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Patrick H. Bellringer

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---- Original Message -----
From: DV
Sent: Tuesday, August 25, 2009 6:43 PM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10


 Anne & Patrick,  Does God Aton have any diet restrictions for humans?  Some Religions do not want people to eat Pork & other \'Unclean\' Meats & there are some that believe one should not mix some food stuffs together. What does God Aton say? 


FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
      TO:  DV
DATE:  August 26, 2009
Dear DV:
    Thank you for your letter.
    Aton has no diet restrictions for humans, but He does offer some suggestions.  As one becomes enlightened by knowing Truth and raises one's frequencies, you will desire less meat in your diet.  We do need some animal protein, and are to maintain our health properly by eating the nutrients we need.
    Aton suggests that we not eat the highly intelligent animals of the whale, the dolphin and the crustaceans.  We should be eating mostly the high energy foods, which are food from plant sources.  The mixing of foods is not an issue.
    As you have suggested, there is much religious nonsense concerning foods.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
#1  (Reply)
----- Original Message ----
-From: T
Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2009 12:02 AM


It is interesting that you mention crustaceans, scavengers that clean the environment, as something that Aton suggests we do not eat but you do not include pigs, another scavenger. Generally, meat from scavengers is loaded with toxins as a result of their scavenging diets as is organ meat, especially liver and blood, since their function is to rid an animals body of toxins (at least in part in the case of blood).

I don't know about how others feel about putting toxins in their bodies, but I do all I can to avoid it as much as possible in these backwards times that we are living in. That is why I have a very large vegetable/herb garden, fruit trees and a dozen and a half bee hives (honey is the number 5 superfood, according to some sources) in my back yard. I know exactly where a good part of my food comes from and what goes into it. If I had the financial means, I would greatly expand upon what I already have so I could know where all of my food comes from.

Also worth considering is the difference between the protein structures of herbivores and omnivores/carnivores. Our digestive systems are designed to handle the simple proteins of herbivores but not the complex proteins of omnivores/carnivores. This also explains why cannibalism will not sustain human life (not to mention the risk of transmissible spongiform encephalopathies).

An in depth study of many of the dietary laws found in the different religions does actually reveal that there is science behind much of it.

Kind regards,


#2  (Reply)
----- Original Message ----
-From: MQ
Sent: Thursday, September 03, 2009 10:44 AM
Subject: diet restrictions..

 Anne & Patrick,  Does God Aton have any diet restrictions for humans?  Some Religions do not want people to eat Pork & other \'Unclean\' Meats & there are some that believe one should not mix some food stuffs together. What does God Aton say? 

I would add to what you have written, in that all food are water crystals, and if you have seen the work of Masuro Emoto, that means that all food is programmed from the conception in the ground when the farmer curses the heat, or the day for whatever reason to the cold machines that go over the growing food in time, poisoning it, watering with toxic waste water, and on until it is picked by the worker who has trauma on his mind, then it goes to perhaps the trucker who again exhorts negative epitaphs, then those who unload, ship, then in the store, unload, places it in the store, and then we come and purchase this item of water crystals which has been poisoned, waxed, picked early so it will last longer in the store but depleting it of full nutrition, and having been shouted over, cursed upon, angry tones, desperate tones, futile tones, all totally and completely imbued within the water crystals to radiate all these toxins into our bodys, minds, and spirits.

So YES there is a directive for diet restrictions… eat NOTHING BEFORE CLEARING THE TOXICITY WITH TRANMUTING VIOLET FLAME, AND THEN BLESSING WITH THE WHITE LIGHT TO EMBUE THE FOOD WATER CRYSTALS WITH THEIR ORIGINAL DESIGN, AND TASTE, AND NUTRITION. Give thanks then to the animal who gave its life that you might eat, and to the plant that gave its life that you might eat… always thanks,,, always thanks, love and gratitude for the spirit of Creation.

The Peacemaker said,"The Word that I bring is that all peoples shall live together in Peace and Love one another."

FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
      TO:  MQ
DATE:  September 4, 2009
Dear MQ:
    Thank you for your letter.  Yes, I am aware of Emoto's work with water, and his proof that water has memory.  I am sure that enlightened people know the process through which our food goes from the farm to the dinner table and all the negativity and chemicals involved.
    What you are suggesting leads to more ritual and even dogma and focusing on negativity each time we eat something.  That is not enlightenment.  I would rather follow the directions and suggestions given to us by the Lighted Realms in making this 3D journey. 
    Ask for total and permanent Divine protection from all harmful effects of 3D and 4D, for as long as we are in these lower dimensions.  Do it only once, and then believe that you have such protection, and you do!  Doubt, and you do not!  It is that simple.
    It is not necessary to repeatedly request further protection, unless you think Creator God was out to lunch or He cannot hear very well, or you doubt you even had it.  Therefore, I give thanks always for my food and protection.  I choose wisely what I eat, for that is my responsibility, but I never give a second's thought to what harm it may contain, for I know I am protected.
    By giving thanks I am re-affirming my knowing of my protection, making it unnecessary to do some food dance or ritual each time I eat.  It is a matter of discernment and wisdom, requesting Divine help and knowing you have it.  NO, Creator God Aton of Light has no diet restrictions.  It is all a matter of choice.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer