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Patrick H. Bellringer

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From: CS
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, April 26, 2009 3:46 PM
Subject: Hello From CS

 Dear Patrick,

 Greetings to you and bless you for your service to mankind.  I know how busy you are and I try not to write with silly questions.

 Although I must admit that I have not completed the Phoenix journals and my questions may be addressed therein, so please forgive me if my question is redundant.

 1.  In the old testament book of Jeremiah, we are reminded that we "the righteous", will have to be hidden for a while until the indignation is over. This theme regarding the need to be hidden for a while is repeated in other books as well.   I liken that to the need for an off planet or inner planet evacuation until the earth changes are complete.  But I recently read a posting that stated that such evacuations are no longer needed as things have changed 'vibrationally'.  It felt like disinformation to me.  Also, this 'project blue beam' seems confusing with the 'lift off' instructions posted on four winds. Your thoughts?

2.  How do we counteract the flood of materialist influence available to our loved ones in trying to help them focus more on the spiritual?  We need the planned announcements to give our words greater weight to others without confrontation and judgment.

 3.  Assistance from medical teams and knowledge of heavenly lineage.  Will the assistance of the medical teams be limited to just the children of light?  There is so much suffering among all of the people.  And how does the knowledge of heavenly lineage become known to one?  Are you born with it, do your relatives from heaven come to you in spirit?

 Many things have been made known to me and my husband assisting us to overcome our tribulations.  That the Spirit is active and moving in our lives can be no doubt.  I can definitely see the progress.  But from your postings I can see that my level of knowledge and understanding of the concepts and points of information provided in the phoenix journals slows my ability to quickly discern propaganda with regard to the final stages of the plan.  So this is why I ask.  Also, I tire of reading at times due to my failing eyesight and my current economic situation is not favorable to printing large amounts of information, which I would be forced to do in order to read in a manner in which I can also comprehend.

 Thank you in advance for taking the time to read my email.  We are almost to the end goal.

 Peace and blessings to you and your loved ones.

 Together we are indeed victorious.



FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  CS
DATE:  April 29, 2009
Dear CS:
    Thank you for your letter and your kind words for our work at Fourwinds.  We honor you for being a Truthseeker.
    Q.1:  There are more than sixty CIA/FBI disinformation websites spreading disinformation on the Internet at this time.  Much of what is considered "spiritual" information is really disinformation to fool the people.  Our planet goes through a cleansing cycle every 10,000-12000 years, as it passes through the Photon Belt.  That is Cosmic Law.
    As Earth Shan cleanses, there are major earth changes and she tips on her axis.  This has happened hundred of times in the past.  Evacuation is necessary to save human life, contrary to what some spiritual gurus are saying.  Project Blue Beam was planned by Billy Graham and other Darkside players, to fool the people. but it will never be allowed.  They tried it once, but Hatonn's troops stopped it.
    Q. 2:  We are not here to save the world.  We are to save ourselves by living the Laws of God and Creation.  Everyone is here for their lessons in soul growth and by freewill they choose materialism, Truth, a spiritual path or not.  Hatonn says everyone has been given the Truth at some point in their journey, and there is no excuse for not becoming enlightened.  We can only present the Truth to those who will listen.
    Q. 3:  Assistance of the Star People's medical teams will be given to anyone, who needs it during evacuation.  Concerning Heavenly lineage, all souled-beings are given a fragment of Light from Creator God at the time of Creation.  That is called your God Spirit within.  Thus, all souled beings have a direct connection to Creator God through their God Spirit and their Mighty I AM Presence, and can know all Truth.  They can access the healing power of Creator God by simply asking for it and then believing this is possible. Yes, you could say "you were born with it".
    Anyone of the higher dimensions can come to you in Spirit at your request.  Your two or more Guardian Angels are with you all the time from birth to death.  You need only ask for their help, and they will respond immediately.
    Walk in wisdom and the Light of Truth, my friend.  Indeed, our journey is not long!
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
#1.  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, April 30, 2009 11:39 AM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10
 Dear Patrick and Anne,

 I'm an avid reader of the articles that you post daily on your site and am a student of the Phoenix Journals.  Daily I thank God for the friends who have directed me to your site.  As a seeker of Truth for many years, I have finally found the inner peace, hope and joy that this brings me.

 However, I have some dear friends who are deeply spiritual, but are very much involved in the New Age material. Hatonn has warned us to disregard this information. Thanks to your response to CS for enlightening me further on the topic of evacuation.  My concern now is the New Agers concept of DNA biological mutation. I have read that this is occuring right now and that all of humanity is being changed onward toward 5th dimension along with Earth Shan and that all are being offered to follow the light and go into 5th dimension.

 Would you please clarify this for me.  I understand that our search for Truth and following the Laws of Creation will raise our vibrations and Light, but my question is how can we arrive at a higher dimension? I feel a kinship with Nature, my guardian angels, God Aton, Sananda, St. Germain, meditate daily and pray for "all my relations" and the deliverance of NESARA and the prosperity programs. I pray for an end to war and a reign of Peace until we can join our Galactic Brothers when they come to evacuate us.

 Thank you for answering my concerns.  Continued Blessings to you and your family for your devotion to spreading the Truth.


FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
      TO:  FCM
DATE:  April 30, 2009
Dear FCM:
    We honor you for your enlightenment and for being a "student of the Phoenix Journals".  Concerning your question, How can we arrive at a higher dimension?", Hatonn tells us this occurs at evacuation time.  Because Earth Shan is now in high 4D frequencies, those enlightened ones are at the same frequencies.  Those, who have not kept up, are having physical health and mental problems at this time.
    Upon evacuation those, whose frequencies are the same or higher than the evacuation beam of Light, shall board the ship and move to the Astral Plane for sorting.  We judge ourselves before Creator God according to the Laws of God and Creation and determine our next lifestream, either returning to 3D or moving on into 5D or higher.
    Many of us shall return to our homes in the Stars for some R & R!
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer