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Patrick H. Bellringer

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From: AM
To: 'Bellringer'
Sent: Monday, October 12, 2009 3:58 AM

Dear Patrick;

In His message “Subtle Winds Of Change Stirring Within Us All”, published on the web site Wisdom of the Rays, God Hatonn says among other things:


There are great energy shifts impacting you ones that are unavoidable. These shifts are coming from many directions as if there is some sort of “vortex” summoning forth a great need that must be fulfilled. In essence, this would be an accurate model if it were not for the fact that the vortex simply does not exist in the classic definition of same.

The guiding factor is not some external phenomenon “out there” somewhere, efforting to suck you into it. But rather, an inner phenomenon within the “mass consciousness” (which draws upon the vast infinite and collective experiences of all souls .This inner sense of expectation—whether perceived consciously or not—is what moulds the unfolding physical experience. Therefore the vortex-like phenomenon is created. This desire that is (and has been) awakening within the collective awareness is generating situations all over the world that will eventually culminate in that which is necessary to bring forth the awareness of the answers that you ones are collectively seeking……..


Reading the entire message, it appears that we as a mass conscious can summon forth great forces that can change the course of our future.

So my question to you is : provide that enough people wake up and become conscious that together we can change the course of the events on Earth, would it be possible to make a “mild” transition into the 5D and avoid the terrible happenings that Sananda mentions in P.J. N° 2 about the “End Times” or we have run “out of time” ??

In love and light.



FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  AM

DATE:  Oct. 12, 2009

Dear AM:
    I seldom find someone, as you, with such deep thoughts.  You are correct in your analysis that mass consciousness can change the course of history, and we have proven that to be true.
    Regarding changing the cleansing cycle of Earth Shan, Sananda has stated in the Phoenix Journals that we have passed the point in time of reclaiming our planet.  She has already begun her cleansing cycle.  It is the Divine Plan that Shan shall continue on through her normal cleansing cycle and emerge a pristine planet of fifth dimensional frequencies.
    The question I have asked myself is "Why would we wish to alter Shan's journey to be a 5D planet?"  Is it ego that would drive us to try and establish another 3D civilization here and now on Shan, the so called "Kingdom of Heaven on Earth", touted by many religious, or is it fear of coming earth changes, or of lack of faith in the coming evacuation of Shan, or of our lack of soul-growth preparation for graduation into fifth dimension along with Shan?  Have we failed to live the Laws of God and Creation to qualify for graduation, or have we out-right rejected them, because of lack of knowledge and wisdom, or because we do not wish to be held responsible for our actions required by Cosmic Law?  How many will choose to repeat their lessons in other 3D lifestreams?  And why?
    This is not to say that our present work to defeat evil and restore balance is of little value.  The Light wins, always, over Darkness, and we are aiding that cause to declare victory over evil, for our continuing lessons in soul growth, and for the sorting by their choices an actions, those of the Dark and of the Light.
    These are thoughts to ponder!
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
#1  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: T
Sent: Tuesday, October 13, 2009 2:27 AM
That's a good question. It is also often asked! So you are not alone in needing to know this.

I've been told that we were warned in the 50's to get our act together; stop nukes, destroying rain forest, polluting the waters, air and land, killing the animals and all out ceasing of war. Many things were on the list. I believe Ashtar Command gave the warning, numerous times.

It's rather obvious that people here did not heed said warnings, and in fact, things got steadily worse. They can see some are trying, but not enough people responded. So they were able to change what would happen to them, but not the planet as a whole. Some have learned!!!

But the point of no return was 1986, and still we are at war, polluting, raping the planet and the negativity on the planet is at an all time high, thanks to Obama, Bush, Bush, and Clinton. The upward swing we started has gone sadly downward.

Things here have never been this bad, in the history of the planet, they tell me.

So... right now, it would be too little, too late. The point of no return was reached years ago. So we are most definitely well into overtime and hanging on by our toenails!!! The foretold poleshift will happen, and we are right on the verge now. I'm stunned the planet hasn't shifted already. She has been given permission to do her thing. All that is left is the evacuation process. And for the record, it takes only 15 minutes to evacuate the whole planet. Once they flip the switch, it is done.

There are millions of ships out there (looking like stars!) ready to go to work. I understand they are on red/red alert because of the incident with the moon. People live on our moon, are you aware of that? Yes, I've met some!

Anyhow, hang in there. With any luck, and a lot of determination, NESARA will get announced, and we will be gone.