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Patrick H. Bellringer

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-From: PK
Sent: Friday, May 29, 2009 10:58 AM
Dear Mr. Bellringer,

As I'm reading lots of articles from your website some questions have occurred in my mind again. Yesterday I looked into "indianinthemachine" website and saw the picture with our sun and next to it an object and / or plant resembling our sun and Dieter suggested that it might be planet Nibiru that has entered our solar system.

A while ago I read that planet Nibiru will be next 3D planet, where all the souls will remain the ones who did not graduate to 5D. Is that true?

Also, what will happen to Lucifer after the light wins over the darkness and earth with its people graduate into 5D? Will Lucifer be allowed to wrack the next 3D planet where all souls that didn't make it to the 5D will continue turning their karma wheels? Or will there be another evil and if so what will happen to Lucifer? I hope this doesn't look to confusing as my English is not so perfect.

As always I greatly appreciate your response and answers to my questions.

In Love and Light


FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  PK
DATE:  May 29, 2009
Dear PK:
    Thank you for your letter and kind words.
    What you are hearing about Planet Nibiru is disinformation.  Hatonn says that Nibiru is still 1600 years out from its return to our planet's vicinity.  There are many 3D planets to which people may go for their further lessons in soul growth.  It is certainly possible that Nibiru could be one of them.
    Lucifer is destined for the void for eons of time and will not be a problem for anyone anytime soon.  His planet-wrecking career is over.  There will be 3D duality and Dark energies to confront, for those returning to 3D, as that is what lessons in 3D are all about.  Evil exists only in 3D and 4D, but how we deal with it determines how smooth our journey in 3D will be.  Planets in 3D have developed caring and loving civilizations, making it possible to move more quickly into 5D, but that is rare.  Our planet is rare but on the opposite end of the spectrum.
    We are finally at the point of change to Goodness on Earth Shan.  Evil has had its day far too long, so we look forward with anticipation to better times ahead.
    Be in peace!
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer