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Patrick H. Bellringer

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  ----- Original Message -----
From: L
Sent: Saturday, April 11, 2009 2:02 AM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10


 Dear Patrick,

            You are doing a fine job trying to bring out the truth and I thank you for it.

            Because of some inbalance in your informations, mostly on the negative side..."what is not going well" I would like to see on your website some "good news"... true ones also. You might have to look for them because most are not easy to find, but they are there.

            At the same time, Esu Sananda Emmanuel did not PROMISE to come back and fix things up for us... that is part of the LIE. We have to do it, we have to find in ourselves (as HE did) that we are "SONS OF GOD" then DIVINE and do what we have to do like HE did. He showed us THE WAY THE TRUTH AND THE LIGHT...

             So already and for many, many years, his true followers have been doing it and THEY WILL SUCCEED, because they are not at war with SATAN, they are co-creating the NEW WORLD. So find and give us some GOOD NEWS and forget about THE LIE...

            May you be blessed, L


FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
      TO:  L
DATE  April 11, 2009
Dear L:
    Thank you for your letter and kind words for our work.  The imbalance of our news/Truth reporting is a direct reflection of the world in which we live.  Truth is both negative and positive.  If you do not believe that, try reading the Phoenix Journals.
    We cannot ignore the fact that the Darkside still holds great power in our world, and it is important that we uncover and broadcast their plans and activities for all to see.  To defeat him we must know our enemy.
    You are on a very different track, if you think the Lightworkers are here to "save the world" and to create a 3D utopia.  You say the Esu Immanuel Sananda's "true followers are not at war with Satan.  They are co-creating the New World."  How is that possible?
    It is not possible to be of the Light and have no contest with Satan.  It is not possible to hold the torch of Truth without having to defend against the Lie.  You say, "find and give us some "Good News" and forget about THE LIE."  To do so one would need to join the New Agers and enter their dream world of the illusion of happiness, to live and let live happily ever after.
    Creator God has made it very clear in the Phoenix Journals that there is no middle ground, no gray area between Darkness and Light.  Either one is of Light or of Darkness, of Truth or of the Lie, of goodness or of evil.  One cannot be spiritually "lukewarm", but is either hot or cold, either on the side of Creator God or that of Satan.  There absolutely is no  in-between.  It is impossible to be a true follower of Esu Immanuel Sananda and ignore the Darkness.
    Esu's true Lightworkers came to bring Truth and to assist Earth Shan and as many of her people as possible to graduate into fifth dimension.  We are not here to co-create a new 3D world on our planet.  That is what the Illuminati, the New Agers and others would have us believe.  How is it possible to create such a 3D world with no evil?  That is the Lie!
    Our planet is moving into fifth dimension, where by Cosmic Law no evil can exist.  Nothing we do will change that process.  That is a given!  We are not creating that New World, as it already exists by thought and decree of Creator God Aton of Light.
    We are co-creating, or not, our own individual pathway to that 5D (Heaven) that lies beyond this 3D world of Darkness and tears.  In the process we create our own happiness.
    To be of the Light is to be at war with Satan.  There is no other way.  All else is illusion and falsehood.  So many have been tricked into this illusion.  We have given you the Good News so many times, and we continue to do so, but it is up to you to discern it and to know it in your heart.
    The daily news is quite negative, but if you are tuned into the Light Channel, you know both joy and hope, and the ending of the play, and see the bits and pieces of goodness in the daily news.  We create the Good News we seek, my friend, as we confront the Lie!  Happy Easter!
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
1.  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: RT
Sent: Saturday, April 11, 2009 2:44 PM
Subject: : Contemplation of Victory
Last night as I lay awake contemplating reality, I began a conversation with Esu Immanuel Sananda and layed out for him some of my fears for the immediate future and asked what to think of them and what I received as answers focused on the fact that the PLAN of the dark ones was to PROJECT their DIRECTIVES via news and disinformation channels and that all this was merely POSIBILTIES being promoted and not hard facts, or out pouring prophecys, or well established time lines. It is entirely like the story by Ralph Bakshie (sp?) of the evil wizard in "Wizards" who had very limited resources but he could project images of marching armies and caos that held the people in fear as it LOOKED like the end of everything. It APPEARED hopeless but what the wizard was doing was trying to create a FOCUS on what he desired to bring about through his projectors. In the end the White wizard who was his GOOD brother killed the evil wizard with one of the evil ones OWN WEAPONS. The Dark wizard used as imagery Nazi armies fighting and marching for his propaganda and focusing and the white wizard emptied a 9mm luger into his chest in the final confrontation ending his life and the projections. This was a Nazi weapon you see. So what APPEARS as hopeless marching into endless caos, slavery and war are attempts by the dark side to maintain focus on these things through the projection machines of the media and disinformation channels on the internet and none of it is set in stone and can with effort be overthrown by the LIGHT WARRIORS. It is far from hopeless at the present time as the projector is flawed and the structures are disintegrating due to the influx of light from the higher realms. The projector (internet, TV, Media) has been saturated with light as well as dark imagery and this is its undoing.
 Part of what I gleaned from Sanandas inspirations was that how beings in the higher levels moved about was to pull focus on where they wanted to go and removed focus of where they had been and this brought them to the new focal point. This is how we will defeat the dark ones whose power to continue comes not from themselves but as true vampires they use your energy focus to keep the ball rolling. It is imperative that we focus on the way we want things to be and not to become mesmerized by the imagery of the ongoing battles that are illusory at best. Caught up in the struggle we are duped into giving over our energy to these projections and help keep them stable.
 The way out when confronted in time and space by the very physical struggle is to balance the evil movement with an opposite directive and bring the WILL of the Creator to bear on whatever situation you find yourself in. The Creators will is to the betterment of mankind and the creation in general and to demand that this manifests in any situation is to be a co-creator of the GOOD with the Father/Mother of all and is the work of the SONS/SUNS of GOD that is why we are here in this dimension at this time. Demand that the WILL of the FATHER/MOTHER GOD BE MANIFEST in time and space and see what happens. As you practice this you will become a stronger and stronger channel for changover to the GOOD and this is the GREAT work that is demanded of the lightworkers at this time in history.
The machinery created by the dark ones to enslave mankind and hold us down in frequency is shaking and crumbling and its controlers are fearfull of the end as it comes roaring in at them like an unstoppable tidal wave of LIGHT. Those of us of the LIGHT will ride it like the LIGHT SURFERS we are. Happy Easter and happy surfing. Cheers,
 RT, A.K.A.   Aaron  Standing Bear