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Patrick H. Bellringer

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----- Original Message -----
From: gw
Sent: Friday, May 08, 2009 1:44 AM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10


 Hello, Mr. Bellringer,

 I\'m writing, for the first time ever, to respond to a posting on 5/5/09 at 12:12 p.m., titled \"Satanic Hand Sign\".  I\'m so hoping that my response could be posted.  You\'re a man who prides himself on publishing the truth, and I will give you the truth about this.  And, boy, am I hopping mad about this....

 Whoever created this email used very elementary logic...\"satanic hand sign, politicians using said sign, ergo, they are satan lovers\".  What this person didn\'t know is that this sign is one of the most often-used and truly popular American Sign Language sign for \'I Love You\'.  It\'s become an international sign, embraced by celebrities, politicians, etc., and those in the public sphere.  Basically, it\'s not an intimate sign for \'I love you\', but a more informal sign...much like you would use with a friend...\'love \'ya kiddo\', or in a public place, a way of saying, \'love you and so appreciate you\'.  Hence, celebrities have embraced this.  Of course, they don\'t always get the sign right, but they try.

 The sign, which has been used for years, is an acronym for I Love You, using the American Sign Language Alphabet.  It\'s a combination of the letter \'I\' (closed fist, pinky raised), the letter \'L\' (index finger raised and thumb extended), and the letter \'Y\' (pinky raised and thumb extended)...hence...ILY and the hand sign for I Love You.

 This has truly hit a nerve with me, as I have worked with deaf kids through the University of

 Washington, an I also have a deaf daughter.  The deaf population has worked long and hard to be acknowledged.  Their language is not a series of primitive hand gestures, but a complete, beautiful language, which is taught in many high schools and colleges as a complete foreign language.  The language, along with the rich culture, is something that can enrich all of us.  I am an advocate for the deaf, and they are truly intelligent, fabulous, creative people, who are truly finding a real place for themselves in our society.  Gone are the days when they were shoved away and under-employed.  My daughter is a university student getting a 3.96 average, and the only thing she needs is an interpreter.  Consequently, I\'ll continue to be an advocate and not tolerate someone smearing a truly lovely sign...making it into something truly evil.

 Thanks for listening.  This email, with the satanic sign, to me, dismisses the amazing accomplishments of our wonderful deaf population.  It is truly an insult to the many hundreds of thousands of both deaf and hearing folks in the US and Canada who use this beautiful language.

 Thanks so much for letting me vent, as this truly has touched a nerve.  Again, you look for the truth, and I\'ve given it to you.

 I\'d be very grateful for a response and a way of being able to post another side to this story.

 Many thanks,


 Here are two links which may be helpful:


FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
      TO:  GW
DATE:  May 8, 2009
Dear GW:
    Thank you for your letter and point of view.  Be assured that I understand what you are saying, but you have missed the point of the article "Satanic Hand sign".
    There is a double meaning to this sign, and as usual, the Darkside has fooled the goyim into using a very evil occult sign for our modern day "I love you". sign language.  It is a matter of wisdom to see the evil portrayed to us in plain sight.  The Darkside laughs at how naive the masses are today.
    So, my question to you is, when you see evil people like Obama, Hillary Clinton, Henry Kissinger, etc. use this "I love you" hand sign, as you call it, what message are they sending out?
    We are not here to slam deaf people and their sign language, but to know the historical basis for this particular sign and to be not deceived in its usage.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer