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Patrick H. Bellringer

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From: SS
Sent: Saturday, May 09, 2009 10:26 AM
Subject:  census bureau
Dear Patrick and Anne,
Well I know this is far from being marked by the beast on my body, but my house was marked yesterday.  What concerns me the most is why???  And you know they aren't going to tell us the truth about why.  So what is your opinion about this marking every house for the census bureau.  I know in the past when questionairs have gone out for that agency, some of the questions I felt were not pertinent, so I didn't answer them.  What is the total income for the household, how many bathrooms, I thought it was the number of people living in the house that they were trying to keep a total on..  Sometimes I feel we are loosing the battle.  There are too many of the bad guys out there.  It's hard to stay positive while everything around you is so negative.  It seems you take a few steps forward, then you get kicked back with every new thing they put into place.
Hope everything is OK in your little world.  I truely appreciate your sight with all of your good advise and input.
Keep safe,
FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  SS
DATE:  May 9, 2009
Dear SS:
    Thank you for writing.  I assume by "marked" you mean the GPS location taken by the census person.  The obvious reason to use GPS marking is for quick location of any house in the U.S. and for assuring accurate census coverage.
    Another and more subtle reason is to quickly locate houses of protestors and patriots and resisters during chaos and martial law.  Using GPS location and laser or particle beam, etc. the "terrorists" could be quickly eliminated.
    Just know that you can have Divine Protection, if you sincerely ask for such, and then believe you have it.  The present census is not being taken by the U.S. Census Bureau but by an order/agency from the White House.  It is my understanding that you do not have to comply with these "fake census takers".  The true census is taken every ten years by the U.S. Census Bureau to determine the population statistics.  The next census is to be taken in 2010, not now in 2009.
    If one focuses solely on 3D, yes, one would definitely conclude that we are losing the battle, as the Darkness appears to only become darker.  Yet, above the clouds the Light is always shining, and it is breaking through more each day.  Just know that always the Light wins against the Darkness, and we are very close to that victory.  These are times of testing for us and sorting out the good from the evil.  Be in peace!  All is well!
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
 #1.  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: JM
Sent: Sunday, May 10, 2009 3:20 PM
Subject: Fake census takers
Mr. Bellringer,
I read the letter regarding the fake census takers marking our homes through GPS. A couple of weeks ago a young man came to my home, I saw him come on to the porch, so I went to the door. When I opened the door he was genuinely surprised that someone was home. I asked him what he wanted and he said that he was with the census bureau and he would not tell anyone who lived here or give out our address. He did not ask any questions of any kind, actually he couldn't wait to get off the porch. He asked me if I wanted the disclaimer from the government and I said, 'yes.' It was a preprinted disclaimer stating that he worked for the census bureau and under penalty of law and jail time he could not divulge who lived at this address. He quickly left and went to my neighbors house. I agree with your advice to SS, keep your eyes on the One who created us and He will carry you through. He is the source of my hope.
#2.  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: DR
Sent: Sunday, May 10, 2009 12:14 AM
Subject: re. GPS census
The present census is not being taken by the U.S. Census Bureau but by an order/agency from the White House.


not so:


July 31, 2006 · Two-and-a-half years from now, in early 2009, the Census Bureau plans to send an army of 100,000 temporary workers down every street and dusty, dirt road in America. They will be armed with handheld GPS devices.


Some Census workers have laptops to aid them in the interview process, and handheld computers that provide them access to maps of the area they’re working in.  The handheld computer uses a global positioning system (GPS) technology to help locate addresses. This GPS technology allows us to reduce the amount of time spent by census workers in locating addresses while increasing productivity. Most importantly, by adding a GPS coordinate to each housing unit, the Census Bureau is able to ensure that residents are counted in the right location.  This is important as the data are used to apportion congressional representation and used to draw redistricting lines.