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Patrick H. Bellringer

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From: F
Sent: Sunday, June 21, 2009 3:08 AM
Subject: Patrick, why are you so hostile to Christians?
Dear Patrick,

I have personally had the discussions with you in the past and seen on fourwinds the hostility you have towards people who have faith in Jesus Christ.  I have seen numerous posts from you that act as nothing less than attacks on Christians.  One such comment was your response to a recent post of June 20, 2009 asking why you continue to post the Casper reports when it appears that Casper really does not know what is going on.  Your comments were as follows:  ". . . If you choose to sit in your room and plead for the Masters to save you, you are no different than the Christian Cult people all over the world, who are waiting for their magical "rapture" out of this very evil world."

Can I ask you a question?  Do you really know what you are talking about when you go after Christianity as you do?  I have had numerous communications with you throughout the years and it still amazes me the disrespect you show for people of another faith.  Are we all to believe exactly as you do or fail in our quest to know God?  Are we all worthy of insults because we share not your perspective?  For that matter, where is the foundation of your faith - where did it come from and how do you profess to know it is truth above all others? 

Patrick, the one thing that this "Christian cult person"  respects is your right to be different without slinging the insults at you for your differences.  So long as you=2 0live peacably and respect others right to believe differently, then you should have the right to do as you wish WITHOUT harassment or insults.  Of course, you do have the right to rag on us "Christian cult people" all you want for this is to be a nation where freedom of expression and speech is supposed to be respected.  Then again, I have the right to respond and tell you what I think.  I hope you are of the levels of honor enough to post this responsive message on your boards.

Before ending this letter, please know that if you are contesting that Christianity is a "war religion" as you professed to me in the past, I would heartily disagree.  Just as the Kazarian fakes tried to take over Judaism, so too are they and other haters of Christ trying to take over Christianity.  Certainly, you know the illuminati controls the governments of the world and who is elected to the positions of power.  Do you really believe that they would ever permit a man to be in power who was truly loyal to the principles of peace and love and uncorruptable righteousness, as was Jesus Christ? 

Please tell me that you do not believe that taking down our own buildings on 9-11 to justify a war so as to make trillions on weapons and to steal resources and constitutional rights from our own citizens is an act of a true Christian, do you?  Please do not tell me that you believe that permitting the international banking cartel steal every penny out of20America like a vaccuum, and prosecuting nobody for it, is really the act of a true Christian, do you?  Please do not tell me that you believe allowing men, for profit and power, to alter the genetic structure of God's beautiful foods so as to create virtual weapons out of food is the act of a true Christian, do you?  Please do not tell me that you believe allowing the murder of millions of babies through sponsored, legalized abortion is the act of a true Christian, do you?  I could go on, but I am sure you get the point.

If you truly believe that the fakes in Washington DC, the international banking cartel, the military-industrial complex, the child-molesting churches and the like are true Jews and Christians, then I strongly recommend that you get out and meet some more people of those faiths - those who live by their faith -  before you judge them. 

I quote to you the Gospel of Matthew, Chapter 7, Verse 13, an appropriate passage for this discussion:  "Enter ye in by the narrow gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many are they that enter in thereby."  Truth in faith to God in the Bible is a very narrow road for few.  Many will claim God as their Lord, but he will tell them to depart from HIm, for God never knew them. 

"Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheeps clothing, but inwardly they are r avening wolves. Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them. Not everyone that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? And in thy name have cast out devils? And in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I NEVER KNEW YOU: depart from me, ye that work iniquity." (Matt 7:15-23)

Too many millions of peaceful Christians (and Orthodox Christians) have been murdered for their Bible-based faith, innocent and without cause for death, not because of their evil, but because of their connection to truth that presented the dangers of accountability to evil men of their wrongs.  Certainly, the murders of hundreds of millions of innocent Christians (and Orthodox Jews) in Russia, China, Polan d, France, Germany, Armenia and so many other places wasn't because the Bible were wrong, was it?  If their "cult" was so truly so cultic and off-base, who would even care about them?  It is mafia criminals playing political leaders who can not afford to have people of truth in their midst's.  This is the reason that Christians (and Orthodox Jews) have been murdered more than any other religious faith in history.

At a minimum, I hope you take a step back from your harsh anti-Christian perspective to review if you are being fair to people who profess Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.  A man's perspective, if truthful and correct, can always survive review and testing and come out of the crucible's flames as the exact same truth.  Does your version of Christians truly survive this review and testing or is your personal bias clouding your perspective?

FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  F
DATE:  June 23, 2009
Dear F:
    Thank you for your letter, comments and questions concerning my faith in "Jesus Christ".  We have posted to Fourwinds many of your writings that demonstrate your knowledge of our secret government and the workings of the One World Order, but though you claim to be a Christian attorney, we have yet to receive from you any valid statement of spiritual Truth.  As I have said to you before, when you move into the spiritual arena, you are treading on "thin ice", due to your lack of knowledge and wisdom of Truth.
    To even use the name "Jesus Christ" reveals one's naïveté, for that is most certainly not his name.  His name is Esu Immanuel, and his new name, as your Holy Bible said he would have, is Sananda, meaning One with Creator God.  As Creator God has said in the Phoenix Journals, the Bible is God Jehovah Satan's warbook to mislead the people into untruth.
    My friend, I am totally amazed at your laundry list of questions, which reveals that you have not read my writings and do not know whereof I stand in Truth.  I have not time to repeat all that I have written or read to you the Phoenix Journals, the basis of Truth upon which Fourwinds rests.
    I suggest that, if you are truly serious about the Lighted Realms of the higher dimensions and the world of Spirit, that you begin reading the Phoenix Journals with an open mind anD heart.  It is not my task to tell you what to believe, but only to present Truth to you, and you will do with it whatever you so choose.
    I have said nothing that Creator God or Esu Immanuel Sananda or the Ascended Masters have not said in their presentation of Truth in the Phoenix Journals.  I suggest that you go to "About Fourwinds" for further direction on reading the Phoenix Journals.  Also, for your edification I am presenting here an article that I have written and that has been posted on Fourwinds many times, "The Truth in a Nutshell" .
    Truth is, and cannot be refuted.  If you take offense at what Creator God or Sananda have said in the Phoenix Journals, then you will have to take your disagreements up with them.  They present the message of Truth.  I am only a messenger.
    I am not hostile to Christians.  That is only your perception, because you also believe in the lies of the "rapture", being "saved" by the blood of a Truthbringer that was murdered, and that you are not held responsible for your evil deeds.  I am quite hostile to the lies and disinformation being presented by the blind leaders to fool the people and take their money.
    Christ is a state of being, not a person.  "Christness" means living The Laws of God and of Creation, as Esu Immanuel did.  By the way, he has returned (1954) and my wife, Anne, and I have been working with him directly for many years.  I pause for now.  You must do you own homework.  Once you have done so, we can continue our discussion in greater enlightenment.
    May you find the Truth you seek.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
#1.  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: F
Sent: Wednesday, June 24, 2009 1:27 AM
Subject: Re: Patrick, why are you so hostile to Christians?
Dear Patrick,

Hmmm..  no valid statement of spiritual truth?  Thin ice as to spiritual truth?  I guess opinions are bountiful on all of these issues, but one thing for certain is that when you call upon the name of our Holy God, the Creator of this universe and the Sustainer of all life, and you humbly seek His guidance in love and truth, and He has promised to answer prayers and give guidance, and He is not a liar, then how is it possible that a man can be on such thin ice and not be capable of a valid statement of spiritual truth when he has sought God with all of His heart?  If God loves us and is willing to be our loving Father, then when a person asks Him for guidance and insight, then would He be a just God to deny us?  It is on this basis that I know God as much as through the Bible, for although I believe the Bible to be truth, the guidance I have received from God has written His Word on my heart long before I read it.  I have known Biblical truths that I have never read before - from prayer and having those prayers answered. 

How is it that you know what I believe?  The rapture?  A war book?  Are you so certain?  As for the need of salvation, a perfectly moral God who runs the show might disagree with you that there is no need to be saved.  However, you have the perfect right to believe as you wish.  But I thought you might wish to know how bad it sou nds for you to attack a faith and a people that perhaps you really do not understand the people or the faith at all.  Remember, GWB is likely not the shining example of Christianity on this earth that I would expect you to look at to find Christ, so I certainly hope that you are not making comparisons with Jesus Christ and most of the the phony Jews and Christians that pollute our lives.  These are people who use the Bible, and everything else, to justify everything from war to theft to murder. 

You are focusing on the negative players who profess the Bible as God's Word, just like a person who thought of the Talmud or the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion when someone mentions Jew.  These people are the imposters, not the real article.  There is a reason that the USA, a nation vexed with evil and mystery cults and vile secret religions, has also done great and moral things, full of charity and kindness, and has spread the Word of God throughout the earth like no other nation in history.  It has been her people - a people that loved and followed the teachings of Jesus Christ. It is logical that Satan would attack at the very heart of where the most good has been or could be done and the greatest evidence of God can be found.  That is why the USA is the greatest, and yet the most evil nation on earth - simultaneously.

You know, even though I firmly believe that Islam is not the truth of God, I do not slice and dice the Muslim faith in respect to the very free will that God gave them that led them to that faith.  Again, it is in the spirit of friendship that I offer to you another perspective to consider about Christians, not a hostile one.

As for my sins, I have full responsibility for them indeed, and because God is merciful, and I have sought His forgiveness and I have turned away from the evil of my carnal nature, I am forgiven.  His mercy was delivered to me in Christ.  It is interesting to me that you believe that the Phoenix Journal, another series of writings that refutes the Bible, is valid as absolute truth as if there is no discussion or question.  Further, the fact that Immanuel has returned and you have met him adds to the mystery. What gave you such confidence in believing who he professed to be?  Where is he now?  If you would, since he is God within, would it be too much to ask him for the lottery numbers and I will deliver the entire amount to you to be donated 100% to the needy. I know some wonderful charities that need food to feed the poor in their ranks.

Lastly, as far as posting my comments on your board, it seems as if in the area of faith my statements of faith are not acceptable to your subjective standards of what is God, then you have refused to post my positions.  Since much of what is spoken of on your board is information that has elements that, in the least, can be challenge d and is sometimes even speculation, then why post that information and not comments regarding faith - which is always subjective.  I thought Fourwinds10 was a board where freedom of thought and expression was encouraged.  It is that unless I see the view of God exactly as you see it, I have no viable opinion or thought on the matter?  That is what it seems is the basis of your comments to me below.  If you are seeing the world in this light, I encourage you to reassess your position for true liberty and freedom includes differing perspectives.   “Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty” (2 Corinthians 3:17).

In any case, I will spend some time reading your Phoenix Journals so as to have a common reference in that part of our future dialogue.  I will read it, and I will have an open mind as to what I read.  However, know that I have my own personal confirmations about Jesus Christ that have been very powerful.  I do not speak of Christ lightly and without personal conviction that is based upon more than a mindless Sunday afternoon listening to some preacher ramble on without purpose.  You may also want to consider these facts when you determine that others are in thin ice or that they have no valid basis for their faith.

Perhaps you can try to meet some Christians who really love God as well as people, those that are not servants to money and power, so you may understa nd that Christians may be a little different than what you seem to perceive.

In any case, I wish you wellness and truth.


#2.  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: F
Sent: Wednesday, June 24, 2009 1:59 AM
Subject: Started reading the Pheonix Journals....
....  and the Phoenix Project Newspaper.  I am reading the articles found under the Real Space Shuttle Mission#3, p. 2 and the sub-category entitled 8/5/90# 1 Hatonn, p. 2.  Here is the link.

There are some serious issues of contention that I have with some of the information that you have pointed me to.  For example:  the article I referenced speaks on how the Russians have landed people on Venus.  Patrick, the surface temperature on Venus is over 900 degrees and completely incapable of sustaining human life, even with the most technologically advanced life-sustaining equipment.  There is no possible way men could land on Venus and survive it. 

I will continue to read, but if you are relying upon this information as truth, then you may want to take a step back and verify the claims made against the known scientific data that has been known and accepted for decades, unless you have some data to prove the temperature is not as I represented.

I will continue to read and comment accordingly.

FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  F
DATE:  June 24, 2009
Dear F:
    Where is your objectivity, my friend?  "I will have an open mind," but "I have my own personal confirmation about Jesus Christ (non-name, of course)".  Have you read the basic journals of #2, 3, 5, 7, 27 and 47, as recommended for new readers?  Probably not!
    You say the Russians could not possibly have landed on Venus, because Venus has a temperature of over 900 degrees F.  Says who?  Can you prove they did not?  Is it reasonable for me , as a second grader, to walk into your college calculus course and challenge what you are teaching?  Absolutely, not!
    You claim to believe in your Holy Bible, but you disbelieve the little Truth it presents.  "With God, all things are possible!"  Oh yes, I know what Satan's warbook says, for I have studied it from cover to cover. Have you?
   I rest my case, for as Hatonn says, you cannot dispute the knowledge and wisdom presented in the Phoenix Journals, until you have read them from cover to cover, all of them.  Most people would rather continue in their self-imposed ignorance and spiritual blindness then make the effort to discover Truth.
    As I have said, if you are a serious Truthseeker, we can have meaningful dialogue, but I have no time for your "challenge the messenger" mind-games.  Truth is!
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer

#3.  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, June 24, 2009 10:40 AM
Subject: re. why are you so hostile to christians?
 Dear Patrick

 We in Switzerland have alot of narrow-minded so-called "Christians", who falsely believe, that Jesus will be saving them exclusively and what's even worse, that Jesus died on the cross for their sins. I really appreciate your patience and goodwill in answering letters like that. I'm sorry, but I don't bother to have longer conversations with bible-believers anymore. It really seems to me, that those "Christians" don't even want to hear my point, because it's so much easier to live with praying, word for word believing from the bible, not knowing and not changing their lifestyle. I think most of them have a huge wall around them and are so satisfied with this state of mind, they don't want to change, because they know, if they do, they must leave their church or group. God has a big garden and everything works with resonance, if you search, you'll find...thank's God!

 All the very best for you and your wife! Salu



FROM:  Patrick  H. Bellringer

      TO:  Natalie Ledermann

DATE: June 24, 2009


Dear Natalie Ledermann:

    Thank you for your letter and comments concerning "Christians".  The  literal Bible-believers will be totally shocked, when they learn the Truth  and return to many more lifestreams of lessons in third dimension to get it  right.

    It is futile to argue over religion or with anyone with a closed mind. You can only present to them the Truth, and they then must decide what they will do with it.  No religion is correct, though most present some Truth. Everyone must follow The Laws of God and Creation to graduate into fifth dimension (Heaven), where no evil is allowed.  There are no exceptions!

    You are so right.  "If you search--you'll find" the Truth you seek.

                            In Love and Light,

                            Patrick H. Bellringer

#4.  (Reply)

----- Original Message -----
From: EJ
Sent: Wednesday, June 24, 2009 7:15 AM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10

 Dear Patrick

 Thank you once again for your hard work with the Fourwinds site. It is beyond doubt my favorite place on the net!! I feel at home.

 I hope you don't mind these questions.

 You mention that Sananda is with us already and is working with yourself and Anne here..."By the way, he has returned (1954) and my wife, Anne, and I have been working with him directly for many years."

 Is this true? do you mean he is with you in a Physical sense or Spiritual? If he has been here since 1954 then he would be here Physically I suppose?

 Also if this is the case when will we all know who and where he is?

 Will there be a announcement soon?

 Will you announce him?

 Sorry for the questions but its been a very long wait.We just want some \'action\' so to speak. We are all tired of waiting for his return and and I for one pray it\'s soon each day.

 I am sure you understand Patrick.

 Kindest Regards EJ


FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
      TO:  E.J.
DATE:  June 24, 2009
Dear E.J.
    Thank you for you letter and kind words for our work.  Sananda has been with us in a spiritual sense, but he is also physically walking on Shan, as well.  If you look at the first pages inside the cover of Phoenix Journal #2, you will see Sananda's picture and a statement of his appearance in North America in 1961.
    Sananda says he appears to those serious Truthseekers, who need confirmation of his presence by seeing him in physical form.  In his message to us last night Sananda said that he was aboard the Pleiadian Star Fleet Command Ship, The Phoenix and that they were on Red Alert ready for evacuation of Earth Shan at a moment's notice.  Things are that serious with Shan.
    To my knowledge there will be no formal announcement to the world of his physical presence on Shan.  Those, who need to know, will know.  As he has said in the Phoenix Journals, he comes to gather his small flock and take them home at the time of Shan's evacuation.  May we be ready, my friend.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
#5.  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: "RG
Sent: Wednesday, June 24, 2009 10:49 PM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10

Dear Patrick and Anne..

 I shall add my heartfelt thanks to you and the fourwinds website for guiding me to the Light and Truth..! 

 Yes, Truth is Truth and needs no council of humans to study it and make announcements to its validity, nor does it need to defend itself against those who \"challenge\" the message and messenger. 


 I know that Esu Immanuel is.  I know that Creator God Aton is.  I know that Hatonn is.  I know in my heart that everything written in the Phoenix Journals is truth.  I have studied and searched for many years... sometimes not even knowing that I was searching... from believing to agnostic, from The Bible to Zacheria Sitchin... all left me with the same questions you once had as you stated in your writings... now, simply reading the Journals with an open mind is a wonderful, quieting experience.

 There are many who can give flowery speeches and writings... I am one who is not gifted with a \"glib-tongue\" (so to speak), I speak straight and short... so again I say... thank you..!

 In Love and Light


FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
      TO:  RG
DATE:  June 25, 2009
Dear RG:
    Together we walk the Red Road of Truth back to our homes in the stars---soon!
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer