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Patrick H. Bellringer

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 From: P

To: <>

Sent: Monday, September 21, 2009 11:24 AM

Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10


 Good Morning Patrick and Anne;

 My husband and I have left the city awhile back knowing what will be going> on and not wanting to be trapped in the city. We have also stored some  food for emergencies and some supplies. We have since come across the  truth.

 Here is the thing. It can get worse before any actual intervention. We  could go into a depression. No food, no power, possibly need to run to  avoid marshall law, camps, vandalism whatever. Is it so wrong to continue  to prepare for that time?

 My point is this, is it not our responsibility knowing the truth and the  condition of this world,Even though we pray and let our light shine and  share the cup of truth, should we not also be prepared for as much as we  can? Of course well still living life. I am not talking about running and  hiding unless necessary. I have this strong desire to organize and be  prepared for anything. Yet live everyday life as well. Is this desire from  anti-christ or is this really from God? This is what I ask myself. How  much more should we prepare? Is there a point to prepare? With no  water,power or food one would not live very long.Death is not a problem  but if one has the means to prepare to see it through should one not  prepare something?

 Love  P


FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer

     TO:  Pamela

DATE:  Sept. 22, 2009


Dear Pamela:

    Thank you for writing about your questions.  Creator God says because we still live in a 3D world and its problems, we are to be responsible for ourselves and for our family.  We are also to help our neighbors when we can.  Therefore, we are to prepare for emergency situations, whatever they may be.

    We are also to ask the Lighted Realms for help with that which we can not do by ourselves.  It is not a lack of faith but wisdom to be prepared. We were given a brain and we are to use it for good, to help ourselves and others.

    The Antichrist wants you to eat, drink and be merry, with no regard for your own welfare in the future or that of others.  You ask, "How much moreshould you prepare?"  You do what you can with what you have, and trust your Guardian Angels for whatever else you may need.  Hopefully, we shall soon have the ending of this play.

                            In Love and Light,

                            Patrick H. Bellringer