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Patrick H. Bellringer

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  ----- Original Message -----
From: GH
Sent: Sunday, March 15, 2009 11:09 AM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10


Thank You, I just wanted to find out if this link is a valid source for the Phoenix Jounals.


FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
      TO:  GH
DATE:  March 15, 2009
Dear GH:
    Under U.S. copyright law material written in a journal format does not need to be copyrighted.  Journals can be written and published freely for anyone to read, re-copy and distribute with the only requirement that the material not be altered and that the source/author be given.  Such is the case with the Phoenix Journals.
    They were written and formatted, as journals under Hatonn's direction for this very reason.  In the earliest years of the Phoenix Journal Project, the U.S. Government via lawsuit banned ten of the Phoenix Journals and ordered 110,000 copies destroyed.  In 1996 through diligent search we found original copies of these banned journals in the U.S. and Canada.  We photo-copied these journals and scanned them onto our computer.  After cropping, formatting , bookmarking and indexing them, in a bold move they became the first Phoenix Journals ever to be published on the Worldwide Web.  Thus it was that Fourwinds mission of presenting Truth to the world began. 
    We continued on for the next ten years locating and publishing on Fourwinds both the published (115) and the unpublished (126) Phoenix Journals, completing this task in 2006.  So, now the entire archive of 241 Phoenix Journals are archived on our sister website and can be accessed at that site or through
    Many of the published Phoenix Journals are available in paperback form from the Contact Newspaper Office in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.  Call 1-800-800-5565.  Some of the earliest Journals are out of print.  Their cost has been $6.00/copy plus shipping.
    You have asked whether is a valid source for the Phoenix Journals.  This website was established under the direction of E.J. and Doris Ekker in 2004.  Nearly all that is posted on this website has been stolen from our website.  Phoenix Source Distributors has stolen all our photo copying, scanning, internet formatting, bookmarking, and indexing of all the published and unpublished Phoenix Journals, as well as the summaries of the unpublished Journals from our PhoenixArchives/Fourwinds websites.
    They have, also, stolen all the photo copying, scanning, internet formatting indexing and bookmarking of the 500 issues of the Contact Newspaper published from 1992-1998.  They have done the same for the pre-Contact publications of the Phoenix Express and the Phoenix Liberator.
    Therefore, we do not recommend using this site due to their unethical and illegal actions.  Any paperback Journals obtained from them must come from the same source, the Contact Newspaper Office in Las Vegas, NV, as this is the only source in the world for the published Journals.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer