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'HELLO, CENTRAL! ' SUICIDE ! (Updated 6/28/09)

Parick H. Bellringer

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From: AM
To: 'Bellringer'
Sent: Sunday, June 21, 2009 11:08 AM
Subject: Re: OUR DESTINY

Dear Patrick;

In your previous message ( see below ), you confirmed to me that before we incarnate as humans, our soul makes an agreement with God as to the experiences that she has to get through for her growth in this lifestream.

I don’t know whether you have a reply for my following question related to the above.

My sister committed suicide in 1984 when she was 29 leaving a son of only 1 year old.

If it is true that we discuss with God the experiences that we want to make in our next lifestream,is it possible that she discussed and agreed with Him that she was going to kill herself ?

Many thanks once again for your reply.

In love and light.



FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  AM
DATE:  June 25, 2009
Dear AM:
    The contract we make with Creator God prior to entering the present lifestream is not set in stone.  We have laid out our plans for our agreed upon lessons, but we enter a 3D world of freewill.  Sometimes we choose to break that contract and make a detour or even to short circuit our mission and leave our present lifestream on Shan.
    We cannot know your sister's spiritual contract, nor if she decided to break it.  Some people choose to experience suicide for lessons or for removing karma, while others choose to cop out of their lessons and leave Shan.  When that happens, be assured that they will return in another lifestream to continue their lessons right where they left off, though probably not with the same experiences.
    Everyone must learn the same spiritual lessons to qualify for graduation into the fifth dimension or Heaven, where no evil is allowed.
    Send your sister Love and much Light, as that will greatly help her, wherever she may be.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
#1.  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: MF
Sent: Friday, June 26, 2009 5:49 AM
Subject: 'Hello Central' Re: OUR DESTINY

Correct me if I am wrong………………!

To: AM

Committing suicide may appear to be the easy way out but in answer to your question; I would say ‘yes’ she did agree this as part of her life stream/contractual agreement. In essence, as our souls and life experiences are connected, her 1-year-old son would have also agreed to live a life stream without knowing his mother. He would have agreed this with god! It is understanding weather she broke her contract or as Patrick says, removed negative karma. There are only two entities who could ever know the reasons for your sister taking her own life.

Agreeing, to disagree, I think Patrick is right in saying that the contract is not set in stone, however, I do believe that the way we die is predetermined. Everything happens for a reason, there are no coincidences, even if you don’t live up to your contract you are still experiencing life’s lessons. Very much like changing the path that we walk on, a cross over from dark to light for example, we are still experiencing. Yes, sometimes it can be without soul, but we are still experiencing - learning life’s lessons even when we change paths. Freewill does play a huge part in fulfilling our contract and as ever, the dark are always trying to stray us away from were we should be going, keeping us penned in so that we don’t experience the things that we should be experiencing.

Straying away from your situation, I recently lost my mother-in-law (aged 54) to Cancer; she was a spiritual person and understood that she was paying for many life streams of negativity. She lost two sons in a fire – they fell into a shed full of petrol and without knowing, lit a match to see where they were (aged 9 & 6). Is it to say that they too had broken their contract, or is it that they had predetermined to die this way?

Personally, I think they had agreed this with God…..!

In love and light to you, your sister, and her son.




FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  MF
DATE: June 26, 2009
Dear MFt:
    Thank you for your comments on "our destiny", to AM.  I have one question for you.  If "the way we die is predetermined", does not that violate our freewill here in third dimension?  We may have a soul contract to experience death a certain way, but that, too, can be altered by our choices.  Hatonn says we choose when we die.  Do we also decide how?
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
#2.  (Reply)

----- Original Message -----

From: SA

To: <>

Sent: Friday, June 26, 2009 6:11 PM

Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10


 ref: SUICIDE Hello All

 In the Phoenix Journal no 27 Sananda says that we have no right to dislike  ourselves because we have -for instance- a deformity as this is plan of  our contract with GCAH.[Gyeorgos Ceres Aton Hatonn] ( I use these 4 letters when I refer to God of the  PJ'S).

 Also says that is not good to terminate our lives as we will come back to  pick it from where it left, and I have also found out that the souls who  have committed suicide, remain in a state of limbo between the astral  planes -ie ghosts- .

 I believe  what the PJ's are teaching us is HOW about staying "on  course", AS nothing is too severe in this plane of existence, to make us  take our own lives. I find this to be an insult to the Source who has  created us and grows thru us, and the PJ'S is an excellent source of  info as to how to avoid to get caught in this illusion game.

 What a sibling of a dead person can do, is to pray for the dead to find  the Light and leave the lower astral plane. This way we "free" them  from our thoughts, sadness and mercy (and fears) and the rest are up to  the OTHER GO(O)OD forces and the soul itself. I personally make no plans about ‘how’ I’ll die as my everyday  living and thinking / learning is more important than plans about the afterlife



FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer

     TO:  SA

DATE:  June 27, 2009


Dear SA:

    Thank you for your letter.  You are quite right.  Sananda says that we are "coping out" to commit suicide, because we will be back in another lifestream to do it all over again, until we learn our lessons we came hereto learn.

    Also, through our God-Spirit within, we can ask and be given all the help of Heaven to face our problems and solve them.  Ghosts are beings in 4D (Astral Plane), who have not moved on into other dimensions for various reasons.  We create ghosts by not "letting go" of someone, who has died a physical death.  This is often true with suicide, because of our feelings of guilt and that somehow we are responsible for the suicide.

    We are in no way responsible for another's pathway and choices.  Each person chooses how and when they die.  In our present lifestream no one needs to die, because we can heal ourselves, and we shall be evacuated soon, if we so choose.

                            In Love and Light,

                            Patrick H. Bellringer

 #3.  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: T
Sent: Saturday, June 27, 2009 4:02 PM
Subject: SUICIDE ! (Updated 6/27/09)

We are in no way responsible for another's pathway and choices.  Each person chooses how and when they die.  In our present lifestream no one needs to die, because we can heal ourselves, and we shall be evacuated soon, if we so choose.

                            In Love and Light,

                            Patrick H. Bellringer



In normal circumstances, I would agree. But this version of 'the plan' is so different than other lifestreams that this might not be the case for some individuals. Right now, we are basically winging it, making it up as we go. Some people have it in their contract that how they die in this life can make a world of difference.

How can this be possible? Please remember that in reality there is NO DEATH, unless a person is hit with a direct hit from a nuke. Then the golden and silver cord is broken, and they cease to exist. This is a hard concept for most people to understand, especially if they don't believe in astral projection. Basically, remember this. You are a spiritual person having a physical lifetime/experience. Ok?

Contracts are made before we are born, and usually we don't remember that, once we are born. We have agreed in this lifetime to not remember who we are or where we come from, so we can be more human and understand what humans are actually going through in this time on Shan. This is especially true for Earthean Eagles, the ones in charge of the evacuation process. But I'm getting too complicated in this answer.

To make this a bit easier to understand, we don't know what is in our personal contract. Some have agreed to die, in some group disaster, or other event, knowing that by their death, they will help bring things to a head, or help people to learn their lessons. So there are many agreeing to die in a certain way to help others learn the hard lessons. They could be in the military, they could be a reporter in Iraq, they could be on an airplane going into the Hudson River. By agreeing to die to help others, it is a form of suicide, because they didn't have to die, they wanted to. Suicide is not just the commonly know public version we understand now. Our thought processes right now are so screwed up, that seeing the truth of a thing might not happen until we are on the other side.

So don't be too hard on anyone who 'dies'. Our idea of death is not true! WE cannot know how or why it happened until later. You just have to accept that it happened and go on with your life, praying for them. They could have chosen to do this for a very good reason. We just don't know it now. Maybe that is the lesson?

The one way you can find out why she did this is to ask her why, talk to her. In Ghost Hunters, they use a small digital recorder to record things the spirits say. Get one, and go to the woman's home, or someplace near her child. She is most certainly watching over her loved ones. Turn the recorder on, and start asking questions, giving them plenty of time to give you an answer. Write down your questions, so you don't forget what you want to say. Take plenty of time, and don't give up on her. She might still be trying to recover. So be patient, give her plenty of time, and expect an answer. ANYONE can talk to their loved ones in this was, BECAUSE THEY AREN'T DEAD. They are still alive and doing things. They are often as busy as we are, probably more so, since they do not have to sleep.

Digital recorders can be gotten on Ebay in almost any price range, starting at $75. I got a very nice one for $75, from Olympus. It works great, with 144 recordable hours. It depends on what you want to get with it, or how you are intending to use it.

One tip; you will not be able to hear the answers until you play it back, so make sure to give them plenty of time to reply. Tell her to speak directly into the recorder, so you can hear her later on. It stands to reason the if she is across the room, it won't record very well. And you might get answers from someone else. Be prepared for surprises. Once they know you want to talk, they will respond!!!

Good luck!