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Patrick H. Bellringer

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 From: WK

To: <>

Sent: Wednesday, June 17, 2009 11:41 PM

Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10


Casper has not really known what is going on for years. Why do you keep printing his ramblings? It is like NESARA. You read it, it makes sense. You believe it and you

 count on it. You tell all of your friends about it. Then nothing happensand you no longer have any friends!

I don't know why I have been reading Fourwinds for the last five or six years. None of this stuff is worth even knowing or talking about. It would be better for the psyche to just sit in your room and make the calls to  the Masters for change. The Fourwinds readers cannot make anything happen or they would have already done so.  Why don't you close up shop already  instead of stringing us all along for years? Whatever happened to the Age of Acquarius, anyway?  Where are the streets lined with Gold and all of the other promises for a free and peaceful world?  We have had to scrape by since the sixties except those who have ripped us off who live in luxury.


FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer

      TO:  WK

DATE:  June 18, 2009


Dear WK:

    Why are you complaining?  Haven't you yet learned the basic rules of this game?

    1.  We live in a freewill world of 3D.

    2.  Everyone has a freewill to choose.

    3.  By your choices you choose your daily experiences and your destiny.

    4.  No one can force you to do anything against your will, not even to read Fourwinds!

    5.  Whatever happens to you, you have created, either by choice here and now, or by choosing your life's experiences, when you made your soul contract with Creator God prior to entering this lifestream.

    6.  All that happens to us is for our lessons in soul growth.

    7.  If we do not learn our lessons now, we will repeat them until we do, either in this life time or in the next.

    8.  No one skips any lessons.  Everyone must learn the same lessons to graduate into 5D (Heaven).  No exceptions!

    9.  Earth Shan is our schoolroom!  We choose how long we stay here!

    Now, if you do not believe in the NESARA Mission, why do you keep reading "Casper's ramblings" and stress yourself out?  If your friends do not believe in the Truth of this evil Darkside Government and the existence of the One World Order, maybe they are not worth having as friends.

    If you choose to sit in your room and plead for the Masters to save you, you are no different than the Christian Cult people all over the world, who are waiting for their magical "rapture" out of this very evil world.  That, my friend, will never happen.  The basic Cosmic Law of Cause and Effect rules.  We reap what we sow!  We save ourselves by what we do---by living The Laws of God and Creation (Phoenix Journal #27).

    What have you done to make a difference?  Do you expect Casper or Fourwinds or our readers to make your life better?  If "none of this stuff is worth even knowing or talking about", how will you know Truth, or your enemy, or who to take action against, if you were willing to get up off your ass to do so.

    To sit in your room and pray, expecting someone to bring you prosperity, to bring you freedom and justice---to do it for you is only an activity in futility.  That is exactly why so many prayers are never answered.  We have been told many times that the Angles, the Masters, Sananda, Germain and Hatonn will never do it for us, but they are ready to help, instantly, when we take action and then ask for their help.  We must make the first move, because by the Law of Non-intervention, they cannot usurp our freewill.

    Just because you cannot comprehend the Truth presented in the Casper Updates, you think no one else can, and thus Fourwinds should stop posting them and "close up shop".  So, if one student is a slow learner, the teacher should quit teaching and chose up the schoolhouse?

    Why have you allowed yourself to be "strung along for years" by these "ramblings?"  Why have you not gotten off the emotional roller-coaster and gone about living?  The enlightened Fourwinds readers have not felt that way at all, for they understand "Heaven's Plan", and that God wins, always.

    You will never see the "Age of Aquarius" "a free and peaceful world", or "the streets lined with gold" in third dimension on this planet.  That is reserved only for fifth dimension, where no evil is allowed.  Without faith, my friend, life is a treadmill!  With faith, life becomes a pilgrimage!  I trust you will learn the difference before it is too late to change your destiny.

                            In Love and Light,

                            Patrick H. Bellringer



#1  (Reply)

----- Original Message -----
From: Ti
Sent: Thursday, June 18, 2009 3:02 PM
Subject: Thank you

Dear Patrick,
What a profound response to WK.  Thank you so much for your explanation of FREE WILL and all that you do for us on our mission, this pilgrimage. 
Love, Gratitude and Richest Blessings to you and Anne.
#2  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: SA
Sent: Thursday, June 18, 2009 3:18 PM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10


 What a non-sense post!

 The person who wrote this is brand new in the fourwinds but he pretends to me a reader of 'five-six' years.

 Dear W --Others if not most have 'started seeing results' within the very week, speaking also from my expereince of course.

 If I was Patrick I might havent had bothered with your letter but P wants to do his job properly and hope to read along the lines 'propely' to realise that, he also  speaks to you as a father.

 As for the other Father and the Journals I may have not read them from cover to cover myself, but at least I'm 'bothered' to question them and voila...always 'return back' for more. 

#3  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: BJL
Sent: Thursday, June 18, 2009 3:51 PM
Subject: Thank you Patrick
Hi Patrick,

I wanted to say thank you as the really helped me in my time of need.  In reading your words about freewill and lessons we need to learn has really helped me get over a break up with my girlfriend.  I realize that I was trying to change a person who does not have the same principles as I have.  I believe in good over evil and right over wrong.  Unfortunately she believed in taking what ever you can get at any cost.  I tried to show her the lightbut all she did was lie to me and betray.  I don't know why I have been so sad when no human being should treat another human being the way she treated me.  So given that I have freewill I can choose to be happy that I am no longer subjecting myself to this person.  I feel soooo much better.  Why was I so sad about losing somebody that I needed to change to like?  So thank you Patrick for helping me out in my time of sorrow.  Although I am trying not to think vengeful thoughts it does kind of make me feel better to to know that you reap what you so and she will Karma that she put out.  I hope that does not make me a bad person, but to know that she will hurt as badly as I did is somehow satisfying.  Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

 #4.  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From:  T
Sent: Thursday, June 18, 2009 8:56 PM
Subject: CASPER'S RAMBLINGS? (Updated June 18, 2009)

From: WK


Casper has not really known what is going on for years. Why do you keep printing his ramblings? It is like NESARA. You read it, it makes sense. You believe it and you

 count on it. You tell all of your friends about it. Then nothing happensand you no longer have any friends!


To; WK

Wow... amazing...

All I can say in response to this is, I read Casper's letters every single day he writes, because I really want to know what is going on in the world. He's good, he knows what he's doing, and I value his information 100% over the regular Press, (who lie to us daily). I trust Casper, I understand what he is trying to do, and know he's doing the best he can, every single day!!! Newspapers and the news TV is all Bull*&&^%. I wouldn't spend the quarter on them these days, to get a newspaper. They have no clue how to do their jobs, and they are a disgrace to anyone who values truth, justice and the so-called American way.

We are fighting a WAR here, and it is not pretty. Wars never are, but this one is the worst ever. People have gotten so used to the 'lie' they don't know any different. They have been trained for decades to accept corruption as a way of life, most don't even know they are being lied to!!! They truly believe the food in the grocery stores is good for them. They cannot conceive that our beloved government would hurt us!! The accept that the pharmaceuticals and the AMA are trying to help us, and can't understand that there is a CURE for every disease on the planet. Our public schools are forcing our children to take shots every year, that have killed thousands of them. And they can't get a public education unless they do. Banks are stealing from us on a daily basis, and we are trained to accept this as normal!!!

I could go on and on about the corrupt planet we live on. How many people are even aware that 75% of the people are clones???

So yeah, I need to know the TRUTH, and the only place to get it is on 4 winds!!! I trust Casper and will continue to read his letters until; 1. NESARA gets announced 2. the pole shift happens or 3. we all die trying to get it done!!!

So, if you don't think the truth is the only way to go, fine!! Just allow us, with the brains to think still, to do what we want to do and listen to Casper. YOU DON'T have the right to tell us what to do!!! So back off!

And Casper, KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK, AND GODSPEED. We depend on you.



----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, June 18, 2009 10:30 PM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10



 HELLO CENTRAL: Help me to understand.

 Before I ran into your site I read a book called Conversations With God by Neale Donald Walsch. Perhaps you are famliar with it. Here are some quotes that pertain to a recent post you made about life's lessons:

 The deepest secret is that life is not a process of discovery, but a process of creation. You are not discovering yourself, but creating yourself anew. Seek, therefore, not to find out Who You Are, seek to determine Who You Want to Be.

 Life (as you call it) is an opportunity for you to know experientially WHAT YOU ALREADY KNOW conceptually. You need learn nothing to do this. You need merely remember what you already know, and act on it.

 Your job on Earth, therefore, is NOT TO LEARN (because you already know), but to remember Who You Are. And to remember who everyone else is.

 Judge not, then, the karmic path walked by another. Envy not success, nor pity failure, for you know not what is success or failure in the soul's reckoning.

 The way to reduce the pain which you associate with earthly experiences and events --both yours and those of others--is to change the way you behold them.

 There are no "shoulds" or "shouldn'ts" in God's world. Do what you want to do. Do what reflects you, what represents you as a grander version of your Self. If you want to feel bad, feel bad. But judge not, and neither condemn, for you know not why a thing occurs, nor to what end. And remember you this: that which you condemn will condemn you, and that which you judge, you will one day become. Rather, seek to change those things- or support others who are changing those thing- ”which no longer reflect your highest sense of Who You Are. Yet, bless all- for all is the creation of God, through life living, and that is the highest creation.

 I tell you this: You are your own rule-maker. You set the guidelines. And you decide how well you have done; how well you are doing. For you are the one who has decided Who and What You Really Are- and Who You Want to Be. And you are the only one who can assess how well you're doing.

 <end of quote>

 In a recent post you said:

    1.  We live in a freewill world of 3D.

    2.  Everyone has a freewill to choose.

    3.  By your choices you choose your daily experiences and your destiny.

    4.  No one can force you to do anything against your will, not even to read Fourwinds!

    5.  Whatever happens to you, you have created, either by choice here and now, or by choosing your life\'s experiences, when you made your soul contract with Creator God prior to entering this lifestream.

    6.  All that happens to us is for our lessons in soul growth.

    7.  If we do not learn our lessons now, we will repeat them until we do, either in this life time or in the next.

    8.  No one skips any lessons.  Everyone must learn the same lessons to graduate into 5D (Heaven).  No exceptions!

    9.  Earth Shan is our schoolroom!  We choose how long we stay here!

 (end of quote)

 On some points there is agreement but concerning the issue of whether life is a school where we have the opportunity to learn, there is disagreement, or am I not understanding?

 Assuming that God is the voice in the CWG book(the direct question is always dodged), which point of view is correct?

 Since "learning" that we are not here to learn anything because we already know, I have felt liberated and have felt comfortable with God in the CWG book. God is never threatening nor scolding nor angry nor vindictave.

 What I have read of the Phoenix Journals from Aton/Hatonn sounds like a tin god from a Star Trek episode - obey or else.

 Help me to understand without being insulting or creating straw-man arguments(ala Obama) please.



FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
      TO:  DF
DATE:  June 19, 2009
Dear DF:
    In Neale Donald Walsch's book "Conversations with God" there is Truth and there is disinformation.  Creator God Aton of Light has given to us the Laws of God and Creation.  These we must learn to live to advance in soul growth in order to graduate from third dimension into fifth dimension.
    We live in a very promiscuous society today in which the Laws of God and Creation are generally rejected.  As Walsch says, "You are your own rule-maker.  You set the guidelines".  It is your choice what you want to believe and by what rules or laws you live your life, but unless you learn to obey the Laws of God and Creation, which are absolute, you will never be allowed to advance to the fifth dimension (Heaven), where no evil is allowed.
    Calling Creator God Aton of Light a "tin god from a Star Trek episode" is most unwise.  It you do not like the message, you reject the message and attack the messenger for bringing it?  Rejecting Truth does not give you advancement in soul growth, my friend. 
    I did not make the Laws by which balance and harmony are maintained throughout the whole of Creation  I can only tell you what they are and strive to obey them myself.  You are free to do with them whatever you wish, but understand that you will remain in  third dimension,  lifestream after lifestream, for as long as it takes, until you learn them.  Calling Aton a "tin god" won't cut it, and neither will believing that Walsch speaks absolute Truth.
    If this is "insulting or creating straw-man arguments", so be it!  It is the Truth!
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer


 #6.  Reply

----- Original Message -----
From: WK
Sent: Friday, June 19, 2009 1:56 PM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10

 Thank you for your response to my recent letter about Casper's ramblings. Indeed, I have been a Fourwind's reader for five or six years. I am not sure if it has done me any good, however. It seems that there is always good to be found over the hill somewhere in the future but we live in the now. Conspiracy theories abound and corruption is everywhere. Keep on keeping on!