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Patrick H. Bellringer

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Sent: Friday, July 17, 2009 11:18 AM
Subject: Settlements and postings

Dear Mr Bellringer;

Herewith another missive which I hope you will find worthy of posting. As usual, my name and details are to be withheld.

My very best wishes to you and your good lady, and to Casper, of course.







For some time now I have read postings on Fourwinds regarding the Settlements and related issues, many of which could rightly be considered to be fact, rumour, misinformation or disinformation. But there is a thread of truth that remains unbroken and consistently reveals to us a great deal that certain ‘interests’ would rather never saw the light of day. I would like to review some of the more prominent sources, before I get to that final, all important question.


CASPER: undoubtedly has access to good information – my own sources confirm this – and diligently stays true to his cause. When he sometimes rants, it only serves to prove his humanity and frustration at the utter failure of Law and the corruption at every level of the American ‘Administration’ and its cohorts. My only criticism is his reluctance to name names. Who the hell is the venal Connecticut Trustee? Who was Gates’ expert who was asked, and apparently was more than willing, to hack into bank accounts and help steal money belonging to others?  Name and shame.  CT is allegedly a greatly respected figure. Let him explain his duplicity to the public and his peers. Gates is allegedly a party to attempted embezzlement. What would his software expert’s colleagues think of him with his venality exposed?

But my personal opinion must not detract from the fact that Casper has undertaken what must be an endlessly daunting task, and is a proven true friend of the downtrodden masses who have been deprived of their rightful dues for far too long. His spirited contributions are first class, be they ectoplasmic or the human-kind stuff.


NAME AND SHAME – these bastards fear only two things – PUBLICITY and a ‘crazy’ patriot’s bullet, and in that order. More recently, they should truly fear two more things – a rope and a nearby lamp-post.  Forgive me, I digress.


CHRISTOPHER STORY: one hell of a wordsmith who sometimes almost strangles himself with circumlocutory excess and repetition, but nonetheless provides a veritable overload of detail for us to consider. His analysis and technical understanding are of the highest calibre. He too has good sources and above all, is not afraid to name names. Last September he named Jose Barroso, the President of the European Commission as having ‘selected’ 5 year-old Madeleine McCann for kidnapping and to serve his pleasure. Of course, allowances have to be made for true-Brit Story’s undiminished patriotic fervour despite many who say his loyalty is misplaced. He constantly asks for donations and at the same time says he is a professional publisher and not obliged to provide free information to the unwashed many. I would suggest that his well-heeled subscribers may feel his fees are sufficient reward  and that donations are more likely to come from the small fry who depend on his site for moral support, and will be far more willing to remember his role when Settlements finally arrive. Nevertheless, more power to his elbow.


HAL TURNER: last December he told us all rather excitedly that he had been given comprehensive details of Israeli bribes to Congress, the Senate and others. So much information that it would take some time to verify. We all waited. In late February he told an interviewer he had evidenced 106 cases involving bribes to the Capitol and that he would release details ‘soon’. We still wait. Is HT just another blowhard? Now he has been arrested for ‘incitement to murder’ maybe his only get-out card is to hand over the complete 400Mb file to ‘law enforcement’. Not that it would be subjected to a proper investigation of course, but tagged for immediate destruction. That Israeli source must be regretting he didn’t send it to someone more capable, but should that be another ‘Story’.


BENJAMIN FULFORD: now this is a real character and something of an enigma. Despising the Illuminati and all they stand for, he states 100,000 ninjas ready ‘now’ to take out the baddies, and that he has given them the names and addresses of 10,000 villains. Then he asks us to give him the same information. Focusing on Japan, much of his comment seems almost contradictory to previous utterances as he relates the power struggles within that country and the forces at work in China. His latest remarks on the H1N1 program and the Austrian court filings should provoke a furious reaction. I personally have difficulty in assessing just where this man actually stands, let alone where he is heading.


TOM HENEGHAN: this fellow makes Story, Fulford, Turner, Casper et al seem like pussycats. Ignoring his flamboyant, completely over-the-top style, he does reveal highly inflammable information about the criminal activities of the Administration, the string-pullers in Wall Street and the connivance’s of the Fed, and has no qualms about naming names. One point does cause concern, the hero status of one Albert Gore Jr.. Perhaps his hero should disclose to him just how much money he has already made out of his Global Warming ‘crusade’ and the prospect he will make a cool billion plus when the company he set up gets a chance to really exploit ‘cap-and-trade’.


THE POOF REPORTS: another colourful character who, in his latest posting, tells us that some ‘Overseeing Power’ is about to set everything to rights and that the whole of humanity is in for a rude awakening. Bring it on! But then again, haven’t we heard much the same sort of thing for some time now? We are told there are a great many benevolent forces which are constantly hard at work on our behalf behind the scenes. But so far they seem completely and utterly powerless to even slap the wrists of the main players responsible for the ongoing misery and the corruption of every form of governance.


WHISTLEBLOWER: is without doubt a man of principle and morals, but as far as initiating any positive action is concerned, is effectively but a voice in the wilderness, like so many others. A fount of knowledge yes, but he and his superiors are forced to play by Marquis of Queensberry rules, whilst their opponents use every dirty trick in the book to repeatedly discredit and circumvent them, and to use the Global Debt Facility resources to their personal advantage. Whistleblower & Co may be tied down by onerous legal constraints but in truth, the so-called Rule of Law now has nothing whatsoever to do with Justice and until he/they act on this simple premise, there is precious little they can offer us but useful and insightful comment. I understand they depend on funding from the UN and what they are allowed to do in a practical sense is very much dictated by ‘other interests’ – the connection between piper and tunes come to mind. Here again, we have frequent reference to benevolent parties who have our interests at heart.


SUE ARRIGO: has filed numerous reports and supporting evidence of criminal and corrupt activities of Bush 43, Cheney and many, many others with the AGO, but as you will have guessed, nothing happens. Going back to the early days of the Iraq War, Ms Arrigo gives us an entirely credible and in-depth analysis of outright treason, collusion and bribery, ‘missing' billions in cash, phantom and massively over-priced supplies and the small matter of a few T that Rumsfeld could not account for. One minor example – Bush and Cheney on tape running auctions of stolen DoD laptops to foreign powers. Any action? Nope.

These are only a very few of the very many sources provided by the Fifth Estate, a resource that is today the only means to promulgate information without censorship or political interference. ‘They’ really must be scared, hence the threats to curtail or even shut it down.! 

But despite a multitude of serious exposures, nothing happens and, not surprisingly,  the useless and servile MSM remain silent on every issue, unless of course, it happens to be worthless trivia or more candy-floss propaganda for the masses.


Let me now touch on two subjects of particular relevance.


9/11: an enormous number of credible reports have been filed on the web. If only 10% are accepted as factual, then the whole exercise was an ‘inside-job’ if not perpetrated by government, then inarguably ‘blind-eyed’. The Commission was a deliberately incompetent farce, the evidence they allowed was highly selective and many important witnesses were never called to testify. Many of those very same crucial witnesses are ‘no longer with us’ and much of the most damning evidence has either been ‘mislaid’ or deemed ‘classified’. The former defies all laws of actuarial probability and the latter does not happen without high level sanction. The consequences of that terrible event have cost much blood and treasure, there is no end in sight and no-one has been brought to account. America’s very own - and very real - Holocaust.


THE CORPORATION OF THE UNITED STATES: the average citizen has great difficulty in understanding why so much of the world ‘dislikes’ them. In truth, it has much to do with the transition from ‘a super-power’ to ‘the super-bully’ in which it uses the threat of military muscle to get its way or the bottomless bribery accounts run by the CIA and others. I need to know why more than half of the economy, the best scientific brains and precious resources are dedicated to finding new and more efficient ways to kill people. And please don’t give me the B.S. that it is all done in the cause of self-defence. And why it is necessary to maintain umpteen military bases in other countries, whether or not their citizens want them to be there? This is nothing more than blatantly exercising ‘diplomacy’ down a gun barrel. And the cost in terms of quality of life, health and education is enormous. So, if there was an appropriate cut-back in military spending, tens of thousands of workers would be laid-off. Any complaint of job loss would also beg the question “are you complaining that you no longer get paid to help kill people?”. Make fridges, not fragmentation bombs. Make HD TVs, not missile guidance arrays. Non-military oriented manufacturing in America is a dying, if not dead, industry. Increasingly, the label ‘Made in America’ can only be put on products that cause death and destruction.


Earlier I posited that today, the so-called Rule of Law has nothing whatsoever to do with Justice. The worst law-breakers are those whose very job it is to uphold and enforce The Law. In America, that includes the Judiciary, Congress and the Senate and every one of the ‘enforcement agencies’. Apparently, we can now add the hierarchy of the Army, Navy and Air Force. And there are equally frightening parallels in almost every other country.


By any standard of true and real Justice, ‘people’ like the Clintons, Blair, the Bush Clan, Cheney, Merkel, Geithner and his cronies in Wall Street and London City, Bernanke and all of their Puppeteers - to name but a few - should not be permitted one more minute of freedom. But no, they are still at liberty to do whatever they like, with glaringly obvious impunity, even though we – or maybe just too few of us – know that they are guilty of virtually every felony in the book and are responsible for real and ongoing crimes against humanity.


If there is any form of “Overseeing Benevolent Power” out there, then I have that one, final question to ask 


Are you going to wait until the light of the sun is blotted out by the smoke from burning cities and the seas polluted by our blood before you deem it time to take action?


Or perhaps you actually desire such an outcome, for then You will be our True Saviour and in blind gratitude, we will gladly help You put an even stronger yoke around our necks.




FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  ---
DATE:  July 19, 2009
Dear ---:
    I have two comments. 
    With your great supposed knowledge, have you not heard of the One World Order?  Our battle is not only against the U.S. Corporate Government, but against the entire One World Order Illuminati complex.
    You speak as though it is up to me or Casper or one of those you named "to take action" and become your "True Savior" and of your world, or are you waiting for an "Overseeing Benevolent Power" to save you?  Basically, you desire for someone to provide you with a better world in which to live.
    We know how bad is our world!  The question is "What is to be done to change it to Goodness, and who is going to do it?  If you think this is only a battle in 3D, you are using the wrong ammo!  This is also a spiritual battle, my friend.  What do you have in your spiritual arsenal to assist our cause?  Is not that the basic question?
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer