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'HELLO, CENTRAL!' HAVE I FAILED? (Updated May 4, 2009)

Patrick H. Bellringer

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From: DE
To: <>
Sent: Friday, May 01, 2009 9:47 AM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10


 Dear Patrick Bellringer-

 Thank you for your dedication and Truth. I have nothing but love for you my Brother. I have been seeking Truth now for several years and coming here to fill my heart and soul with Truth. I have written you several times in the past about my struggles and asking for guidance and wisdom. At this time I am struggling greatly and have some more questions if I may, please?

 I have been with my wife for over 9yrs now, married for 2 1/2 yrs, raising our children in the ways of Truth and Light ever since I have awoken from my deep slumber of lies. Lately, my wife has little interest in the things I try to share with her and our youngest, 15yr son, will have nothing to do with it. He displays hate towards the mentally and physically ill, rejects any thought of God or our reasons to be here and any Truth I try to share about our evil government and the OWO. I fear I have failed my mission in bringing my family to the Light. Today, I read in a reply to someone, that \"Because Earth Shan is now in high 4D frequencies, those enlightened ones

 are at the same frequencies.  Those, who have not kept up, are having

 physical health and mental problems at this time.\" ... does then mean I too have failed to really awaken to the Truth? I suffer from many physical problems and mental illness, severe depression and schizophrenia. I just do not know what to do anymore... especially if I have just been fooling myself to being awake. I try very hard to live right and by the Laws of Creation and believe in the Truth, but if I am ill, does that mean I am failing? As for my family... for several months now, I have been wanting to leave for several reasons, one being that I am tired of fighting this evil by myself and constantly having the Truth I share rejected and mocked by them. Is it wrong for me to separate myself from them and move on? Where do my loyalties lay, standing by commitment to marriage that I made in front of God or with trying to break free and save myself? I am very confused and with a heavy heart... please help me.



 FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
      TO:  DE
DATE:  May 2, 2009
Dear DE:
    Thank you for your letter and sharing your concerns.  Here are my thoughts.
    Please understand that all souled beings have come into this lifestream with a contract with Creator God to experience certain things for our lessons in soul growth.  Your contract is known only by you (Your God Spirit) and Creator God.  Your health problems may be part of your contract, that you agreed to experience.
    My statement may not have been clear about lower frequencies causing health problems.  What I meant was that with rising frequencies of Earth Shan, those people with high frequencies are going higher and their health improves and those with lower frequencies are going lower, which causes more health problems.
    You are not here to save the world or even your family.  You are first to save yourself, by learning Truth and living the Laws of God and Creation, as best you can.  You are your first priority.  You can share the Truth with your family, but they must choose what they will do with it.  You cannot force anyone to believe anything.  They each have their own "contract" and pathway for lessons in soul growth.
    Your life and actions and example you set are far more important to your wife and your son in awakening them to Truth, than any words you preach to them.  Show them you love them and care about them.  Love can break the strongest bonds of Darkness.
    Remember, you are the most important person in the world, and your greatest responsibility is to your own soul growth.  If others are truly hindering your enlightenment, you need to consider your options.  It is not wrong to separate yourself from your family, to prevent being pulled down into Darkness.  If they do not respond to Truth and pull you off your pathway, you have not failed them, but you may fail yourself by jeopardizing your soul growth.
    I cannot tell you what to do.  That is between you and Creator God Aton of Light.  Again, if you are ill, that does not mean you are failing.  In fact, you may be learning great lessons through such experiences and gaining much higher frequencies.   Be in peace and joy.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
#1.  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: AM
Sent: Sunday, May 03, 2009 3:57 AM

Dear Patrick;


having read the post of DE of May 1st “ HAVE I FAILED?”, one question came to my mind.


How do we know whether we’ve raised our frequencies high enough allowing us to ascend in 5D together with mother earth at the time of transition?

Is there a way to understand whether we have reached a sufficient level or we still have to work to reach that level.


Many thanks. 

In love and light.





FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  AM
DATE:  May 4, 2009
Dear AM:
    Your level of soul growth/frequency level is between you and Creator God, as well as your graduation into 5D.  You can know where you stand by asking Creator God through your God Spirit within.
    How ever you communicate with God Aton is your choice, be it through meditation, use of a pendulum, vibrations of the heart/gut feelings/peace within, etc.   Phoenix Journal #34, "Phone Home, E.T." may be of help in learning how to communicate with the Higher Realms.
    I wrote an article entitled "People of the Lie:  Phone Home E.T." that draws information from the Journal by the same title.  At the end I give information on the use of the pendulum, which uses your body energy/frequencies to communicate with the higher dimensions.
    Based on the fact that you even asked about your frequency level tells me you are at graduation level.  Be in peace!
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
NOTE:  Phoenix Journal #34 "Phone Home, E.T."
           "PEOPLE OF THE LIE:  PHONE HOME, E.T". by Patrick H. Bellringer