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Patrick H. Bellringer

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 ----- Original Message -----
From: D
Sent: Sunday, September 06, 2009 10:04 AM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10


 Mr. Bellringer,  please clarify something for me. Is this person \"Hatonn\" any relation to the Aton person supposedly worshiped by the Pharaoh Akhenaten?

 And, why does your "phoenix journals" read like they were written by a religious man with an agenda? Too many times your "Hatonn" appears to be a very emotional person prone to insulting insinuations about the lack of wisdom and intelligence in the human population. And, also, his whole entourage of "ascended masters" sounds so much like just another hierarchy waiting to exert power and control over human subjects. Is not the liberty of created beings the very foundation of the source sharing itself with creation? Is not reintegration with the source the goal of every created being, and if so, why would any of us need the assistance of "Hatonn"?  It seems to me that you vilify the christians for being so spiritually dumb yet you would like all of us to simply accept your version of the "who's who" game. You're a tough nut to crack Bellringer.  I'm not sure if you're CIA or just a crack pot, but your version of the future is really nothing more than human slavery under the thumb of a "benevolent" controller. Sounds to me like you have more in common with the Luciferians and Satanists than you realise.  Now, go ahead and insult me the way you do so many others who challenge you.


FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
      TO:  D
DATE:  Sept. 9, 2009
Dear D:
    You have some very twisted thinking about the Phoenix Journals.  Obviously, you have not read them in depth and with an open mind for Truth.
    If you think I write to insult you, you are in for a very big shock, when you stand before Creator God Aton (Hatonn) of Light to give account of your insulting of the Truth in the Phoenix Journals, written for your enlightenment in these "Last Days" by none other than Creator God Aton (Hatonn) and His Ascended Masters.  You will also answer for your insults to His messengers.
    You are most certainly not challenging me, my friend, but Creator God Aton.  I did not write the Phoenix Journals.  If you have an issue with them, you must  take it up with the author!  I am only a messenger.  You are free to believe what you will, but you will repeat lifestream after lifestream in 3D until you "get it right!"  Have a meaningful journey.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
#1  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: T
Sent: Wednesday, September 09, 2009 11:08 PM

From: D;  "Now, go ahead and insult me the way you do so many others who challenge you." 

Once again, Patrick, I think you have the patience of a Saint!!!

That said, D.

The times when the messenger (angel) is killed, I would hope are long past. That is Patrick's job. He is a messenger. He passes on information. He does not create it. Although he has been known to add his 2 cents worth. :)

Once you have read all of the available Phoenix Journals yourself, then you can come back and do your thing. What you are doing now is being rude and insulting. And showing your ignorance. I probably shouldn't laugh, but I did. Because there are so many others like you. Why is the it the first thing people try to do, is to discredit the person, then actively fight, and then endorse it, when something new to them is offered? People seem to always react like this when the truth is given. I see it over and over again. Am I getting cynical?

All I can suggest to you is, educate yourself.

And this. If you want to know the truth, ask God yourself. You don't need a minister/preacher/pope to talk to God for you. You can talk directly to God yourself. But after your outburst, you might not like what you hear. It is customary, when you talk to someone more intelligent than yourself, to show the proper respect due that person. Then again, you might not hear anything. That does happen.

But that doesn't mean you shouldn't at least try! Hopefully you'll try more than once.

But please don't blame Patrick for what you are trying to learn. Just because you don't accept the truth, it doesn't mean the truth is wrong. It just means you are not ready to accept it, and have more classes to go to. Ok? Not everybody is in the same level of learning. We all learn at our own rate. You are just not there yet. Don't worry about it, you'll have plenty of time to go back and do your homework. I think some 25,000 years the graduation time comes around, and that is where we are now. If you aren't ready, and you most certainly are not alone, you just go back to school until you are ready.

That's how this works. You cannot fake it, you can't buy off the teachers, you cannot skip classes, and hope to graduate. It just doesn't work like that. Anyone that graduates has worked hard to get to this point. From your rude and aggressive response to Patrick, it is clear you haven't done your homework. You don't attack the teacher when you want to graduate from college. You are certain to get a bad grade and flunk for that year. Any student can tell you this.

So your job, Grasshopper, is to go back to work. And educate yourself! You certainly won't be alone! It's my guestimate that about 80% of the people on this planet are being held back. And I do mean people, not clones.

I have to sign off now. Back to work!!! Good luck!


#2  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: DB
Sent: Thursday, September 10, 2009 10:34 AM
Subject: :SPAM: response
Hi Mr. Bellringer,
I'm so glad you actually answered me, but you didn't really answer my question as posed, you simply admonished me for not reading the Phoenix Journals thoroughly.
Really now Patrick, I don't blame you for believing that the journals are "revelations", but many people say the same thing about other ancient works. Billy Miers and his "Talmud of Immanuel", the other books of the new testament ( The Gospel of Mary Mag., The Gospel of Thomas, etc...)
We humans have been here for many years trying to figure out why, from where and what for. To cede our liberty to another hierarchical figure from the stars who claims some lordship over us based on loosely connected stories that sound plucked from the Urantia Book ( which I have also read) is irresponsible at best.
I don't contend that our "space brethren" are benevolent beings who could assist us in becoming higher universal men, but I know in my heart that our transformation comes from the source of creation who is no man, space ship or otherwise, and I assure you I am NOT afraid of that source. That source which created me is NON THREATENING Patrick. It doesn't get insulted and whine about my skepticism. It doesn't have a bruised ego either. Your Hatonn sounds much like the Jehovah guy who gave the Jews carte blanche to murder and steal their way through the best real estate in Mesopotamia.
Seriously, I can relate to your dilemma. You are tasked with conveying to the general populace messages from a being who claims to be our god, and how much more difficult could that be for you. You are a faceless name on the information superhighway, and our only guidance to evaluate your message for authenticity is the voice of creator within our hearts. And still we must ponder who is this mysterious being who made us?
My only real question is this: if our creator expects me to give an account of why I didn't put stock in this book or that book, and the "accounting" is nothing more than a thinly veiled threat against my very existence, then I surmise that this supposed creator is an imposter. Perhaps as you convey, a very intelligent and well equipped imposter, but another one nonetheless.
What a trip this planetary experience is Patrick. Swimming through the mud of lies and endless deceit perpetrated against us by various groups of meddling ETs who have tampered with our physical DNA, and quite possibly are the reason why we are spiritually cut off from the information that could truly set us free. We are essentially dumbed down by our limited DNA, our limited brain capacity, and the fact that most pertinent information on this planet's surface is kept from us by a cabal of Satanic ass kissers who wait for their supposed "reward" when their guy wins his fight.
Seeing as we are faced with all this opposition to our success, it's a wonder that any of us continue to strive for truth at all, but that is our lot in life I guess.
So please Patrick, answer my original question concerning Hatonn and whether or not he is the same being as Aton of Egypt.
If he is the benevolent creator of this local universe as you claim, then why would he get upset from the question of one of his people who has been earnestly seeking the truth on this planet of ignorance.
Thank you Mr. Bellringer
FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  DB
DATE:  Sept. 11, 2009
Dear DB:
    My question to you is, "Why would you believe my answer to your question, when you do not believe what I have said to you already?  Neither do you believe the Phoenix Journals.  You scoff at Star People and spaceships and claim that Hatonn/Aton is a threatening, insulting and whining imposter, a Jehovah-like god that orders people to murder and steal.
    If you claim that "our only guidance to evaluate your message for authenticity is the voice of Creator within our hearts", what is your problem?  What more do you need to know Truth?  As you say I am "a faceless name on the information superhighway", so my opinion is just that, opinion with little merit or credibility to you. 
    Just know that Aton is Aton is Aton is Aton.......
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
P.S.   Please read:      "THE GARDEN OF ATON"  by Nora Boyles  --   ISBN 1-56935-011-6, Phoenix Source Publishers, Inc. P. O. Box 27353, Las Vegas, Nevada 89126
#3  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: DB
Sent: Saturday, September 12, 2009 11:27 AM
Subject: :SPAM: Apology
Hi Mr. Bellringer,
The logic of your latest reply is irrefutable. Since I can have knowing in my heart, I am content to believe that my path will be revealed in the course of time.
I certainly hope you understand Sir, that I have only asked you questions of this nature because of other things I've read. Namely, the Ancient Secret of The Flower Of Life by Drunvalo Melchizedek, in which he investigates the pharaoh named Akhenaton who revealed to the people the first monotheistic philosophy and giving the name ATON to the people as THE deity to worship.
It is because of the strange phenomenon surrounding Akhenaton and his family that I asked the question. He is supposedly from the planet Sirius and was 14 feet tall with an elongated skull. Since the information is so old, it's difficult to surmise the credibility of this claim, but if it's true it is an incredible story. Furthermore, some scholars believe the ancient pharaohs of Egypt were the same people as the Hebrew kings and judges. If THAT is true, then the whole bible can be seen in a much different perspective.
Bottom line is this Patrick:  Myself, and a whole lot of other people are presently living in a state of "suspended tension" because we hope for the best but all around us are forces that vie to control and/or murder us. Deep in our hearts is the hope that there are indeed space brothers who come to assist us with this earth transformation, but I hope that YOU Patrick can understand what trepidation many of us feel when considering the intentions of ones sooooooo much more intelligent than us, and so much more technologically advanced than we. Essentially, if they are not wholly benevolent beings, then our goose is pretty much cooked.
It is with that in mind that I continue to probe and try to discover what is really in store for us. There is just enough doubt to cause tension, and just enough hope to keep us breathing and striving.
My most abject and sincere apologies to you Sir if my seeming obstinance has caused you any grief. If your friend Hatonn is the benevolent being you say he is, then I would be most happy to receive his aid and all blessings he may bestow on us all. I will therefore pray that you are exactly right.
Love and peace to you and yours