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Patrick H. Bellringer

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From: SK
Sent: Wednesday, May 20, 2009 8:17 PM
Subject: :SPAM: Hi

Hi Patrick,

Hope everythings well with you and anne,just had a question,sorry to be bothering you as I know you are busy. Well you say that all souled beings here on earth shan at this time,are all returned masters.This definitely baffles me as masters would definitely be from 5th dimension,if this is true and if we are returned masters,why should we return to 3d to learn our lessons once more,doesn't one become a master only after learning his lessons in soul growth,and if yes why should that being again incarnate in 3d to learn the lessons again. If we are returned masters,why should we return to learn the lessons that we have already learnt in the past.Thank you for your time and effort in sharing the truth with us.Thank You.



FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  SK
DATE:  May 21, 2009
Dear SK:
    Thank you for your letter and your question.
    We volunteered to come from the fifth and higher dimensions to assist with Shan's transition into 5D.  Regardless of our level of enlightenment, there are always lessons to be learned, until we reach perfection, when we return to Creator Source and become One again.
    We have not returned to the same lessons, my friend, that we have already mastered, but to new lessons at a higher level of learning and enlightenment.  Why do you suppose we become frustrated and even angry at times over the foolishness of people around us, or at the lack of ethics, the lack of courage or the indecision of our leaders?
    It is because we have been there and done that, have learned those lessons in soul growth and have moved on to a higher level of understanding and wisdom.  Life is change, and we never stop in our spiritual progress.  We never stop learning, regardless of what assignment we are on, be it in 3D or a higher dimension.
    There is no guarantee that we will follow The Laws of God and of The Creation at all times.  Lucifer had achieved the highest level of Archangel but by freewill  allowed his ego to desire to "be God".  He now has eons of time to spend in re-learning his lessons to return to enlightenment.  The same holds for us here and now.  Though we are Returned Masters, should we choose to disobey The Laws of God and The Creation, we, too, must return to the schoolroom of our former learning.
        Hatonn has said that the greatest opportunity for soul growth is in the third dimension of all the dimensions, because in 3D evil is present in the greatest amount, and thus the challenges are the greatest. Less evil is present on the transitional Astral Plane of 3D, and no evil is allowed in fifth and all higher dimensions.
    For this reason many souls request to return from the higher realms to assist those still experiencing in 3D.  Today, Esu Immanuel Sananda and Violinio Germain would be two such examples.  As I have said, all souled beings here on Shan today, have chosen to return from the higher dimensions to assist in this third and last Grand Experiment on Shan.  They/we are Returned Masters, but sad to say, few have awakened to their Mission.
    We rejoice that a few have awakened, and these few have accomplished miracles.  This Mission of bringing this Age to a close, as Earth Shan cleanses and moves into the fifth dimension, is now upon us.  Be wise and read the signs, for it is, indeed, happening.  Be in peace!
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer