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Patrick H. Bellringer

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 ----- Original Message -----
From: MH
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, May 30, 2009 6:08 PM
Subject: :: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10


I have wanted to ask you this question for a very long time and would appreaciate your opinion.  Also there is an old saying whereas you don\'t walk in other peoples shoes.

 When we die what is the procedure to never live again, to be uncreated?  Does it hurt?  What are the other reasons others have done this?  Why would God allow it to go that far to where an entity feels it is their only option to avoid what has happened to them prior? 

 I already know the lessons learned, soul development, reach a goal, you agree to this life, but this is the other side of the coin where I really don\'t think most people have been but some have. 

 How do you obey the first commandment when the creator, the father, does not care about that childs wants or needs, ignores the prayers and cries, and then you are condemmed for a situation you have been put into since birth?  Part of this picture is the guide or guardian angel given or none given whereas lifes needs are not met and answers or solutions denied.  Another part of the picture is people controlled by entities, demons, that they are unable to fight, why is this allowed?  Why are these people not protected or given the opportunity and ability for it to be removed?

I've seen numerous whose prayers and needs are answered, where their guides push them into the right direction or see things in advance and prevent the situation from happening.  There is also the other side called abandoment or prejudism. 

 Why would a situation(s) be created to cause loss of faith? 




FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
      TO:  MH
DATE:  May 31, 2009
Dear MH:
    To be uncreated is to be vaporized instantly.  No, there is no pain.  This happens only to souled beings, such as clones.  God allows because we have a freewill to choose with no restriction.  Therefore, people may let their Light to be nearly extinguished to a tiny spark.  Then it would take hundreds of lifestreams to bring back the Light.
    Creator God does care about the needs of children, and does not condemn anyone.  Even children have soul contracts and have the ability to create their way through their God Spirit within.  They also have much help from the Angels, if they choose to receive it.
    Everyone at birth is given at least two Guardian Angels, who remain with you until death.  People allow demons to control them They invite them in, and can also order them to leave.  That is their choice.  Hatonn says just one drink of alcohol opens the Crown Chakra and allows demons in! 
    Prayers are answered, when they are sincere, and the need and timing agree with the person's soul contract.  Everything happens for a reason, and we have created all that happens to us for our lesson in soul growth.
    We live in a freewilled world, and we are totally free to choose everything.  We choose to lose faith or to have faith.  We choose Truth or lie, goodness or evil, sadness or joy.  We all have the same tools to cope with life and learn our lessons, but many choose detours or the scenic route.  Other choose the truck route and the hard grind through the Valley of Shadow and up the mountain of wisdom.
    Do not blame God for the hardships and handicaps and trials in our journey.  Those are our choices, and if we opt out, we shall return in another lifestream to pick up these same lessons again.  No one skips any lesson or any grade in our spiritual classroom.  All must be learned to graduate into 5D (Heaven).
    Remember that everyone has the help of Heaven, if they but ask.  Be in peace!
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer