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'HELLO, CENTRAL!' WHERE IS GOD'S ARMY? (Updated Sept. 16, 2009)

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From: JM
To: Patrick Bellringer
Sent: Monday, September 14, 2009 8:50 PM
Subject: Casper reports
Greetings to you Patrick and Anne . . . . . May the Light from above shine brightly on your abode!

In reading Casper's reports for Sept. 13 and 14, all I can say is what a horrible can of worms he has exposed. The depth of depravity shown there is just beyond all imagination.

The first thing that comes to mind is - where is God's army, Archangel Michael and the Hosts Of Heaven while all of this craziness is going on? I was previously led to believe that the Hosts Of Heaven were ready in place on or near Earth Shan and awaiting orders to do whatever Cosmic Law will allow them to do. Might they be waiting to take some dramatic action at the last moment? I know they are not allowed to jump in and fix the problems for us. But we have good people (white knight types) who have been working tirelessly for years now trying to bring about the deliveries, NESARA, etc. Seems to me the Hosts Of Heaven could do something to make the efforts of the White Knights more successful.

The second thing that comes to mind is - suppose the government is unable to scrape up enough fake money to pay our military people and those on social security on October 1? Might there be a nation wide riot?

I would love to know your thoughts about these things, Patrick. Love and Light to you all.


FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  JM
DATE:  Sept. 14, 2009
Dear JM:
    You are asking the very same question I have been asking today!  Where is our Divine Intervention?  We have struggled against the Darkness for so long.  What more is expected of the Lightworkers?
    This has gone way beyond fairness to those so faithful to the Light.  I believe the Councils of Light have a bit of ego to keep demanding more and more tests to see how much we can endure.
    What more lessons are needed to be learned?  What more sorting out of people to Darkness or to the Light needs to be done?  Surely, that has all been accomplished at a soul level some time ago.
    We call on Creator God Aton of Light to heed the cries and petitions of our people for help.  Surely, it is time to stop the advance of Darkness on Earth Shan, to end war, suffering and intentional death.  Surely, it is time to eliminate hunger, homelessness and poverty.  Surely, it is time to bring justice and freedom and abundance to all.
    Where is God's Army?  Where is Archangel Michael with his flashing sword and his mighty warriors of Light?  Where is Violinio Germain with his one-hundredth dimension flame of Violet Light?  Were is Sananda with his mighty Golden White Light, and Hatonn with His pure White Light, against which no Darkness can prevail?
    We plead with the Lighted Realms and the Hosts of Heaven for their immediate assistance at this time, so that together with the Lightworkers everywhere, we now soundly defeat the Dark Forces and Dark Energies on Shan this very day.  We order it so!  We order it done!
    Victory is ours, my  friend!  Know it!
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
#1  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: A&D
Sent: Tuesday, September 15, 2009 1:37 PM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10

 Thank you to the latest hello central.   You have asked the questions that have been on our minds for many days now.  Thank you Patrick for your answer that has been needed to all our lightworkers etc.  Please Hatonn, answer quickly. 

 We are in such dire need and we send you all (ascended masters, Sananda, Arch angels and all lightworkers everywhere more light and love) with great respect and prayers for a quick intervention.  God Bless A and D.

#2  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: P
Sent: Tuesday, September 15, 2009 10:23 AM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10

 Hi Patrick;

 I am nobody but one more who has seen the truth finally. For over 10 plus years I asked the same questions asked in "where are God's armies"

 As you might recall from my previous letters when I first asked this question to "JC" and the "Father" I was part of this world mixed up in all its lies. Now just recently I have found truth. By God's armies waiting not only have I found and joined the truth but how many others? I am now ready and eager for the world of darkness to end and the light shine brightly on this planet Shan. The battle may seem long and hard for all those who know the truth and are eager for this but I send hope that many others are seeing the light in this time of darkness and evil.

 I and many new souls join in the plead "with the Lighted Realms and the Hosts of Heaven for their immediate assistance at this time, so that together with the Lightworkers everywhere, we now soundly defeat the Dark Forces and Dark Energies on Shan this very day.  We order it so!  We order it done!"

 I thank all of you for your patience, hope, faith, love and prayers for others like me to see the truth.

 In Love and Light,


 #3  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: MC
Sent: Tuesday, September 15, 2009 4:45 PM
Anne and Patrick Bellringer,

It is very important for us to maintain our wishes and intentions for the future we desire. The frustration of impatience helps us to learn the skills necessary to bring about the changes we seek.

I believe The Hosts of Heaven are hard at work in ways that we are not taking into consideration.

Let us be grateful for:

Millions of Americans were able to gather together in Washington D. C. to express their views of our current government. There were no riot police with water cannons or sonic crowd control systems to disperse the crowd. No one died or was imprisoned.

No nuclear war in the middle east

No nuclear false flag attack against American cities.

Full Martial Law has yet to be declared.

FEMA camps are not being populated

The 'Swine Flu' is not ravaging the population

We can still freely access and other messages of free speech and truth.

and so on....

I realize this may be an unpopular position. Let us be grateful for all that we have in the now. Please take a moment to realize that the Dark Ones are hard at work to bring more fear into our world than you can imagine.

There is a force much greater in the universe and it has and will prevail... Love! May it continue to grow in your heart and upon Shan.

I am grateful to Anne and Patrick, Casper, Poof and The Hosts of Heaven for the many blessing we have now. May we all be granted the wisdom and peace necessary to assist when and where we can in the next moment.

May the Violet Ray of Love and Transformation shine upon us all.



#4  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: CDL
Sent: Tuesday, September 15, 2009 8:55 PM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10

 Where is God's Army?

 Where were we, when God Aton brought the universes, spiritual, soulical & physical into  manifestation, so we can have a forum to experience life's valuable lessons, & ascend to greater heights. Where was our Army in allowing our dark brotherhoods to have cart blanch in controlling our governments & our people? While we slept & allowed this. I believe God\'s Army will not come into play until we have acted & done our very best & exhausted all measures in generating Love & Light. God\'s Army has proven themselves Mighty in every measure & merciful in Victory for every battle. Let us continue in the Light, for Victory is Ours! Que Viva!!

#5  (Reply)

From: KE

Sent: Tuesday, September 15, 2009 11:20 PM

To: ''



Hello Patrick,

With the notable turn out Saturday of disapproval of the direction that the United States is headed, it seems that people are beginning to awake from this induced slumber.  Now MSM, of what little coverage that they allowed; did what they do best insinuated a political spin on this of which they let it play to the Republic side by mixing this with Congressman Wilson comments during the President’s previous televised speech (how clever, and predictable).  I think one would call this Pre preventive damage control.  The Citizens of America march to Washington D.C. was a planned and well organized event (that I for one am truly proud of).  Now, I am saying this to get the racism out of the way, I am a Black American, and this is mentioned to bring light of the divide and conquer tactic that this country, as well as the rest of the world has endured for the ages.  However, Patrick, I for one know time is not on our side because of the induced sleep, but upon waking the key is what Hatonn has said all along, know thy enemy.  However, one must know who the enemy is, and the history of our civilization will do that.  What I have read recently from the posts on, as well as other websites has truly given me insight.  What I have come to realize is that each individual is awaken from their slumber, depending on which side of the fence that one chooses to sit, represents GOD’S ARMY.  As the dark side amasses their forces, so does LIGHT, the end must be balance.  However, each individual must recognize the enemy themselves, you cannot tell them, and one must come to this conclusion based on the truth that is presented.  Patrick it is what you have said all along, you are GOD’S ARMY base on your freewill decision, if you desire.  Each of us must come unto our own truth, and HATONN will there to support you.


In love, and light.


----- Original Message -----
From: KE
Sent: Wednesday, September 16, 2009 2:29 AM

Hi Patrick,

I also wish to mention that in GOD’S ARMY the most powerful weapon that the dark side forces cannot defeat is the truth.  That is there fear.

The truth is a powerful weapon, and love seals their fate.  It kind of explains to me of why so many manmade laws to circumvent the inevitable, and mankind has suffered since in trying to circumvent the laws of creation for man’s convenience, each time civilizations have died with remnants of the next civilization to pick up due to curiosity, and few venture on with their soul growth.