Patrick H. Bellringer
I read Casper's two updates today as I always can't wait to hear from him each and every day. I also was directed for some reason to "The Tree of Golden Light" website and Dieter Brauns discussion of "Who Are The Galactic Federation And What are They Doing For Us At This Time" article by Dieter.
While there I also read and extensive article or story supposedly channeled by Nancy Tate which was a conversation or lecture between Hatonn & Anakhanda Shaka Mushaba of the Council Of Mushaba. It even had an ending piece by Mathew, Of "Messages From Mathew" fame if you want to call it that.
What Nancy had to say about OBAMA and "His Incredible Role" as a starchild, starseed or Acended Master etc. from the past, as it relates to "SAVING" the world and his meetings with the Council of Mushaba before the election and then your story of late about Obama meeting with Hatonn, Jesus Emmanuel, Adama, & The Global Community where he agreed he would be granted safety from Bushes Bullets (before the Inauguration) if he did the three tasks asked of him, which he promised to do, seems to be so far off from Casper's last 4 Updates as could ever possibly be. It's clearly the difference between Black & White or Night & Day.
I remember Suzy Ward's last 3-5 Messages From Mathew on Jean Hudon's Global Visionary emails, and they all sounded just as incredibly detailed as this Nancy Tate piece as it relates to Obama supposedly being this "INCREDIBLE" being, who was sent from the "Heavens" to save us all. My intuition, my vivid dreams of late & my "GUT" says that what Casper is telling us all is "The Story" we should all be listening to. After reading Benjamin's piece this morning along with Heneghan's piece today also, they seem to both be saying or describing as I look at it, that the Illuminati's back's are up against the wall for the first time, and it's really time for all of them to flip out with fear, maybe for the first time ever during this transition process. That they are also trying to drag the Chinese into their crap, and maybe succeeding in the endeavor.
I guess I'm just taking the long way around the world to ask you simply, where are your feelings, beliefs and/or your standings as they relate to this man called "OBAMA". Is he a righteous man acting like and evil fool, as maybe he's been caught in a self made web of blackmail and greed, or is a man who was at one point was good man and then turned to the seduction of the "dark Side", or is he just a man who without pulling any punches, is just plain evil.
I will respect "Anything" you have to say as to helping me and my gut point our consciousness in the right direction. I have no other option at this time but to listen carefully to your answer to my question. I know you will be as righteous as is humanly possible in crafting your answer. I await your voice on this subject.
Love & Light To You & Anne,
people that work in the energy field say Obama is surrounded by light and good energy...they can see it....and therefore he is good give him time as he fights the evil forces and changes things to the good......how can they see all this light around a person like him?
Hi Patrick,
In relation to Obama being cloned, as I recall Obama (& Michelle I think) have spent at least 3 weekends at Camp David. It has been said that Camp David is a cloning/programing site. Also after each visit Obama has come out promoting The Darkside Agenda.
5. (Reply)
Just how long will it take for people to get fed up with all this B.S. and announce NESARA, so we can have closure? I'm praying for this to happen for Easter.
Casper always likes to say " We don't know everything" and of that there is no doubt. Casper is only the bearer of endless bad news for those who continue to wait, but many have figured out that these programs will never fund and have moved on with their lives. The reason that they will never fund ( at least in this lifetime ) is that the power to hold them back is greater than those wanting it to happen.
John, I could almost agree with you. The waiting seems interminable, the delays endless, however, as quoted above,"The power to hold them back is greater that those wanting it to happen". But, is it?
On the surface this may appear to be true, certainly by the results to date. I had similar thoughts.
The only factor that has not been made clear is the most powerful force of all, that of consciousness and Creator God Aton's Plan 2000.
Creator God has reminded us that Plan 2000 is where we win. In spite of the odds; in spite of the seeming impossibility, Light triumphs over Darkness.
Having spent many happy hours at sea (in small boats) I can assure you that 'it is always darkest before the dawn.'
In Love and Light