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From: MC
Sent: Saturday, March 28, 2009 12:20 PM
Subject: MC - Focused Intention

Dear Patrick and Anne
It seems that the news from almost every direction brings with it more chaos and scrambled intention.  Thank you for the NESARA update that brought with it a great deal of Peace of Mind to your grateful readers.  However, the messages of evil intent can't help but bring a wedge of discontent to the minds of good people who are praying for the best outcome for themselves and their fellow earthly residents. 
Even though these times have been prophesied, the experience of it is overwhelming to the most avid spiritual crusader.  At this time, a scattered intent is of little value if any at all, yet it is so difficult to keep a focused intent when it is needed so much now.  We must remember, A SCATTERED INTENT IS A TOOL OF THE NEGATIVE FORCES AT WORK.  It is difficult at best with so many worries and distractions of the mind and feelings to keep from falling into the trap of confusion anger and self degradation.  Anger is an indication of a feeling of helplessness.
There needs to be an escape and a calming of the mind and Being of those who have incarnated here to experience these days.  It is difficult to express how important a focused intention is to those of us who are here to work in concert in the order as 'mid-wives' to spiritually pull this beautiful Earth through this most painful birthing process.  There are brave forces on the front lines who put themselves in the face of death's door for us as they take care of the technical, financial, and reporting aspects of this birthing process, and we are deeply indebted to all of them.
I, as one member of this great process, humbly present a focusing exercise.  First find a quiet place, it could be in nature, it could be very early before the world becomes busy or it could be in your closet or any room that is quiet and peaceful.  This Sunday is good.  Sit quietly and listen to your heart as though you have all the time in the world until there are no distracting thoughts running through your mind.  If a relentless one keeps disturbing you, gently tell it you will attend to it as soon as you're through.  Begin by expressing love and gratitude for as many things and Beings as you possibly can until you can find yourself in your mind's eye rising above the dark chaos that lays as a cover on this beloved planet.  Express love for your Guides, your Angels, Prime Source, Isu Sananda and all Ascended Masters, the White Knights and Light Warriors.  Invite the Light from these Beautiful Beings to wash over and through you until you can see and feel it bathing all worldly cares away and you feel that nothing is more profound and important to you than their presence and yours combined.  There, above the chaos or even in fifth dimension where the New Earth exists with her hills and valleys, lakes and streams with trees and flowers, you can be administered to by the Higher Realms and also ALLOW yourself to be in a vibrational connection to those fellow earthings who have spiritually risen above the chaos to find peace with the Higher Realms.  In this place there is a deep ALIVENESS and a powerful KNOWING that anything is possible.  It gets easier the more it is practiced.  In this place there is a PEACEFULNESS that surpasses all understanding and you know that anything you ask for is already yours since your are one with the Universe.
It is a basic Law of the Universe that when you put out a focused intention, the vibration of it automatically reaches out into the Universe and attracts and latches on to the matching vibration which is intended, pulling it toward you.  However, other feelings related to that intent can be attracted also.  So very often we tend to stand directly in the way of our own focused intentions by giving way to the thoughts of the world and why these intentions will not be fulfilled.  However, keep in mind that any thought or 'emotion' that makes you lose the vibrational connection with the Higher Realms and the matching vibration of the focused intentions is counter productive to the results you want. Your emotions are a good indication of your vibrational relationship with your intentions.  When your emotions relate that you have lost vibrational connection with your intent, it is time to find a quiet place and refocus.
Just remember, we all came here simply to create our own experience of this life as an extension of Prime Source.  Lets create a beautiful experience for all of us.
In Love and Light