique to the third dimension of mass, time and space.
    Discussion of Hell/Void and death is scattered throughout the Phoenix Journals, but our search engine is not adequate to find what we wish.  Please understand that the "real you" never goes into any sleep state or time of unconsciousness at death or after physical death has occurred.  We, as Spiritual beings, move on to our next exciting experiences, though some souls are held in 3D as ghosts for a time, when loved ones refuse to let them go.,
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer