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Patrick H. Bellringer

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 ----- Original Message -----
From: MH
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, May 16, 2009 4:21 AM
Subject: :SPAM: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10

 I may be putting pieces together wrong.  May I have your opinion on this thought.  For some reason this subject keeps eating at me.

 1.  Ice fastly melting from the North Pole.

 2.  Numerous earthquakes in AK and CA.

 3.  Earth off tilt.

 4.  Weather conditions either hotter in some areas or colder and more extreme in other areas.

 Is it possible that a major earthquake could hit in AK, causing the ice shelves to immediately break off into the ocean, causing a shift of the ice, causing fast flooding  and/or psenomies(sp?)off the coastal areas?

 Also appears to be an enormous amount of small earthquakes in CA

 Do you know if these are weakening the soil that holds CA together?

 Lastly, we keep hearing about the North Pole.  What\'s happening with the South Pole?

 I know you\'re busy, rarely a day off, so I understand if you don\'t have time on these.

 Take Care,



FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
      TO:  MH
DATE:  May 16, 2009
Dear MH:
    Thank you for your comments concerning the signs of change that are everywhere.  Our planet is being warmed by our new, smaller but more intense helium sun in preparation for a warmer uniform climate on Shan.  When she is fully restored to her original pristine condition in 5D, her climate will have less extremes, and a year-around temperature of about 72 degrees F.
    Shan is very unstable at this time, due to the centuries of abuse and negativity she has endured.  Earthquakes and volcanic eruptions are becoming increasingly more severe and more frequent in preparation for coming major earth cleansing.  Her axis tilt is increasing to the point where Shan shall tip over, as she has done many times in her past.
    The ocean floors shall rise again and form new continents, as the present continents sink beneath the salt water to be cleansed and renewed.  Such is Cosmic Law!  The extreme weather we are experiencing, the breaking up and melting of the polar ice caps, and melting of the mountain glaciers are all necessary changes to re-balance our planet.  Ecosystems are changing, and plants and animals are either adapting to the change or are leaving our planet for other planets that better suit their needs.
    We need not be in fear over these changes or attempt to prevent this evolutionary process, such as climate change, because it is time for Earth Shan to move on and make her transition into the fifth dimension.  She has earned it!  Those, who have learned their lessons in soul growth and graduate also into 5D can join Shan again, if they so choose.
    All others shall continue their lessons in third dimension "for as long as it takes".  Rejoice at the signs of earth changes, knowing the evacuation of the enlightened ones is very close. Be in peace, knowing that anything can happen, but that you are safe because you have requested Divine Protection and know you have it.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer