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Patrick H. Bellringer

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From: CM
To: Patrick H. Bellringer
Sent: Monday, May 11, 2009 10:10 PM

Dear Patrick H. Bellringer:

I just spoke with Lance Tracey on the telephone.  He is in a VA hospital in St. Louis.  He has taken a turn for the worse with his health.  I guess they now say that he still has throat cancer.  He can't swallow food.  I then spoke with his sister and she says that he is really going down hill fast.  He has been a lightworker for many years and led my father and I to the fourwinds website and to also be lightworkers ourselves.  I honestly only met him one time but my father spent one month with him.  I've been talking to him for approximately eight years on the telephone and I feel like I've known him all my life.  He just said to me on the telephone "You've been a great friend" although when he said it, I couldn't understand him.  I feel like he was saying goodbye to me.  He agreed to let the hospital do surgery on him.  He also said that he wished I was there.  With our work at GM (we are down to one shift and are working till the end of this month and then we are shutting down for at least six weeks) I'm not sure I can leave Ohio to go there right now.  I told my father we could drive there over the week end.

Anyway I thought that maybe you could post a prayer over the fourwinds website for Lance Tracey!!! 

Thank you in advance.

In Love and Light,



FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
    TO:  C&PM
DATE:  May 12, 2009
Dear C&PM:
    We are saddened to hear of Lance Tracey's illness.  We send him the healing violet rays of unconditional Love of Germain and the healing emerald green rays of Hilarian the healer.
    I offer the following prayer on Fourwinds, to be carried to the four corners of Earth Shan.

A Prayer for Healing

We petition Creator God Aton of Light, Esu Immanuel Sananda, the Ascended Masters and the Realms of Light for immediate, complete and permanent healing for Lance Tracey, and for those other Lightworkers and bringers of Truth, that have healing needs at this time.

As these ones ask for healing of their physical bodies, may they not doubt that it is possible.  May it be done unto them according to our petition and their faith.  We give permission to the Lighted Realms to act to carry out Divine healing, wherever it is needed, according to Creator God’s Plan.  So be it!  It is done!'

    Be in peace.

                            In Love and Light,

                            Patrick H. Bellringer