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Patrick H. Bellringer

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From: GK
To: Patrick Bellringer
Sent: Tuesday, April 28, 2009 2:38 PM
Subject: Photon Belt


Hi Patrick,

I read the article about the Photon Belt that you posted on 26 April.

Below the lines what you wrote about our stars we see at night are NOT stars but starships! That is pretty amazing...

What you are saying is that all of the stars we see at night are, not stars, but starships(space ships)


You wrote, "They do not see any stars! All stars of our former solar system and all other celestial features have been masked by starships and by technology of the Lighted(higher) Realms." I wonder, what is the purpose for that? To minimize the confusion of the people on earth Shan? Can you please explain ?


The question then follows, "If we have moved to a new solar system, why do the stars and the moon still appear the same as before?" Few people ever study the stars. Those who do, know things are different, and the controllers know. They do not see any stars! All stars of our former solar system and all other celestial features have been masked by starships and by technology of the Lighted (higher) Realms.

The moon looks the same, yet it appears much brighter. All communications with the space stations on the moon established by our evil world controllers have been lost, and they cannot explain why. The same is true for Mars. The stars are not stars but starships. Starships have taken the positions of the stars of our former constellations and give the illusion of a normal universe. The controllers do not understand what has happened. They do not know that Shan has left her solar system and has been transported magnetically by millions of starships to her new solar system of Coeleno. Satan and his troops have been transported right into their enemy/alien camp of the Pleiadeans and they do not even know it. And they never will. They are soon to be swept away to the void or to another dark planet to continue their lessons.


In Love and Light,


FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  GK
DATE:  April 28, 2009
Dear GK:
    Cosmic Forces by Divine Decree are moving our solar system closer to Pleiades.  Thus, our starfield is changing.  To make it look the same, starships have replaced the stars, as you say, to reduce the confusion of Earth Shan's people.
    This is being done to be true to the Divine Law of Non-intervention.  People must choose to wake up on their own.  The Star People can not do it for us by messing up our starry heavens.  They do reveal a little at a time to those sincerely searching for Truth by uncloaking a starship (cloudship) or streaking across the night sky, etc.
    You wouldn't believe the number of astronomers that been killed for trying to expose the Truth of the Star People and their starships present in our atmosphere.  The people are not to know, or the controller's games would be over.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer