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Patrick H. Bellringer

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From: PK
Sent: Monday, June 01, 2009 1:59 PM
Subject: Judging person's actions vs person
Dear Mr. Bellringer,

Once again I need your opinion on subject matter, where I can't quite separate the difference. I'm reading Phoenix Journals and I came to the paragraph about judgment.

In there it says that we cannot judge person, only person's actions. I can't quite see the difference.

Let's take 2 examples to analyze:

1. A person has done something criminal. He or she is being judged at the court, sentenced, which is punished for his or hers crimes. The action is judged and person is punished. Understandable.

2. A person has done something not criminal, offended another person by telling lies and it has hurt that other person and made him or her angry. How do we judge person's action, which is lies without judging the person? Wouldn't it be the same thing?

At the court, the person is punished for his or hers wrong doing but at the regular life's situation where the court is not involved, how do we judge? If I said something off to that person that offended me, would it be judging the person?

Thanks again for your opinion and answers and most importantly thank you for continuous work on your assume website.

All is well,

Best regards,


FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  PK
DATE:  June 2, 2009
Dear PK:
    Thank you for your letter.  I understand your dilemma.  The matter of judging under Law number twelve in Phoenix Journal #27 may appear to be unclear, but this subject is discussed elsewhere in the Journals.  A better word to use is "condemn".
    We are not to condemn the person or think the person has no value, but to only judge the person's actions against The Laws of God and Creation, for God created the person and gave that one a soul, and God alone has the authority to condemn the person to the void or to another 3D lifestream etc.  This statement, too, may be misleading, for God does not judge us or "condemn" us, so to speak, but establishes the Laws by which harmony and balance are achieved.  Thus, we judge ourselves against those Laws and accept the consequences for our choices and our actions to learn our lessons in soul growth.
    You may wish to read the article I wrote on this subject some time ago entitled, "People of the Lie:  Judge Wisely".
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer