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'HELLO, CENTRAL!' OVERWHELMED ! (Updated July 16, 2009)

Patrick H. Bellringer

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From: SM
Sent: Tuesday, July 14, 2009 12:18 PM
Subject: Overwhelmed!
Dear Patrick,
Being relatively new to your site, I am seeking any information that might help me to cope with some life situations.   Like me, many people are surviving on just SS or SSD (living on a nickel so to speak) and it's very hard to keep from just giving up completely.   Added to that, I have a daughter going through divorce with 2 precious little ones and I am unable to help her financially.   I only relate this to you as I am in great need of wisdom/insight on how to keep myself from being so overwhelmed and in pain that I simple want to get out of it all.  I know there are answers in coping with life's problems.....I obviously do not have the skills.   I am desperately searching your website to find the tools and how to apply them so that I don't remain in such grief and despair.   Any advice or spiritual insight would be most appreciated at this time.   Thanks so much Patrick for all your efforts to enlighten the masses.  
FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  SM
DATE:  July 15, 2009
Dear SM:
    Thank you for your letter.  You are not alone in your struggle to survive in our very evil world.  More people then ever are having such difficulties.  We focus on our daily 3D needs and problems, not realizing that we are here for our lessons in soul growth, and that the battle is really one of a spiritual nature.
    We think and have been taught that life is totally physical, when in reality we are spiritual beings having a physical experience in this 3D lifestream.  This means that through our soul or God Spirit within, we can access the creative power of Heaven or the Lighted Realms, and the help of the Angels to deal with our physical life.
    Each of us are given two Guardian Angels at birth, who stay with us until our physical death.  They are here to help us, but few people know they exist, or even ask for their help. You need to ask for their help!  Life can become "overwhelming" when you try to go it alone.
    The Angels can create miracles for you, if you believe that is possible.  They can give you hope and guide you through your "Dark Night!"  We are here for our lessons in soul growth, and to choose to cop out of our lessons and leave our "school room" is not the answer.  As in any learning, each step must be completed to move to the next level.  No one is allowed to skip any lessons in their soul growth, and everyone learns the same lessons to graduate into fifth dimension, or what we call Heaven.
    Those, who choose to leave their assignments unfinished, shall be back to continue in another 3D lifestream, right where they left off.  When I say that you are not alone, I also mean that you have Divine Help available to you at all times.  Your Guardian Angels are probably quite bored with little to do.  Use them!  Ask for direction, wisdom, financial help---whatever you need to make it.  Then believe in miracles---and make them happen.  Put feet to your prayers.  The Angels will help, but they won't do it for you.
    You have all the tools you need for your journey.  Through your God Spirit within you have access to all the help and creative power that Heaven allows.  That is a lot!  Use it!  May you have peace and joy within.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
#1  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: Sh
Sent: Wednesday, July 15, 2009 11:39 AM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10

 To Overwhelmed.  That was a beautiful answer.  Thank you, I pray but I needed to be reminded of my angels.   

#2  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: AP
Sent: Wednesday, July 15, 2009 3:46 PM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10

 Hi Patrick,

 In reading the "Overwhelmed" message from SM and your response I could not help think of times past when I was struggling to not just give up on life.  Those were very difficult times for me.

 The thing that was able to turn things around for me was the discovery of a healing therapy known as Reiki and finding a local practioner who through her special gifts was able to re-energize my life force and dissipate the stress that was literally choking the life out of me.  I was so pleased with the beneficial results of Reiki that I learned to do Reiki myself.

 I would suggest that anyone who is feeling that they don\'t have the energy to continue the struggle can have that energy renewed through the healing energy of Reiki.

 Thank you for allowing me to share this.  Thank you for the good works you and Anne do for the benefit of All.


#3  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: AM
Sent: Thursday, July 16, 2009 6:23 AM

Dear Patrick;

I’d like to be of some spiritual help to SM who is presently feeling overwhelmed with her/his life situation.

Dear SM, even though this will not solve your problems, you must know that many people all around the world, have more or less the same problems.

I’m writing to you from the other side of the world here in Italy

Like you specifically, I cannot  be of help to my daughter and very often I feel overwhelmed too.

You say that you are so overwhelmed and in pain that you simple want to get out of it

I had a sister 29 years old that in 1984 got out of it. Was that of any help to her one year old son ?

As Patrick wisely said in his reply to you, we all have our Guardian Angels and more important, we have our God Sprit within to have access to all the help and the creative power that Heaven allows.

We just need to use it and be assured dear SM that the Universe never , ever gives you a challenge greater than what are your possibilities to overcome it !

In love and light.