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Patrick H. Bellringer

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From: FM
Sent: Friday, May 01, 2009 6:47 PM
Subject: Re: Hello Central
Dear Patrick,
I just can't wait to tell you. God just healed me!!!!!!! I have been in terrible pain for several years because I fell and fractured my back.I just read on four winds that if one asks God to heal them and BELIEVES it,it is so. It is the truth!!!! Thank you Patrick,from the bottom my heart. I can now raise my arm allthe way up over my head.  I haven't been able to do this for years!!!!! Do you think God will let me regain my former height? I have shrunk four inches. Please pass this on to your readers so they can be healed,also.Thank you. It is SO EASY!!!!!
In Love and Light,
FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  FM
DATE:  May 1, 2009
Dear FM:
    We rejoice with you in your healing!  It is that easy!  We have access to the power of Creation through our God Spirit within.  It is all about faith and knowing and taking action.
    Do I think God will let you regain your former height?  That is between you and God.  I have no say in that, but we know with God all things are possible!  Nothing surprises me anymore!
    Sometimes our health problems are the result of karma or we have a soul contract with Creator God to experience health problems for our soul growth.  When we have learned our lessons, we can be healed.
    "It shall be done unto you according to your faith."  Be in peace and joy!  You have healed yourself!  "Your faith has made you well!"
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer