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Patrick H. Bellringer

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 From: The One
Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2009 10:54 PM
Subject: need help/June Stephansen
Dear Patrick,

I've found your contact information on four-winds, and I think I need your help of some sort.

My husband has been searching on June Stephansen, and he found your site.I've read that you wrote something about her a few years ago, that she is evil, and that caught my eye.

I had a 2 week long very intensive experience with her, seem to be ending really badly to the point that I'm afraid to get hurt.

I would like to tell you more details, but basically she sucked me into a belief system severely and tried to manipulate me, but things started to seem not right from normal human perspective, I stood up for myself and my belief, and now she is fuming.

I have a beginning stage of cancer in my bone, she claimed that she can remove it, she also used this spirit Key to get inside me and manipulate my "merkaba" I'm trying to cut loose with her but she is so angry at me I'm afraid she is trying to hurt me.

I also had a ghost in my house and dragons, she said she removed them...I wonder if she can bring bad spirits on me, how can I protect myself....she also have a picture of me and my home, picture of my sister and her son....

I would be very appreciative for any help,

Thank you,

FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  The One
DATE:  August 28, 2009
Dear The One:
    Thank you for writing.  Years ago we had posted some of June Stephansen's work on Fourwinds, but soon learned of her evil intent.  June is a witch and controls others, when they allow it, by Satanic means.
    If she has brought Dark energies and entities into your space,you can clear them out by one of to ways or by both ways, whatever is comfortable for you.  This is called the exorcism of evil, and anyone can do it.
    Light a candle and place it in the center of any room in your house.  Then sincerely say these words.  "Through my God spirit within and my Mighty I AM Presence and the energy of Esu Immanuel Sananda, I order all Dark energies and entitles in this room to come to the Light and to leave this room completely and permanently, never to return.  So be it!  It is done!"
    Do this for each room in your house, then believe that all Dark energies and entities are gone forever, and it is so.  Doubt and it is not so!  It is that simple.
    The second way that I use is to make a petition as follows:
    "Through my God Spirit within and my Mighty I AM Presence, using the power of Creator God Aton of Light, I order all Dark energies and entities out of my space completely and permanently.  They are now removed form within me, from my home, from my family, from my car, my workplace and everywhere I may go in the future.
    I order them to be rendered harmless and to have no power ever again.  I request the White Light of Protection of Aton to fill my space completely and permanently.  I request the same for the Golden Light of Esu Immanuel Sananda and the Violet Light of Violinio Germain.  I now live without fear, knowing that I am protected against the Darkness.  So be it!  It is so!"
    May you have peace and joy within!
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer