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'HELLO, CENTRAL!' A SORROW FILLED JULY 4TH ! (Updated July 12, 2009)


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 From: CF
To: Bellringer
Sent: Tuesday, July 07, 2009 12:43 AM
Subject: concurring with casper

Patrick & Casper,

The report of 7/5/09 is very sobering. I cannot comment on the aspect of deliveries since the info is not available to average Joe's. However, it is progressively apparent  that the direction our government (beloved country) under a probable impostor (ineligible president) is fast deteriorating in values and fiscal restraint. As grand parents we had our week long summer visit from the family to enjoy the pool, sun, and good food. We played CD's of traditional songs and hymns of our country's heritage and the anthems of historical significance. For the first time (I'm nearly 60 years old ) I quietly & secretly wept in grief at the emotional triggers  the songs evoked. Usually, they engender patriotic pride, thankfulness, and a sense of strength to over come national adversity. This last July 4th brought sorrow, pain, and inward heaviness. You can see it in (the president) his face, his eyes, his actions the lack of love for America. A very unusual sense of deceit emanates from his demeanor stimulating high alert to discernment cautions to the inner soul.

Celebrating freedom on this past 4th took on an entirely new feeling. One I was not familiar with, one I don't embrace, one that I wish would go away and be dismissed as a bogus mood. Now, he (obama) visits Russia with, who knows what compromise to our country and the big sell out smile that says, "look at me world I'm important, aren't you impressed with me reading these teleprompters".  It's a sad July for Americans our country is changing ... .


#1 (Reply)

----- Original Message -----
From: K
Sent: Tuesday, July 07, 2009 7:57 PM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10

 Hi Patrick and Anne,

 Regarding the recent post "A sorrow filled 4th of July", it's extremely unfortunate that CF is choosing to fall into the darkside traps of fear and despair. (S)he is forgetting that in order for the new to come into being, we must part ways with the old. As you have often quoted from the Pheonix Journals, Creator God Aton will not allow the darkside to win and as such, in order for Earth Shan to cleanse herself of all the negativity present here and now, MANY changes must occur. The society and way of life that we have known for many decades will cease to exist one way or another. The darkside is simply speeding up their efforts because they still believe they can win. Besides, this "reality" is simply a testing ground through which we must learn to grow and transcend all the challenges and temptations we will face. One of those challenges is learning not to be hopeless in the face of adversity. Do you think the Illuminati or dark forces become hopeless when they suf fer a setback? NO! They strive on because they understand the matrix around us and what our true potential is. We must learn to be just as dedicated to success but instead being successful at love, hope, forgiveness, compassion, balance with nature, balance within ourselves, and following the Laws of Creation.

Having read many of the Pheonix Journals (as well as many other books and sites), I now understand the importance of maintaining a positive and loving state of mind as often as possible. Not only because I want to be prepared for evacuation if and when it should occur, but also because I want to be a shining example of the light for others. Regardless of what specific belief you aspire to, all the spiritual information being presented on Earth at this time from the higher realms points to LOVE being the ultimate and primary power in the universe. In order to \"ascend\" the ladder back to the Creator, love is the most important thing you must learn to have and hold in your heart and soul; your very being.

Today, I find many people in the new age and metaphysical fields who are extremely hypocritical of their beliefs. They apply a different set of standards to themselves than they do toward others. I do not want to live like that. I am choosing to live as positive a life as possible, learning how to love and forgive in even the most difficult situations, because I do not want to continue my soul lessons in 3D, regardless of whether it be here on Earth or another planet in the universe. I want to raise my vibrations high enough so that I can continue my journey back to Creator Source and remember what it meant to be a true being of light. I want to reunite with my Galactic family of light and re-experience what it means to live in peace and harmony. This cannot be achieved by maintaining a low vibration state of being like fear, hopelessness, despair, anger, hate, resentment, or sorrow. These emotions block you from being able to tap into your higher self and to receive guidance from the Creator.

I hope that CF will be able to look beyond all the mainstream media hype that is only meant to instill fear and hopelessness in the mainstream population and instead look for reasons to be happy, loving, and positive; both internally and externally. I hope that CF and others going through the same experiences will be able to instead find a way to channel those energies into positive outlets that will work more toward creating a world of peace and love that they desire. I will send out positive prayers to CF, as well as other lighted beings having difficulty, and ask that our higher guides assist them in transmuting the negativity that is keeping their vibrations slow.


 Love and aloha!
